Your spouse and child are in danger
You must do everything to save them
But you have to think quickly
Time is of the essence
Panic and you'll mess up
No time to think
Follow your instincts
Go with the gut feeling
Keep a straight head
Let your mind unclear
Get rid of all the noise
Don't involve emotions
Think before you act
If it doesn't make sense it can't be possible
See your objectives
Consider all your options
Account for all the variables
Insert the missing variables
Remove the dormant values
Utilize all of your potentials
Find the quickest way out
Its your recipe for success
A minor lag is just a short victory
Don't give up hope
Your time will come
For victory is at the end
You have a million options
He only sees one option
There must always be a way out
Just block him from seeing it
You can't trust him with the power
He who holds the cards controls the game
Reduce his ability to move
Plant the thorns all over his path
Counter his capacity to make decisions
Suffocate him
Where will he go
You've considered every possible scenario
You've seen every possible outcome
The game is over before it begun
Some spots are weaker than others
But you must find that loophole
That last nail in the coffin
That will bring it all tumbling down like a pack of cards
You have already considered every possible option
You have already considered every possible escape route
But it has to make sense
For if it doesn't you will forget
What does it truly mean for your position in the game
Does it raise your points or does it lower them
For every move must have a value
Every step must have meaning
But he must never know where you're going
How could he know what you are thinking
Random motion can never be predictable
For victory could come in so many different ways
So you have to keep all your options open
You'll never really know how the game will end
It only becomes more clear as you get a long
If he doesn't fall for it this time we'll see the next time
If he doesn't fall for it this way how about the other way
For when it is his turn he must move
And he must think quickly
For time is of the essence
You're obstructed from your goal
You're protected from your destination
Your target is retreating away from you
He must not control the environment
He'll lead you into a trap
Lets break the barriers and seek the targets
Lets seek the targets and break the barriers
Lets limit the retreat and seek the targets
There is a host of different methods
There is a collection of different tactics
He'll never see it coming
You're in a game
Your spouse and child are the ultimate prize
You must save them
But you have limited resources
How shall you do it
You have to follow all the possible options
You have to exhaust all the possible routes
The more likely routes you can take the greater your chances
The freer you are the better for your sake
But watch out
Because the opponent is smarter than you think
Its really just a game
Just keep dancing until you see it coming
Just play it safe
Until you find that loophole
Just keep the delay
Until he makes a mistake
Don't take it personally
But every move must count
Every step must hurt
Every thought a part of the grand design
You're weaving your way out
No loose ends allowed
All you need is to take out the King
The Pawns are just for starters
You can break through the castle
Kill the Bishop
Take all the Horses
Capture the Queen
And dethrone the king
Or you can send in an undercover assassin
And they won't see him coming