20 - Angst time

20 - Angst time

A Chapter by robbie baby

Taylor POV


I drove to the rider side outside of Bel-air; I stepped out of the car after grabbing my iPod touch and walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. I plugged the earphones into my ears and put it on shuffle, it started playing “your love is a lie” by simple plan and it made me realize what kind of friend I acted towards Robbie. How I walked out on her not believing her when she told me Sara was cheating on me. I just shut her out, left her there all alone. I quickly hit next and the song changed to “Best Ex” by the Dream.


I loved you. Girl you loved me.

And I just couldn’t see, tomorrow….

Baby, I cared for you, and I couldn’t

See us through, now in my heart

You will always be

The greatest ex ever


Not exactly a song that relates to us in any way, we’ve never actually been in a relationship like what the song explains, however she technically was considered an ex. I did care for her, I never wanted her to question that, and I guess….i did love her, after all she was my best friend and we loved each other like best friends should, but not how Sara always thought I was. I was never “in love with her.”


As I kept listening to the song, I started thinking about our past together.



3rd person POV


Sitting on the porch, 6 year old Taylor Lautner watches the movers bring in their families furniture into their new home. He sighed with depression seeing as how he’d have to start a new life here. His mother had reasoned with him and convinced him that this would bring him new opportunities in sunny Bel-Air, and with his new sister soon on the way, he couldn’t afford to live Michigan anymore. He starred at the ground with confusion and doubt, until he felt a new presence in front of him. He looks up to see a little girl, probably around his age standing before him. She had short dark brown hair tied in two pig tails on each side and she wore a white and pink striped tank top, denim capris, and pink converse.


Girl: (smiles) hi!         

T: H-hi…

Girl: (walks over to him and sits down next to him) so you’re new here?

T: yeah, obviously.

Girl: That’s cool, so am I; my family and I just moved here yesterday.


It stayed quiet between them, and awkward silence suddenly fell, until the little girl decided to break the stillness.


Girl: My name’s Robbie.

T: isn’t that a boys name?

R: (punches him on the arm)

T: OW!

R: don’t make fun of someone who just told you their name.

T: (rubs arm) im sorry. Jeez I thought girls were supposed to be nice.

R: I can be nice….when I have to.

T: you hit hard for a girl.

R: sorry. I try not to hit so hard like I do, my mom said that I have to be more sensitive.

T: I suggest you follow her advice.

R: (laughs) you’re funny.

T: where is your mom?

R: she’s right over there


She pointed to a tall brown skinned woman with curly hair, by the way she was dressed anyone can see that she was a very busy woman, talking to Taylor’s pregnant mom.


R: is that you’re mom?

T: yeah.

R: she’s really pretty. (notices her stomach) is she having a baby?

T: (voice saddens) yeah.

R: you’re really lucky. I wish I had a baby brother or sister.

T: why would you? Having the spotlight taken away from you, parents never listening to you, always wishing that you were never born.

R: it beats being the youngest out of everyone. Everybody looking down on you, never getting the freedom you deserve, always being treated like a baby.

T: wow; that must suck.

R: you don’t know the half of it.

T: you know, I was hoping to meet someone who knows more about this place and show me around.

R: doesn’t everybody……we can look around together. I mean, I only live down the street from you and I’m starting school on Monday. Neither one of us has to be alone.

T: (thinks about it, then smiles) okay, I’ll give it a shot.

R: Cool!


Then Robbie’s mom called her saying it was time to go. She said goodbye to Taylor and stood up and walked towards her mom.


T: wait!


She stopped in her tracks and turned around to see Taylor walking up to her.


T: Taylor.

R: what?

T: My name; it’s Taylor.

R: isn’t that a girl’s name?


They both smiled at each other and laughed. After that day they started visiting each other more and more with each passing day. They went to school together in the same grade and it turns out that they have a lot in common with each other than they thought. It was clear to them that this was the start of a beautiful friendship.



Taylor POV


I smiled at the thought of the past events; those were good times, unforgettable. Robbie was always there for me when I won my world cup championships; she always knew what to say when I was down. God, all she did our whole lives was protect me and I did the same, so why couldn’t I see that, that entire she doing was protecting me now? I felt something felt drip down my face again, I felt my cheek and felt a wet substance on my face. I was crying again. I shut off my iPod and drove home, I knew I’d probably get a beating for skipping school that day, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore, nothing matters anymore.


© 2009 robbie baby

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Added on August 23, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
