Unfinished Story

Unfinished Story

A Story by Amberway

I looked into my mirror in New Jersey for the last time, 20 miles from one of the biggest cities in the USA.  I went to New York City about every day or every other day if that. You couldn’t keep me away from there. I loved the tall buildings, crowded streets, the shopping, and most of all, the many opportunities I had to become an actress. But the closest I got to that or I will ever get was my middle school “Wizard of Oz” play. I was Dorothy the main role! I had 2 callbacks just to get the part. That was my moment in the spotlight, the big stage, everyone screaming for me when I took the bow! Not the stage crew or little munchkin on the side. Which is where I will end up because I am moving. How can it be that my dream, inspiration and passion can all be taken away from me because of my mom’s job being moved? She says she’s tired of the city. I am tired of thinking where we might end up other than here.            


As I saw my blank stare looking back at me in the mirror. I thought of what I could have been. Not even that, what I would have been! I imagined my face on the big screen or on a Broadway stage, my face glowing, with my fancy make up artists making me look beautiful like I had never felt before. After the best performance ever, everyone wants my autograph and a picture. I see my smile the shimmering white pearly teeth. Not the purple braces I have on now. Then I come out of my daydream, now it’s only plain old 16 year old, a junior in high school, Riley Faith Lee. What a name mine could have been! All over magazines, newspapers, Internet, TV and my fans walls! But without the glamour of being famous, what is so special about Riley Faith Lee?


            After I stared at myself for a while. I realized that the future I had always dreamed about, wrote about, sang, and told everyone about, was gone. That now my future is going to decide itself. My path will come to me when it wants. Not when I choose. I continued to pack all of my things in to my suitcases, half of it flowing outside of it. Not wanting to stay in, I tried sitting on top of my suitcase. That didn’t work, so I decided to give up and the rest would just be thrown in the car or left behind. Some things we were leaving behind, like my old kiddy stuff. Which from what I thought would be something parents would always cherish. The times when their child was good, nice, and couldn’t back sass them. But apparently that’s for “Hoarders” to what my mom says. When I have children I plan on keeping every little thing they say or do. Whether I write it down, take a picture, or keep it locked in my mind, kept safe in a filing cabinet just for memories of my child.  Sometimes I feel like my mom just acts like “okay I guess you’re here and I will have to live with you”. But maybe that’s just how I take it. It might be completely different from her perspective. At least I know when I have children, I will make sure they won’t have to know the difference.


I finished packing the rest of my clothes, and other “useless junk” as my mother also says. I can never tell if she is kidding, so I never know if I should laugh or not. I normally just give my blank stare, which I am pretty good at doing. I usually give the “blank stare” when I don’t know what to say or wasn’t paying attention. Sometimes it works with teachers when they ask me a question and I wasn’t paying attention so I just give the blank stare and normally they don’t know what to do so they infer what my blank stare is about. Some will say, “Do you feel okay? Would you like to go to the nurse and go home?” Well you can pretty much guess how I answered that question, “YES!”


© 2012 Amberway

Author's Note

Alright. This is just a little bit of what I started one time, but I never finished. Let me know if it's worth finishing :)

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I thought it was an interesting read, would love to read the rest of it and I think it's worth continuing even if you any want to make a short story out of it, although it sounds like it would make a great opening for a book.
A couple edits, one is in the third paragraph a couple sentences in: "I continued to pack all of my things in to my suitcases, half of it flowing outside of it" I would change the last part to get rid of one of the 'of it's' with something else like: half of it still overflowing outside of the bags"
and the second edit is later on in the same paragraph: "But apparently that’s for “Hoarders” to what my mom says" the word 'to' being used instead of the word 'is.'

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I thought it was an interesting read, would love to read the rest of it and I think it's worth continuing even if you any want to make a short story out of it, although it sounds like it would make a great opening for a book.
A couple edits, one is in the third paragraph a couple sentences in: "I continued to pack all of my things in to my suitcases, half of it flowing outside of it" I would change the last part to get rid of one of the 'of it's' with something else like: half of it still overflowing outside of the bags"
and the second edit is later on in the same paragraph: "But apparently that’s for “Hoarders” to what my mom says" the word 'to' being used instead of the word 'is.'

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 22, 2012
Last Updated on February 22, 2012



I love writing and music in general. I play piano and guitar. Love Lord Of The Rings and Johnny Depp. :) more..

Hippie Hippie

A Poem by Amberway