![]() 13-Don't forgetA Chapter by robbie babyRobbie POV What’s been happening? It’s been two months (its January now) since Taylor walked out on me, and I haven’t talked to him since. Its official….I’ve lost my best friend since diapers. Neither Zahara, Sarah, nor Chris talk to him anymore. During the two months, he’s been clinging on to her more and more, and it sickens me. The first few weeks it hit me hard. I haven’t smiled, I haven’t laughed, until I finally realized…if he doesn’t believe me, and chooses her over me…then I don’t need him. On and off, the feeling will come, but Aldrin’s there to keep me busy.
This morning Aldrin picked me up from my house and we drove to school. We met up with the group, Zahara, Sarah, and Chris, and we talked our usual talks all throughout the morning. Every class, I would either text Zahara, or Aldrin. Over the two months I and Zahara have become extremely close. We texted every day in class about random stuff, and we called each other best friends. (<3)
During lunch, Aldrin would hold my hand, put an arm around my shoulder, or stand/walk close to me. We would kiss in public but not full on make out session like some couples in our school; it’s just doing too much.
After school, we all gathered, even our whole year book class, in the student parking lot to just hang out until we decided to leave. Aldrin was with his own little group while I stuck with Zahara and the rest of our class, leaning against Aldrin’s car. Soon the parking lot started to fade out, and Aldrin and I decided to leave. The drive was short and quick, but filed with talks and laughter. He pulled up to the house, and I kissed him.
R: bye babe.
I opened the door and stepped out of the car. I was already at the door, when I heard a car door slam close, and Aldrin shouted my name.
A: Robbie!
I turned and Aldrin was already up the five stair steps to my door. We were face to face and he was breathing heavily. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. Without hesitation he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a deep kiss. It was passionate, lustful…loving. We pulled away, our chests heaving up and down like we had just come up from a mile swim.
A: I love you.
R: w-what? Aldrin…d-do you really mean that?
A: yes…
R: I-I love you too.
We came together again; this time seemed forever until we pulled apart again. He smiled into me and slowly let me go. I grinned as he walked away, and I went into the house. No homework today….that was good. I laid down on my bed, not before changing into my usual pajamas, and rested my head on the pillows. I plugged my ear buds into my ears and turned on my I pod touch. I randomly chose a song. Asher Roth’s I love college. This song made me think about the future and how I’ll be able to deal with college. Almost the end of the year, im so excited!
Then when the song ended it suddenly changed to don’t forget by Demi Lovato. Oh great. As soon as the song came on, I immediately thought of Taylor. For the past two months, it seems like he hasn’t noticed that I was even there. I felt forgotten, betrayed, and left behind. Perhaps he had forgotten about us.
Summer 2006.
I rushed downstairs to hear a knocking at my door. Charlotte had the day off today as apposed to I can take care of myself. I opened the door to see a tired, worn out, depressed Taylor. Why?
R: Taylor? W-what-
T: im sorry, I-I just…you’re the only person I can talk to.
R: come in!
He rushed past me, I can hear him breathing heavily as he passed me. He sat down on the couch elbows rested on his knees. But as I sat down next to him he got up and started pacing back and forth in front of me.
R: Taylor what’s wrong!?
T: it’s Sarah.
R: what about her!?
T: she broke up with me!
I sighed and flopped back on the couch. They always break up. This is the third time this month!
R: Taylor if you want her that bad then just go and say it to her!
T: she told me she never wanted to talk to me again…
R: (thinking) she said that last time too. (stands up and walks over to Taylor) Taylor I’m sure she’ll come to her senses and realize that she broke up with a great guy.
T: (quietly) yeah right.
R: yeah right! Why do you need her anyway?
T: I just do okay? I-I’ve never felt this way about a person before I-
R: and im sure she feels the same about you! Even so, you don’t need her to be happy. You have someone waiting for you everyday for you.
T: like whom?
I cocked my head a raised an eyebrow. I gave him a look that said ‘hello!? Best friend right here!!” and Taylor’s not that stupid. He obviously read my mind and smiled.
T: (smiles and chuckles under his breath) thank you. You know, I don’t know what I would do without you.
R: I know! Now do you really want her?
T: (groans) yes!
R: give her time to cool for a bit. Wait two or three days and tell her you need her desperately, that you cant stop thinking about her and whatever you did your sorry and it’ll never happen again.
T: you really think that’ll work?
R: lets hope so. And if not (opens arms wired) I’m always here!
T: (smiles widely and hugs her) oh Robbie. Thanks for being here with me.
R: you’re welcome. (lets go, and punches him in the arm)
T: what was that for!?
R: for making me worry so much! I thought someone died or you had to move away from me!
T: (laughs) you know I would never leave you.
R: promise! When we go into high school….when we graduate….promise that nothing will ever change. (holds out pinkie)
T: (looks at Robbie’s pinkie then at Robbie) now im gonna have to think about that.
R: (mouth drops)
T: (smiles and laughs) im just kidding!
He held up his pinkie to lock it with mine, but I put it down in frustration. As I put it down his mouth hung open like he was catching flies. I crossed both arms and turned away from him. Jerk.
T: oh come on Robbie, im sorry.
I didn’t budge. It’s going to take more than that to make me smile again. He sighed and all of a sudden he wrapped his arms around me. Okay that works too. Suddenly I felt a horde or weight come onto me. He wrapped his legs around my waist and made me carry him. I didn’t fall instead I tried my best to carry his weight.
R: (Laughs) Taylor get off!
T: not until you accept my apology!
R: never! That was a serious moment for me!
T: I’m sorry! It’ll never happen again!
R: okay! Okay. I forgive you! Now get off!
I straightened up with all of my might and threw him backwards not knowing if he would hit the ground or the couch. I turned around holding my back seeing that he had landed on one of the faux leather chairs that match the couch.
R: god you’re heavy.
He looked up to me and smiled. He got up from the chair and stepped towards me grinning.
T: I promise. I would never leave you for anything.
R: (smiles) and I promise to do anything to keep our friendship solid. No matter what happens we’ll never let anything get in the way of our friendship.
T: I promise.
We linked pinkies for a minute and we hugged. That was one of the most memorable moments I will ever have. At that moment, I realized….I had fallen for my best friend.
I opened my eyes with water streaming down my face. How can I let this happen? I lost something that can never be replaced. Is it my fault? Was this bound to happen someday? ‘Get it together Robbie you’re supposed to be over this.’ I wiped the water from my face and changed into my sleep clothes, and went into the kitchen to find something to eat, trying to get over a great loss.
© 2009 robbie baby |
1 Review Added on June 12, 2009 Author