Chapter 5 "Sage"

Chapter 5 "Sage"

A Chapter by Aubrey Harrell

Sage finds Candor at the watering hole and learns a big secret!



Nightshadow had Kurt and Sol position in a circle with him. An open spot lay empty for me to take. I took it gladly happy to see all of them. Sol wagged his tail and Nightshadow smiled.

“Ok there is big business to talk about the event coming up. That meeting is going to be important, but I don’t really know what she wants to talk about.” He tilted his head a little and looked up as if thinking. After just a couple of seconds he looked back at us and continued. “Kurt you will be going to the meeting with me. I am going to trust Sage to stay here with Sol. I hate to leave both of you here alone, but I can’t do anything about it.” He nodded his head at that.

“Nightshadow don’t worry about Sol and me. We will be just fine.” I stated. I trusted that Candor would stop them from doing anything irrational against us. I bet they are just wanting to talk about maybe trading some food for some herbs or something. I know they are hungry. The sun had disappeared  from tky and let the beautiful stars sprinkle the sky. The moon sat in the sky shining brightly illuminating the vast landscape. I lay down next to the entrance of our den. Life was good. I am very thankful for my pack and the wolves in it. My eyelids concealed my ability to see the world and I fell asleep. Sol had come and lane next to me. Nightshadow had went to scout sometime in the night. Kurt didn’t sleep he just watched both of us all night.

Morning came faster than I wanted. My eyes fluttered open and sunshine stung them.

“Good morning sleeping beauty. Nightshadow and I got food.” Kurt smiled at me.

“Oh really? Ya’ll hunted without me!” I whined a little. Why should I complain I didn’t have to do any work.

“Ya, it took longer than usual, but we took it down.” He informed me proudly. I smirked.

“Ok proud one.” I stood up. Sol’s little body just rolled the rest of the way down from leaning on me. “He is such a hard sleeper.”

“Always has been.” Kurt chuckled.

“Yep.” I agree with him. I turned away from the two and started working my way towards the carcass Kurt spoke of. Nightshadow sat beside it. I smelt the carcass hungrily and dug it. My stomach filled quickly and I licked my chops clean.

“Was it good?” Nightshadow asked.

“As always.” I reply.  “Are you ready for tonight?”

“Not really. I have no clue what they may be planning or if they are planning anything. She hasn’t given me any details.” He looks to the ground uhappy.

“Calm down. Everything will be fine. I told you this already.” I argued a little. “Don’t beat yourself up. Things will go smoothly. Everything will be fine.” I give him a little smile. My throat was parched so I headed onto the river. The river was rushing a little extra today. No worries.

One I had myself a good drink I heard a little voice.

“Sage?” Sol called my name.

“Oh hey Sol. How are you doing? We have an exciting event today.” I nodded.

“Yah, but Night has been really worried about it. Should we be worried about it.” He asked me with wide, curious, little eyes.

“No, not at all. Nightshadow will go and meet with their alpha come up with something for whatever they want and then come right back to us. We will be sitting here patiently waiting. We can play games and have fun while we wait too.” I smile at his tail wagging as I spoke. Sol definitely felt better.

“You mean it?” He questioned me one last time.

“Yes of course now come on the watering hole won’t swim itself.” He smiled and laughed at me, happily, as we ran to the watering hole together. Our feet burned on the hot ground today as the sun beat down on our backs. Green bushes ran around the little oasis as trees shunned the sun’s hot rays. Sol ran and jumped into the water with a large splash sending water beads everywhere. A quick laugh sprung from my muzzle out into the open. He just smiled at me and swam around in circles or figure eights. I sat out on the edge of the watering hole next to a grand oak watching him play. A soft whispered called my name, “Sage, sage..” I turned around and looked behind the bushes and the tree seeing Candor standing there. “What are you doing here?” I hiss at him.

“I have important life or death news.” He boldly proclaimed. My head jolted back a little, my nose pointed to the ground, all wide eyed.

“Life or death?” I repeat. “About tonight?”

“Yes, I learned about this last night, but it was too late to come tell you. My alpha has a plan to go on her own to meet Nightshadow and that other wolf of yours.” He began.

“Kurt.” I cut him off. “Now continue.” He rolled his eyes a little and laughed just a bit.

“My alpha is going to keep your packmates busy while the rest of our pack sneaks to you and that pup. We are suppose to grab the pup and then threaten to kill him unless you come with us back to our den. There one of us will go to our alpha and she will give your alpha the news.” As he informed me on this new information I just couldn’t believe it. Tonight I was suppose to be taken hostage.

Right there and then I tackled him growling and snapping at his face. My paws held his shoulders down pinning him nicely.

“You little flea-bitten mutt! I can’t believe your pack would do such a thing. Why can’t we get along? Huh? I can’t believe I was friends with you!” I yell at him and snap at him, but then I stop remembering Sol. I had forgotten he was with me. I got off of Candor and turned around. Sol stood there with fear in his eyes, tail tucked underneath him, and fur dripping wet. “Sol?” I call his name more like an unasked question.

    “Sage, who is this?” he asked tilting his head just a tad still fearful. I turn around to Candor who looked hurt from me snapping at him. I yearned to make him feel worse.

    “Nobody important to me.” I responded boldly. Candor crumbled right there in front of me. I surprisingly took pleasure it that moment or his weakness. I turned back to Sol. His eyes still struck fear, but he was much more curious. A wind started to blow and my fur moved with it. A couldn’t look at Candor anymore. He had betrayed me and he hurt me. Why should I still be here? “Come Sol, you won’t tell Night about this. You won’t say anything about this. Understand?” I ask him to make sure he won’t bother Nightshadow. Sol nodded his head respectfully. I nudged him forward with my nose, but he just kept looking at Candor.

    “Sage who is this wolf?” He asked me.

    “I told you nobody important.” I responded once again bold.

    “But what is his name?” He questioned me again. I turned around to look at Candor. His eyes were sad and blue. His shoulders slumped upset with himself. His tail drooped lifeless. His head hung low to the ground. I broke him. I have the power to break this strong wolf with words. How? He was kind to me and kept my secret when if he wanted me dead he would have killed me a long time ago. Candor laughed with me, spoke with me, was patient with me. He kept our secret. Why am I this way?

    “Sol, this wolf is someone important. This wolf is my friend. This wolf was so kind to me. This wolf’s name is Candor.” I end my little speech there. Candor's head lifted and looked at me again with his big brown eyes. I saw Sol’s little head dart back and forth between us. If he kept going like that then he would get a headache.

    “Sage, I came to warn you about the attack. I came to tell you of a plan I came up with to keep ya’ll safe. I had no intentions of hurting you.” Candor spoke softly explaining why he came here in the first place. I am so stupid. I should have asked why he was here. Candor would never hurt me.

    “I am sorry. I really am. I am so stupid.” I began ashamed of myself.

    “No! You are so smart. Sage you are fun and such an amazing wolf. Everyone makes mistakes.” He paused for a quick moment. “It is the fact that you see them that is what makes me forgive you.” He gave me a sweet smile. I grinned a little back at him. We stayed this way for a least thirty seconds just staring at one another. Sol finally broke us.

    “Um so what is the plan?” Sol asked. Candor jerked back to attention.

    “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Here it is……”

© 2017 Aubrey Harrell

Author's Note

Aubrey Harrell
Anything that could be possibly changed?

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Added on April 2, 2017
Last Updated on April 2, 2017
Tags: Sage, Forbidden