![]() 15-be carefulA Chapter by robbie baby
Robbie flopped on her bed with Aldrin and Zahara in her room while Sarah had already left to go home. They had just come back from the mall looking for a prom dress when Robbie had run into Sara and Taylor. Just the person she did not want to run into, and the very person she tried forgetting. Sara had called her out in one of the stores she was browsing in and called her scared, and she wasn’t going to have it. Robbie told her she wanted to fight on Monday after school. Judging by the look on her face, Robbie judged say she won’t even show up.
Z: what about your reputation? What about not letting her get to you!?
R: I don’t really care anymore. And besides it’s not like anyone else is going to see me! It’ll be after school!
Z: but people hang around after school!
R: why do you think I said 4:00? (School ends at 3:15)
Z: this is a bad idea Robbie…
R: please you want to fight her as badly as I do.
A: (sighs) its too late to consider thinking about this isn’t it?
R: Kind of. What do you think about this?
A: baby…if you need this, then I’ll stand behind you 100% (goes over to sit next to Robbie and puts an arm around her)
Robbie looked at Zahara to see if she would stand behind her as well. She looked at Robbie and then at Aldrin, when she finally said..
Z: (sighs) okay…. (Goes over to sit next to Robbie too) I’ll stand behind you too. But one question.
R: hhm?
Z: can I hit her first?
R: (laughs along with Aldrin) why!?
Z: you heard what she called me! I deserve a hit too!!!
R: Maybe! After I’m done with her.
All of a sudden Zahara’s phone went off. She announced that she had to go home and do chores for her mom. She left within minutes and Aldrin and I were alone.
A: what if word gets out? You really can get suspended for this! You might not be able to go to prom.
R: prom is five months I’m sure there’s not gonna be too much damage.
A: alright. But promise me that you will think about how you’re going to handle this when the day comes. Don’t take it too far that she’ll need stitches. I don’t want my baby in jail. (Kisses her forehead)
R: (smiles) okay, I promise. But promise me you’ll be there when it happens.
A: I promise.
They came together and their lips met. It went from butterfly kisses to Aldrin trailing down to the sweet spot on her neck. Robbie leaned back slowly and Aldrin was soon on top of her. Robbie draped her arms around Aldrin’s neck as he rubbed cupped her cheek and felt her hair. Robbie soon flipped over and she was on top now. Robbie supported herself on her hands and looked down at Aldrin with a smirk. He looked at her with surprise but smiled. He softly took Robbie by the back of her neck with one of his hands and brought her down to meet her lips once again. They made out for a few more minutes when Robbie parted from him, Aldrin gasped slightly for breath. She looked down at him and he looked up at her brown eyes.
A: (sighs) god, I love you.
R: I love you too.
She leaned in for more, but before their lips could lock Aldrin’s phone went off. They sighed with disappointment, as Robbie rolled over sitting down on her butt letting Aldrin up. He sat up sitting next to Robbie and grabbed his phone from his pocket.
A: hello….What’s up Rico?
Robbie eyed him looking at him up and down. She checked out the bone structure of his face, to the veins that lined his muscular arms. He hung up the phone with a frustrated sigh.
A: I have to help out with the club tonight.
R: really?
A: I can stay; I don’t have to go to work.
R: no, you go. I’ll be okay.
She walked him downstairs to the door and to his car. He turned around to tell her goodbye when she wrapped her arms around his neck quickly and gave him one last kiss which seemed forever.
R: I love you, you know that?
A: (smiles) I love you too.
R: I’ll text you in the morning.
A: okay.
He got in the car and drove off.
© 2009 robbie baby |
Added on June 21, 2009 Author