Chapter 2 "Candor"

Chapter 2 "Candor"

A Chapter by Aubrey Harrell


  I walked up the steep hill back to the den. Sage, Sage, what a beautiful name. When I saw her I

couldn't help but stare. The moonlight hit her perfectly, but when I saw her I felt as if I turned a tomato

color red. Oh wow. That was the best late night get out ever! The den was just ahead. I could see Xavier from here. I smiled glad to see him. Xavier is my best friend. He always has my back. Aphrodite lay at the entrance of the den. Xavier and Hope lay close to her. I tiptoe moving to Xavier and lay down. The moon shone above bright. There were barely any clouds tonight. Maybe I will see Sage again. Should I tell Xavier about her? Why does she have to be in the Bison pack our enemy? Why, oh why, oh why? I closed my eyes and tried to think of sleep. Soon enough sleep pulled me underneath it’s grand waves and I fell asleep.  

Morning came quickly without warning. The sun warmed my thick coat. I woke up, yawned, and stretched. When I opened my eyes no one was there. I lifted my ears and tried to smell anyone. I found them. The pack was with someone. I ran as fast as I could towards the smells. As I got closer my eyes picked them out one by one. Hope, Aphrodite, Xavier, Sage, and one other wolf. I was happy to see my new secret friend. Sage’s eyes met mine for a split second and then we looked away from each other. If the packs knew we had talked at least a little last night a war could start out. A large male stood beside Sage. His tail was lifted. Aphrodite started to speak on my arrival.

“Nightshadow, I want to talk to you.” she spoke lightly, but I knew her better. She was very nervous.

Nightshadow raised a brow. “Why?” He questioned her.

“For my reasons, we have company. Now I would like to meet with you at the Lone Tree. Please be there at sunset, five moons from now.” She tilted her head and started to trot away without another word. She turned back around quickly for one more thing, “By the way bring two of your strongest males, don’t bring her.” Her eyes cut sharp into Sage as if she were trying to use a heat vision. Peculiar, unusual, odd, Aphrodite defiantly had something in her fur, but what it is is the real question.

Hope and Xavier had followed Aphrodite. I took one more peep at Nightshadow and Sage before I left. Night had turned to Sage and was taking to her, but her mind was elsewhere. The pack had gone farther than I thought they had, so I picked up my pace. What is Aphrodite doing? Why was she going to meet the other alpha? What is she planning? I really wanted to talk to Sage again, having this secret was really exciting me. I have to talk to her, tonight!

      Aphrodite sat on the top of the hill. There wasn’t any wind today and the sun was extremely hot. I pulled Xavier over and we moved down to the river to go swimming. I wanted to tell Xavier about Sage, but he invited Hope along. That plan is out. The dust flew behind us as we sprinted down the hill. The river water was rushing a little less today. Perfect! Xavier made it down first and he did a flip into the water. Hope and I laughed. Hope jumped in next, than myself. The water was very refreshing and it cooled my baking fur.

“This is really nice.” I declared happily.

“You said it!” Hope responded.

Xavier smiled at me. I splashed him. The water flew onto his face.

“Hey!” He yelled trying to sound angry, but he was being playful. He chased me around. Hope had gotten out and had been watching us. She had fallen over laughing so hard. Xavier smiled at that. He hasn't told me anything about liking Hope, but whenever she is here he is a different wolf. He drug himself out and he shook off his coat.

“Hey, Hope wanna go on a walk?” Xavier said kind of leaving me there. Hope smiled and nodded. They trotted off together and left me there like a rotten log.

“Well?” I ask myself. I got out of the river and shook my coat off. The heat hit me again. “Oh my grasshoppers! Why is it so hot today?” I complain. I look across to the other side. The Bison side had many trees full of shade and they had thick elk. Just the thought made my mouth water. Then I heard a rustle in the bushes. My ears pinned back and walked over to the bush a sniffed it; out popped Sage. I stepped back startled. She just laughed. “Hello!” I say.

“Hi.” she said licking her paw.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed looking around. “You're not on your side!” Her eyes lit up and looked at where she was. She bolted across the river. I laughed.

“Sorry. I was chasing a squirrel earlier and well I guess I crossed while trying to get it.” she said laughing at herself. “At least those other two wolves didn't notice.”

“Your lucky. Hope is super nosey.” I say raising my head. She laughs.

“Good to know.” she smiles. “Come on.” She started trotting on her her side. I followed her on my side. Dusk started to fall and the river had picked up speed.

“Where are we going?” I ask unsure.

“One of my favorite get away places.” She looked at me with her pretty ice blue eyes. I saw Saddle just ahead. Canyon Cliffs were to our left and Aspen to our right.

“Come on over, cross.” I wadded into the river and walked across without trouble. Sage and I padded across the valley in the moonlight. I started thinking. Why am I trusting her so much? I just met her. Why is she taking me here? She has turned and started running to the Canyon Cliffs. I raced after her. Her tail flopped up and down as she ran. It was kind of cute. She turned around to make sure I was following and yelled, “Slow poke!” I laughed and picked up speed. “Come on or we are going to miss it.” Miss what? I lost Sage as she ran over a hill. Once I had ran over Sage had stopped at the cliff. She looked to the sky and back at me. I trotted up beside her.

“So why are we here?” I ask.

“For the stars.” That was all she said. The sun went all the way under the horizon. The moon came out and stars were scattered in the sky. “It is beautiful. The sky is one of things I love the most. Every night nothing is the exact same. There is always a new star or a comet.” She was looking at the sky as a pup would a mouse.

“How often you come out here?” I ask.

“At least once every five moons. My pack doesn't know I come out here. I usually sneak while they are asleep.” I nod my head understanding her view here.

“So how is your pack doing?” I ask trying to keep a conversation going.

“Shut up.” She says quickly and turns around.

“Oh I am sorry. Not doing well?” My heart sank feeling upset for her.

“No be quiet!” She is close to hissing at me. I stay quiet and listen. Crack, crack, crack. “They are back.” she whispers. “Hide!” We both ran into large bush just as two creatures came out.

“What are they?” I asked very confused and nervous.

“The one with dark hair is Rob and the one with light hair is Joe. They are human hunters. They hunt wolves like us.” She whispers to me. She was shaking.

“Hey, it’s ok. Also how do you know their names?” I start to ask, but the humans start to speak to one another.

“I was sure I saw one. Actually I am pretty sure I saw two.” The human, Sage called Rob, said very confused and upset.

“Well you stupid dumbo there wasn't any over here.” Joe rolled his eyes. They walked away together not happy with each other. When we thought it was safe to come out we shuffled out of the bush. Sage brushed herself off and I fluffed my tail back out.

“I think it is best we leave now.” Sage said.

“Hold on I have lots of questions!” I blurted out. She turned to me.

“I have to get back to my pack so two questions for now.” She looked tired, worn out. Her fur blew a little in the soft breeze that had just started to pick up.

“Ok. Why did you bring me here? Why are those humans here?” I ask these questions with curiosity bolting through my body  my head swirling.

“I brought you here because I trust you and with a secret friend I want to share a secret place that we could meet every now and then. We need a sign to show that we need to meet. For your second question, those humans are hunting wolves for some paper stuff. It is valuable to them and apparently we are valuable to the humans. Does that answer your questions?” She yawns a little after she spoke. I nods my head happy.

“I will put a stick into the ground by the river where we met when I want to meet you. You can do the same.” I say a little tired myself. She nods and we split up heading to our dens.

© 2017 Aubrey Harrell

Author's Note

Aubrey Harrell
I changed the view points of the story hoping that would make it better. Does it?

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Tomatoe red - that made me smile I have to say.

I love how you have drawn me into this story of these wolves which have voices. It is not something which I usually read BUT I was thinking about it today and was looking forward to reading the next part. You haven't disappointed me at all.
See, for me, little touches like Nightshadow raising his brow and when Xavier gets splashed in the face and yells - its things like those which ADD so much to the story and shows the personalities of the wolves like they are actually humans. Also when hope and Xavier went for a walk - that was so cool. It showed that they were buddys and wanted to chill (maybe have a But again it brings so much to the table in a story.

'Slow poke' I really can imagine a wolve turing round to another and saying this because of your talent of making the reader become involved in such a diverse but yet fascinating story.
The dialogue towards the end was fascinatingly brilliant and skillfully put together.

I shall be reading more for sure.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Tomatoe red - that made me smile I have to say.

I love how you have drawn me into this story of these wolves which have voices. It is not something which I usually read BUT I was thinking about it today and was looking forward to reading the next part. You haven't disappointed me at all.
See, for me, little touches like Nightshadow raising his brow and when Xavier gets splashed in the face and yells - its things like those which ADD so much to the story and shows the personalities of the wolves like they are actually humans. Also when hope and Xavier went for a walk - that was so cool. It showed that they were buddys and wanted to chill (maybe have a But again it brings so much to the table in a story.

'Slow poke' I really can imagine a wolve turing round to another and saying this because of your talent of making the reader become involved in such a diverse but yet fascinating story.
The dialogue towards the end was fascinatingly brilliant and skillfully put together.

I shall be reading more for sure.


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on March 3, 2017
Last Updated on March 9, 2017