

A Chapter by robbie baby

Today was the day; the day that every one will find out whether either Sara or Robbie will let their boyfriend fight their battles. Robbie sat in 4th period class eager for the clock to hit 3:30. Not being able to work on the worksheet given to her she just sat there feeling jittery, her legs shaking. All of a sudden a tap came on her shoulder.

Boy: (whispers) hey Robbie. Is it true? Are you going to fight?
Earlier this morning, some people were asking questions to you about the fight. Somehow word did get out and almost all of the junior class was eager for the end of the school day. Who isn’t? But luckily, these kids were smart enough not to let word get out to the staff. So far not one staff member has confronted Robbie about the fight.
R: it depends on if she shows up or not.
The whole day consisted on the subject of the fight. If people weren’t paying attention in class they were thinking or whispering about the fight. And at lunch it was about you guessed it; the fight. Robbie didn’t know how word got out, but she didn’t care as long as staff didn’t find out.
Finally 7th period, Robbie was bouncing off walls at this moment, trying to keep calm and collected until 3:30. she held her hands tightly as she intertwined her fingers trying to keep her focus on her work.
RRIIINNNGG it was time.
Trying to keep calm she slowly got up from her seat and walked composedly outside of the room. Outside she met up with Aldrin, Zahara, Chris, Sarah, and some of the rest of the gang.
Z: okay….are you ready.
R: (takes a deep breath) as ready as I’ll ever be.
Aldrin draped an arm around Robbie shoulders as the walked outside across the street to the basketball courts. Already there was a mob out there surrounding the courts. Everyone cheered as they saw me approach the courts. Robbie told everyone to go on with the rest of the crowd; as they did she grabbed Aldrin’s arm.
R: you’ll stay right?
A: I will. I promise.
He walked over to one the basketball hoops giving her some space, as Robbie waited for Sara’s arrival.
Robbie was a patient gal, 5 minutes off the clock was one thing, but this is way off. Everyone started getting restless and irritated. Aldrin and Zahara walked up to Robbie trying to get her to go home.
Z: Robbie, its 4:35! Face it she’s not coming.
R: (sighs) maybe you’re right. I guess she is scared.
All of a sudden everyone started shouting like wild animals. Aldrin looked over Robbie’s shoulders and his mouth slightly fell open. Robbie turned around and saw five figures walking towards her. As they got closer, Robbie saw that it was Sara and her cronies…and Taylor. As Sara timidly approached her, Robbie stood her ground and said,
R: you’re late.
SH: let’s just get this over with okay?
R: fine. I’ll even let you have the first hit.
Robbie bent over slightly and looked Sara straight in the face waiting for a punch or a slap. Sara was hesitant, she was afraid of what Robbie might do if she did hit her. She starred into Robbie’s once warm cheerful, now cold and vengeful eyes and didn’t move one bit. Robbie smirked and slowly straightened up. She got the thought that Sara wouldn’t lay a finger on her. But letting her guard down, she didn’t expect what was coming next.
Robbie’s head was jerked to the right, her eyes were wide with shock and her mouth hung open. The crowd was in astonish, they’re mouths dangled open. Robbie slowly laid her hand on her cheek and turned to face Sara; she had the look of fear and regret as she shook. Robbie shook also, but not with terror or dread, but with amusement and excitement. She smirked as she dropped her hand, and frowned as she zipped off her track jacket and took off her shirt revealing her sports bra. But not only did she reveal the bra, she was revealing her abs from previous workouts and curves. The boys in the crown lowly gasped.
A: (smirks) damn.
T: (whispers) holy s**t.
Robbie stepped up to Sara and she cowered with fear, everyone can see that she had to will to fight, and Robbie was going to destroy her. Robbie and Sara were roughly the same height, but Robbie overpowers her in ever living way.
All of a sudden Aldrin ran up Robbie and blocked her from laying a hand on her. Aldrin had a worried expression on his face as he grabbed Robbie by her arms, while Robbie struck confusion.
A: Robbie please, you don’t have to do this, she’s not worth getting into trouble.
Seeing that Robbie is distracted with her boyfriend, Taylor goes up to Sara and tries to comfort her. He grabbed her by the arm and stood in front of her. Aldrin and Taylor were just inches away from each other back to back. Sara started crying wildly as Taylor pulled her into a tight hug, he slowly stroked her hair and told her everything was going to be alright and that it was over. But it was far from it.
A: Please don’t do this Robbie. Leave her crying a*s alone and let her excuse of a boyfriend handle her.
Overhearing Aldrin’s worried cries, a nerve was hit within Taylor; he let go of Sara’s crying form, and grabbed Aldrin by the shoulder. He violently turned Aldrin around and brought up his right fist. As he was about to lay the hit, Robbie grabbed Aldrin by the waist and pushed him away, leaving Taylor giving Aldrin’s “gift” to Robbie.
She landed on the left side of her face hard. Aldrin, Zahara, Chris and Sarah rushed to her side; Aldrin slowly turned Robbie on her back. They gasped at the blue and black bruise on her left cheek; the wound from Taylor’s hit. Robbie groaned heavily and was holding her right cheek, where she landed harshly on the pavement. Aldrin grabbed her hand softly to lift her hand so he can examine the wound, they gasped once more once they saw blood had formed on her face. Taylor was watching, hovering over them from a distance; he couldn’t believe the sight he was seeing, not only was Robbie scarred and bruised, but he was the one who caused it.
T: (thinking) s**t what did I do?!
Rage coursed through Aldrin’s veins, his blood started to boil. He got up from Robbie’s side and rushed over to give back Taylor’s “gift.” He punched Taylor in the face with all of his might, and watched him fall to the floor. Sara hurried over to his side.
S: what the hell is wrong with you!?
Chris ran over to Aldrin and grabbed him by the arm; pulling him back to Robbie. He and Chris helped Robbie stand up wrapping an arm around her waist. She looked at Sara checking on Taylor helping him stand up, her anger never lifted, in fact it had gotten worse. She let go of Chris and Aldrin and walked over to Sara. She grabbed by the shoulder and turned her around, punching her hard in the face. Taylor grabbed Sara seeing as she almost fell backwards and looked at Robbie in astonishment. Robbie walked back to the group grabbing her clothes from Zahara, and they walked off. The crowd was slowly dispersing after the “excitement” was over.
Z: wait!
They halted, suddenly Zahara walked…or should we say stomped over to Sara, she repeated Robbie’s actions and punched her in the face.
Z: that’s for Friday you stupid b***h!
If you don’t recall as to what happened last time, Sara had called Zahara a “little b***h” in the mall when they encountered one another. Zahara came back to the group and the now dissolved crowd; Robbie got one good look at her “creation” not her best work but it will do. She watched Sara and Taylor and Sara’s cronies walk away slowly, Sara in tears; she laughed to herself and walked off with the rest of the group.

© 2009 robbie baby

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Added on June 28, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
