![]() 19 - TruthA Chapter by robbie babyThe Next Day
I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I threw the covers from the bed and got up still drowsy from my sleep. I heard a faint knock at the front door and decided to let Charlotte get it this time. I heard the door open and faint talking but I was too busy getting ready to notice whatever was being said. I pulled on something very basic; a ribbed long sleeve black shirt, and denim shorts. To go along with them I threw on my Nike high tops. There was a knock at my bedroom door, thinking Charlotte was telling me breakfast was ready I opened the door, but instead of Charlotte, I found Aldrin standing in my doorway.
R: what are you doing here? School doesn’t start for another two hours! A: I know. I just thought instead of school, you and me can go out for the rest of the day R: but Aldrin- A: listen. When I called you yesterday checking up on you and you said you were okay to be honest, I did not believe you on bit. R: yeah but what if someone gets the wrong idea when they notice we’re gone. A: One guy came up to you yesterday, compared to practically the whole school that knows that it takes a whole lot to get inside those shorts. And besides, I told Zahara and Chris where we were going and to handle things while we were gone. If anyone asks where we are or assumes what we’re doing, they’re going to set them straight. R: (smiles) you really thought this through didn’t you. A: I’ll always have your back. So what do you say? R: I say you are a crazy child.
I took my bag from my bed with my wallet, keys, cell phone, and other essentials inside, and took Aldrin’s hand. He drove me across the city downtown to a small star bucks; most of the kids who cut go here and lay back. We ordered one venti caramel frappucino and two sandwiches.
R: so did Zahara tell you who we think started the rumor? A: no. who? R: we think that Sara might have something to do with it. I mean, the rumor started right after the fight. A: (laughs) I wouldn’t actually call it a fight, she barely touched you. R: she slapped me. I think that counts as a hit. A: yeah and you punched her. And that was it! R: I got hit twice remember!? A: he hit you because you pushed me out of the way. R……there’s something else. Zahara and I think that Taylor also has something to do with it. A: is he afraid of me? R: (laughs) why do you say that? A: because whenever im with you he has this look in his eyes that he wants me dead or something. R: he was really protective of me whenever I had a boyfriend. A: maybe he’s just jealous? R: he should be. You’re a great boyfriend.
He smiled lovingly at me. He leaned over the table and kissed me. as he leaned back in his chair, someone walked inside behind him. I was facing the doorway and his back was facing it so he couldn’t see. My mouth flew open, just what I needed, why is it that they seem to pop up whenever I talk about them with Aldrin?
A: what is it? (Starts to turn to the door) R: (grabs him whispering) no wait! Don’t look!
I couldn’t help but notice that Taylor doesn’t seem so happy. He seems down and depressed, and not just because of me, but because something’s is a miss in their relationship? Without my knowing, Aldrin quickly turned around to see what I was staring at.
A: oh s**t. (Turns back and cover’s his mouth trying not to laugh) R: (smiles) why are you laughing? A: because, do you see how they look? They cannot be happy. R: (laughs) A: (smiles) I got you something.
He went into his pocket and pulled out a black box. As he opened it to me my mouth couldn’t help but drop. It was so gorgeous, I couldn’t believe my eyes! He was holding a Hawaiian gold turtle pendant.
R: oh my gosh! A: I knew you’d like it.
He got up from his seat and put the necklace around my neck as I pulled the hair out the way. As he puts on the necklace I couldn’t help but notice the two of them staring from my peripherals, I smiled as I gazed at the necklace and Aldrin sat back down. I looked at him smiling back at me, I pulled my right hand up to his cheek and caressed it feeling the warmth we had for each other.
A: (smirking) are they looking? R: (laughs) yeah. A: good.
I bit my lip as I brought my hand to his chin and pulled him close to me. our lips were brought together and I could feel him smile into the kiss, which of course made me smile. All of a sudden I forgot Taylor and Sara were even there. All that mattered was that we were happy now, and I couldn’t care less if come silly two year old rumor was trying to ruin me, I had my man here. not to mention what I had back at school waiting for me, a very best friend to keep me company. As we parted we starred at each other for a while until he said,
A: let’s get out of here. Why don’t we go to the mall or something? R: okay. We cant stay here all day now can we?
I grabbed the still half empty Frappuccino and my bag and we got up to leave. As we were about to head for the door; Taylor came up to us, with Sara following. He had the look of disappointment and sadness; I couldn’t help but feel a little regret for him. And then I look at Sara, she on the other hand had a look of anger and rage, but I could still feel that fear deep inside of her.
Taylor POV
I woke up feeling like I had a hangover, no I was not drinking, but I did feel depressed. Who wouldn’t after clearly losing your nest friend since you were born? I slowly got out of bed and hopped in the shower. After I was done showering and doing all the other hygienic stuff, I got dressed in an Argyle Sweater with a white V neck underneath it, Dark Jeans and Nike sneakers. I gelled my hair and looked in the mirror, when I realized, Robbie bought me this sweater for me last year, when I was going through another break up with Sara and it was my birthday; even the shoes she bought for me. My heart started to ache, and my hands started to shake. I felt something wet creep down my cheek; I looked back in the mirror to my face and saw a tear rolling down my face. I was crying? I quickly wiped it away after I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up after looking at the ID; It was Sara.
T: hello? S: Hey…listen, why don’t we skip school for today and go somewhere? T: um, okay, why so sudden? S: I don’t know, after everything I just feel like getting away for a while. T: okay, Im on my way.
At least I wont have this aching feeling every time I see her today. But will I stop thinking about her? I picked Sara up from the house and the ride was quite except for the radio. I asked her where she wanted to go today and she chose a small café downtown. She didn’t seem so happy like how we started, now she looks like she doesn’t even want to be with me anymore, like she’s not even interested anymore. The ride was also slow and it seemed to take forever, but the whole time the radio kept playing songs that reminded me of Robbie. Pathetic I know. For example you are not alone by Michael Jackson, Sooner Than Later by Drake, and Best I Ever Had by Drake and so on. As we walked into the café we quietly sat down, with my back facing window. We sat there in silence for a few minutes with the exception of Sara’s phone going off once in a while with a text message.
S: do you still love me? T: what? S: do you still love me? T: of course. Why would you ask that? S: I mean, are you in love with me? T: well, yeah I am. Why? S: it’s just that…for the past two months, we’ve done nothing but fight, and even if we’re not, it’s like we’re not even a couple anymore. T: listen….its just with everything, all this drama and the fight; it’s a lot to handle. S: so this is about her? Does this whole relationship balance with you two? I thought this was our relationship not you and hers. T: it’s just that we’ve been best friends since literally forever, and I thought it was gonna stay that way. S: you can’t expect everything to last forever Taylor. T: (sighs) I guess you’re right. S: and besides….. Who needs her? T: what!? S: I mean, she’s loud, obnoxious, and rude, obviously doesn’t like me. Why do you think she tried to fight me the other day? T: it was your mouth that started this. if you hadn’t opened your bug mouth neither of us would have gotten hit on Monday. S: you always take her side. What about my side Taylor, what about my needs?
She continued to ramble on about how I seem to care about Robbie more than I care about here. I slowly tuned her out, I sighed closing my eyes, and as I opened them I noticed a familiar face behind Sara in the back corner. Why is it that we talk about her, or even when I think about her she seems to pop up, not only that, Aldrin was with her; of course. With the rumors that have been spreading around the school you think Robbie would take some consideration and stay low for a bit, but no, she doesn’t let anyone slow her down; this little rumor wouldn’t stop her. I watched them as Aldrin pulled out a box, as he opened it I saw the happiness and joy in her eyes as she smiled widely. He stood up from her seat and went behind her. He was putting a golden turtle necklace around her neck. And as he sat down she cupped his face, and they kissed. Again, my heart started to hurt, and I felt something come over me.
S: Taylor!? What are you looking at?
I needed to apologize, to make things right. I need my best friend back with me, whether if she has a boyfriend who hates me or not. They got up fro their seats and she grabbed her coffee and bag which means they’re leaving. I had to think quickly, I got up from my seat slowly walking up to them, a nervous wreck. Sara said something to me questioningly but I wasn’t really paying attention to her. As we met, they slowly came to a stop, Sara came rushing behind me trying to act tough and unafraid but I knew deep down she was terrified. They both looked at us with annoyance and hatred, but Robbie seemed different. She also looked at me with hatred but also with a little sympathy im guessing, but she looked at Sara with what seemed like fury and rage.
A: (looking at Taylor) what do you want? T: (opened mouth to say something, is interrupted) S: we should ask you the same thing. Where are you guys going, back to your place Robbie to have a little one on one time with your pimp?
Robbie’s fists started to tighten; I could see the wrath in her eyes. She started to say something but Aldrin started to step in.
A: (To Sara) you know what, why don’t you be quiet for once alright? (To Taylor) you need to get your girl in check and shut her up for once. She’s doing some other guy on the side and you’re stepping all over your “best friend” for her trying to protect her. Man you’re stuck up a*s can’t even see that you lost a great girl for your cheating a*s girlfriend. Learn your priorities straight and learn for once. S: (To Aldrin) hey, who are you calling cheating a- R/T: god shut up!
We both looked at each other and she raised an eyebrow.
S: Taylor!? R: you know what you do talk to damn much. If it wasn’t for your mouth you wouldn’t have gotten hit last Monday…twice; and you’re face wouldn’t be in jeopardy again today. T: Robbie please- R: No, don’t. I always had your back, I always gave you advice to get back with her when you guys broke up, I always tolerated with…that (points) whenever she was around just for you. And whenever someone broke up with someone I was your shoulder to cry on. And then I was being your “best friend” telling you that she was cup caking on some other man at the club and you threw our friendship away. I know it may seem like I wanted to ruin your relationship but it was the truth and it still is. But now its over. You don’t have to worry about me trashing your relationship anymore, because as of, oh two months ago, this between us never happened.
And with that they left. It was really over between us. No, it couldn’t be. But she said it herself it was over.
SH: (scoffs) damn it didn’t work. T: what didn’t work!? SH: (whispers) oops T: Sara?
She became timid and nervous. Her body language started to change. And then it came to me, who else would want to try and demolish Robbie’s life other than the person she hates the most.
T: Sara…did you have something to do with that rumor? SH: well…. T: Oh my God. SH: well it wasn’t just me! Joanne and Maria (Sara’s friends) helped too! T: But you were involved, Sara how could you do something like that!? SH: why does it matter anymore, it’s over between you two! T: it matters to me okay, whether if you like it or not I care about her….I still do. SH: (stays quiet, shocked) T: I don’t understand why you haven’t learned your lesson, you constantly try to devastate Robbie’s life but you fail every time and you still open that big mouth of yours. SH: because she deserves to go down. T: why!? Why do you hate her so much? SH: im surprised no one hates her, with all that fame and glory she gets at school in amazed that her head hasn’t gotten so big….well bigger. Its time someone put her in her place. T: I don’t believe it…..you’re jealous! SH: no im not! T: look, this has gotten too far. Random Guy: Sara!
I looked to see who was calling her name, a tall guy about 6’0 dressed in a leather jacket with his hair slicked back. He came up to her and kissed her on the forehead, wrapping around her shoulders he looked at me like I was some kid.
Guy: whose the quirt? T: Im her boyfriend. Guy: (Scoffs) you must be mistaken because, im her boyfriend. T: really? Lets ask her.
We both looked at Sara with question, but her silence said it all.
GUY: w-wait, you’re cheating on me with this pipsqueak? T: you’re cheating on me with this idiot? SH: I- Guy: forget it! go back to the corner where I found you!
And with that he left with a huff, Sara tried stopping him but remembering I was there she stopped and looked at me with her puppy dog eyes with sadness, probably trying to get me to forgive her. I wasn’t buying it, not anymore.
T: I can’t believe this. SH: Taylor wait- T: you’re cheating on me….Robbie was right. SH: wait- T: no, that’s it! I’m done with this. (starts to leave) SH: No wait! (grabs Taylor’s arm) what happened to forever? T: you cant expect everything to last forever.
I snatched my arm away from her and stormed off. I drove off not caring about where I was going. I tightened the grip on the steering wheel and held my breath. I didn’t know what to do, I just found out my girlfriend is cheating on me, and I realized I was too stupid to notice that Robbie was only trying to protect me, and I shot her down. What kind of friend am I? © 2009 robbie baby |
1 Review Added on August 16, 2009 Last Updated on August 16, 2009 Author