21 - Prom Night

21 - Prom Night

A Chapter by robbie baby

dedicated to my best friend. without her thi story wouldnt exsit today.



Robbie POV
It’s been another two whole months since I’ve heard from Taylor, and within those two months Sara stopped trying to make my life a living nightmare, the rumor’s been lifted after two days, and everyone seems happy. Also, I have heard that Taylor and Sara had broken up…what a surprise; although I have to admit I do still care about Taylor, even if he is a low life b*****d; sorry excuse my French, but tonight is prom night and everyone is anxious to dance the night away.
I woke up fairly early at around eight in the morning, the four of us; us being Chris Zahara Aldrin and myself, agreed that Zahara and her parents would come over here at around 12 with her dress and essentials and I would do her makeup and the boys would come here already dressed; we also agreed that we’d all crash here for the night after prom. I showered for what seemed to be hours but in actuality only thirty minutes, blow dried my hair and straightened it. I waited until 11:00 on the couch watching T.V. when I heard the doorbell rang. Thinking it was Zahara I eagerly ran to the door with a big smile on my face, however when I opened the door I found Michael, my mom’s current boyfriend standing in the doorway. He never comes to visit, even if he and my mom were going out he’d be waiting in the car for her.
MI: Good Morning.
R: uh, Good Morning, come inside
MI: thank you (walks inside) so, prom’s tonight.
R: how did you know-?
All of a sudden my mom came rushing down the stairs. She wasn’t dressed like she was going out, she was just wearing her house clothes, sweats, baggy t-shirt…at least her hair looked decent.
Mom: Good morning! (kisses Michael)
R: what’s going on?
Mom: Listen, I had a really long talk with a certain someone the other day and it made me realize that I’m missing out on my daughter’s life. I mean, weekdays are one thing but I can at least spend more time with you on the weekends. Can you ever forgive me?
I couldn’t help but smile with warmth. I felt myself beginning to cry but it wasn’t out of sadness or anger for once, but more out of happiness.
R: (smiling) oh mom. (Hugs her) but who-?
From behind her, Charlotte came up beside her with a smile and said,
C: it was my pleasure miss Reed.
R: oh Charlotte Thank you
I embraced her into a hug. She tightly squeezed me back and now everything felt like it was right in place, like nothing could go wrong. When I let go of her the door bell rang and a few knocks followed shortly after. Seeing the excitement on my face, Charlotte lightly pushed me to the door. I opened to find Zahara and her parents at the door, I greeted them and they came in, I put my hands on Zahara’s shoulders and showed her to my mom.
R: mom, you remember Zahara right?
Mom: of course! It’s nice to see you again honey (hugs her)
Z: (hugs her back/confused) uh, it’s nice to see you too. (looks at Robbie)
R: I’ll tell you later. Michael this is my best friend. Zahara this is Michael, my mom’s boyfriend, you know the one I told you about?
Z: ooh! It’s nice to meet you Michael. These are my parents.
MI: it’s nice to meet you guys.
R: we’re going to get ready okay?
Zahara followed me upstairs with her dress in hand and other essentials in the other. As she entered my room she put the stuff on my bed and sat down while I grabbed a couple of water bottles from my mini fridge. I handed her a bottle and sat down on the computer chair across from the bed.
Z: so what’s with you mom? I thought she’d be out by now.
R: I thought so too, but apparently I’ve got a guardian angel looking over me.
Z: …which means?
R: it means, Charlotte told her everything!
Z: you’re maid!?
R: yes! Apparently she told my mom on how she was missing out on everything that goes on in my life, and I don’t know I guess she told her about Aldrin and Taylor and it got through to her.
Z: wow talk about a guardian angel. Okay enough talk, work your magic on me darling.
I got up to turn my radio on and the stations started playing some hip-hop and R&B. I sat back down and started bringing out my tools.
R: how do you want me to do it?
Z: just gimmie what you got. Surprise me.
I grabbed the eye shadow brush and started working on her. a few strokes here, a few colors there and in minutes I was done. I told her I was done and she was anxious to see, I handed her the pink mirror and she gasped.
Z: oh.my.god.
R: is it horrible? It’s horrible isn’t it?
Z: no I love it!
I gave her a kind of dark teal eye shadow with black in her outer corners to create a Smokey eye and a hint of champagne color in her inner corner to make it pop, also a white colored just under her brow to create a highlight. Hey, watching you tube on how to do makeup pays off, now the question was how would I do my makeup? I grabbed the same eye shadow brush and after cleaning it I started to just play with it. in a matter of minutes I was already done; I came up with a kind of white and silver eyeshadow with a smokey feel to it. as I finished I noticed Zahara starring at me with a smile on her face.
R: were you just starring at me the whole time!?
Z: NO….maybe.
We burst into laughter at her comment and we started to fix our hair. My hair was just slightly curled to give it a wavy look and I pulled it in a side pony tail with a black hair band with a flower attached to it while Zahara’s was more curled and clipped up with a jeweled hair clip. Suddenly the door bell rand along with a few knocks. .
R: s**t they’re here!
 T: what!? what time is it?
We both looked at the clock which read 4:00. damn we were late. Prom didn’t start until 8:00 however we agreed that we would just eat here ad get a chance to meet then family. all of a sudden Charlotte came through the door saying the boys had arrived
RL just tell them to give us 5 minutes okay Char?
And with that she left and we started to hurry trying to get into our dresses. Zahara had a teal colored dress that was tight around the waist and bust area and flowy and ruffled for the rest; she complemented it with teal colored heels. I had a creamy white dress with a silver and black flower pattern printed on it with a pair of black heels. We grabbed our small purses and headed out the door, we walked side by side so that everyone will notice the both of us. as we walked down the stairs everyone was already gathered around the foot of the stairs in front of the door waiting for us, casually talking to one another, our mothers were the first ones to notice and as they did they smiled and gasped, everyone noticed her expression and looked at us, they all started to smile, especially the boys. The boys had an excited a joyous smile on their faces as we appeared in front of them.
C: (to Zahara) you look beautiful.
Z: (blushes) thank you.
Aldrin just kept starring at me with a colossal smile on his face, which made my lips creep up to a shy smile as well.
R: mom this is-
Mom: I know, Charlotte’s told me all about you too. It’s nice to finally meet you Aldrin.
A: likewise Ms. Reed. (to Robbie) you look amazing)
R: no I don’t (looks down)
A: yes (lifts her chin) you do.
We did our corsage and boutonnière and it took us an hour to do our pictures with our family and with each other. We took about another hour just to eat and about 7:00 we all said our goodbyes and left to the school. it was only 7:30 and a huge line was forming, until 8:05 when the line started to shrink and we immediately got in, and as we did we did not hesitate to get on the dance floor. You probably know how high school dances go right? People freaking on their dates and random people, girls freaking on each other, or someone dancing by themselves but everybody’s too hyped up to notice or don’t care at all.
After, maybe an hour, Aldrin and I decided to call it quits, and as we got to our table Zahara and Chris were already sitting down catching their breath.
R: are you guys having fun?
Z: we’re having a blast!
A: hey be careful where you step I think someone blew chunks on the dance floor.
C: too late (puts his foot on the table showing remains of vomit on the bottom of his shoe)
Z/R/A: eeww!
R: let’s go take our pictures.
We all went to the cafeteria to take our keychain pictures and wallet pictures. Zahara and I took keychain and wallet pictures with our boyfriends and then with each other. As Zahara and I took our pictures together, Aldrin and Chris went off to talk with other guys that were there at a nearby table. As we finished Zahara took a head start going to Chris and I followed slowly behind, looking for my phone in my purse. Not looking where I was going, I carelessly bumped into someone, I would have fallen on my a*s if I hadn’t caught myself. I was about to apologize when I realized who I actually bumped into.
R: Taylor.
T: R-Robbie…..

© 2009 robbie baby

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AWWWWW OMG! i love you best friend and the dedication was hellla sweeet :]

tell me why everything we do in your stories is stuff we've done in real life?! or stuff we would do? AHAHAH I LOVES IT!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 23, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
