

A Chapter by robbie baby

As Robbie lounged on the couch, Aldrin was well on his way. in about 10 minutes, a knock came on her door. she walked over and opened the door and saw one of the most chill looking guy ever. and Aldrin saw one of the most beautiful girl in the room.
R: (smiles) Hi
A: (smiles) H-hi. you look amazing.
R: (blushes) thank you. you dont look too bad yourself.
A: thanks.
there was silence around the room.
R: sooo should we go?
A: ok.

Robbie grabbed her

Jacket and they left to aldrins car.

the car ride was silent. no sound but the music on the radio. but there was no need, they both felt a warm atmosphere around them. everytime someone would catch the other looking at them, they'd smile and chuckle of giggle a little.

it wasnt until about 20 minutes later when they passed a HUGE line in front of a club called "The Wire"where the function Chills and Thrills was being held. it wasnt even six yet and already there was a line forming three blocks from theclub.

when aldrin parked;in the employee parking lot behind the club; he went out of the car, went all the way to the passenger side and opened the door for Robbie.

R: (thinking) awwww :]

robbie flashed a smile, giving aldrin the message that she liked what her did. Aldrin put on what seemed to be a badge. it said: BEL-AIR ENTERTAINMENT CLUB PROMOTER PASS.

they walked in the club through a door that said: back entrance. the hallway they walked through was just a plain old hallway white floor and ceiling, a few doors that said club owner, employees only, and janitor and club entrance. they walked through thedoor that said club entrance, it revealed a dim room witht eh exception of a few colored lights in the ceiling and stage floor. the room was very large in size. there were various lounge spots and booths, single chairs, and a bar with stools for lonley souls.

Random person: ayy Aldrin!!
A: Ayy

Robbie watched as Aldrin slapped hands with a larger person whose name is apparently rico. they exchanged words like: wassup with it man, nothin jus chillen, all that talk. all of a sudden rico stopped. he was lookign at Robbie.

RI(rico): (to aldrin)wow. whose that?
A: oh yeah. (they walk back over to Robbie and Aldrin puts an arm around her shoulder) Rico this is Robbie. Robbie, this is Rico.
RI: oh this is Robbie!
R: what do you mean "this is robbie?"
RI: oh aldrin been talking about you all day.
R: oh really?

Aldrin had a worried look on his face.

R: i hope its good talk and none of that smack.
RI: oh no its all good ma. he be talking about you nonstop
A: ahem Rico! dont you have to help out with the stage?

he gives rico a look that says "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE"

RI: o-oh! oh right hella forgot. so um i'll see you guys later. (leaves)
A: later
R: bye.

as soon as Rico was out of view, aldrin grabs robbie's hand and led her to one of the couches in the back; it was one of those large booth couches in thecorner.

they both sit in their seats next to each other, aldrin puts his arm around robbies shoulder.

R: so you've been talking about me
A: uh..well..
R: i really hope its good talk. but if its not...
A: no no! its all good talk. everything i say...
R: really?
A: yes...
R: what kind of things?
A: ....what?
R: what do you say about me?
A: uh....(thinking: come on man just tell her!)..i say......

Robbie waits patiently until the right words escape from aldrins mouth.

A: everything good there is about you. you have beautiful eyes, i love your smile, i love being around you.

robbie feels absoultely flustered at this moment, she couldnt belive her ears.

A: i-i almost want to.....(leans in)

they both lean in, cheeks both heated, lips trembling, hands shaking. they're almost to the point of kissing.

Random person: Aldrin!

they stop coming towards each other. aldrin is dissapointed with what happened, and robbie wont stop blushing. aldrin looks to see who hasnt interupted this wonderful moment, and robbie turns her head into aldrins shoulder.

it was just a boy, who look no younger that 20. he had a headset on with the mic infront of his mouth,
and a clipboard in his right hand.

RP: (random person) you're needed at the stage. we need more peopel to help with the lights and- (he looks at the embarrased couple, and wonders if it was a bad time to ask for help from aldrin) was i interrupting someting?

A: yeah we were-
R:but its okay(looks at Aldrin) go ahead.
A: (to robbie) okay.

aldrin gets up and leaves to go help with the stage. Robbie just chills there on the couch fiddling with her hands when someone calls out her name.

RP: Robbie!?

she looked up to see who called her, it was one of her closest friends named
Monica she was about three years older than Robbie, and they were very close.

M: heey what are you doing here? (sits down with here)
R: im here with a friend. what are you doing here?
M: a friend of mine owns the place so i get in for free. so whoo is this friend exactly?
R: just a friend...
M: oh come on.......is it a guy?
R: ..welllllll.....
M: i knew it! but, i thought you were giving up men after michael?

michael was robbies high school crush. when he was a junior, robbie was just a freshman. she had the fattest crush on him. but so did all the other girls, which led robbie to the thought she had no chance. but as freshman year went by, robbie developed and changed. in sophmore year, robbie discovered michael was going out with one of the most attractice woman in the school, just a year older than her. they seemed to be the perfect couple. a close cousin of robbies was a best friend of michael, at a party, they were introduced, and sparks flew. about a month later, michaels girlfriend had broken up with him, and he was torn up. during that month, robbie and michael had a special bond, and when she went to comfort him, they were caught up in the moment, and they kissed. after that, they couldnt talk to each other. but after about two months, michael finally asked the question "be my girlfriend?" their relationship lasted into the summer, for about 5 months. robbie led to belive that she had fallen in love with him. but at the beginning of her junior year, he cheated on her, with his last girlfriend. apparently they had been sleeping with each other for months. she vowed to give up on men until graduation.

R: i thought so too. but i like him. a lot.
M: aaawwwwwww
R: (nudges monica) oh stop.
M: wait, what about taylor?
R: his girlfriend goes to our school now.
M: (gasps) no!?!?!
R: mmhmmmm. we almost got into it after the last basketball game.
M: No!?!?!
R: yaap. well, it was mostly her. taylor told me that she didnt like the idea of a girl being his bestfriend.
M: whaat? tsk; shes jsut scared.
R: of what?
M: you know, you, him. best friends since who knows when.
R: oh no, that could never happen. besides hes totally in love with her.
M: well you never know.

they talked for a while, and before they knew it, it was club time, and people were pouring in. robbie stuck with monica seeing as how she didnt know anybody. they hung out at a tall table with stools, still talking about men and life. you know girl stuff ;) they were also sharing a big sandwich monica had bought not too long ago.

out of nowhere some random guy with two drinks in his hand came to your table. he set the drinks on the table and stated:

Guy: coutesy of those two gentlemen over there.

he pointed to two guys at the bar, who looked at us and smiled. one of them was wearing a black tee and light blue jeans, he had had short messybrown hair. and the other guyw as a little familiar hewas wearing a white teeand dark jeans with spikey black hair. the two girls smiled at them.

R: hes kinda cute.
M: who?
R: the spikey black haired one.
M: mmh hes alright. they're not my type.
R: oh well, this is the only way i can get a drink. (takes a sip)
M: mmhhhm (takes a sip)

the taste was strong and sweet. the hint of cherry and lemon.

R: oh god.
M: whoo.

they soon finished their drinks. they felt a little buzz, lets hope monicas not driving. soon nature called them. they left their table grabbing their personals and headed for the bathroom. you'd expect the line to be ridonculously ling right? wrong. the line was fairly short, consisting of one girl standing on the wall of the bathroom.

R: geez that stuff really goes through you.

after that, they washed up, monica fixed her makeup, and they exited. it soon got hot, so they gave their jackets to the person takign their jackets and put them in the closet.

their night of chatter became a night of dancing. they were soon in the middle of the dance floor busting a move. the music was bumping, bodies were sweaty and hot, people were dancing what seemed to look like sex, peoplewere possibly having sex, or doing drugs in the back, and no one seemed to care. after dancing, they made quits and headed for a neaby table. they were laughing possibly having the best times of their lives.

R: oh my god.
M: what!?
R: its michael.
M: what?
R: michael, he's here.
M: where!? (she turns around to see if its true, but robbie grabs her arms and turns her around)
R: no dont look! oh my god.
M: what now?
R: she's here!
M: who's here?
R: caitlin.
M: who?
R: caitlin!? the so called ex?
M: no!?!?!
R: yes!

robbie still watches them. they're sitting at a booth along with others. they were soon making out infront of everyone.Caitlin seemed drunk out of her mind. Michael too, she couldnt belive it. as they finished, Michael felt smoeone was watching him. he actually caught robbie staring at them. panicking, she quickly looked down at her hands. Michael the same.

M: come on.

Monica grabbed Robbies hand and they headed for the bar, but someone bumped into robbie while they were dancing.

R: hey watch it!

the dancer turned to her to tell her off, but they were both shocked to find each other. sara hicks was dancing with some strange guy.

R: well well well look who it is. i hardly doubt taylor's here. so what are you doing here?
SH: none of your business.

her dance partner approched behind her saying: baby you okay?

R: baby!? oh i see how it is.
M: Robbie whats wrong?
R: this is taylor's girlfriend!
M: girlfriend!?
R: only there's one problem with this picture. (to the guy) um who are you?
Guy: um i think you have me mistaken, im her boyfriend.
R/M: (gasp) nooooo
SH: (nervously) oh haha hes delusional.
R: oh dont worry i wont tell.
M/SH: what!?
R:.....or am i?
M: oohhh
SH: what....

they walked off straight for the bar and sat beside each other.

R: oh my god.
M: (laughs) are you gonna tell?
R: i dont know! i dont want taylor to think im making it up for them to break up.
M: (sigh)
R: (sigh) i wonder were aldrin is.
M: aldrin?
R: the guy i was with.
M: aldrin lewis? the club promoter?
R: ...yeaahh?
M: i just saw him ten minutes ago. there he is on stage.

robbie looked towards the stage. there he was. he was on the middle of the stage dancing the night away with another girl. it was okay if he did, it wasnt like they were dating. robbie watched and smiled.

M: are you okay with that?
R: i guess. he can dance with whoever he wants. i mean why not, we're not dating.

suddenly, the song
Come here by J. Holiday came on.

Monica told robbie she had to leave, she was called by one of her friends to go and asked if she would be okay.

R: yeah i'll be okay. you go.
M: okay.

they kiss on the cheek signaling goodbye, and monica left. robbie continued watching aldrin on the stage. the girl he was dancing wanted to continue what had started, but it seemed he was uncomfertable with it. the girl left in frustration, and aldrin was left alone. but aldrin looked ahead to the bar, and they spotted each other. Robbie smiled and giggled a little, and adlrin smirked and chuckeld. as the song played, robbie decided to flirt a little bit.

Damn shawty you look sexy as hell and ya grinding, you don't know what it does to me
I put my hand right here
Grab ya booty right there
Baby don't be scared come on
Come here, Come here
I know you wanna come closer
Come here, Come here
I want you closer and closer

with every "come here" robbie bit her lip and waved her index finger signaling him to come over. Aldrin chuckled and stepped off the stage. he made his way through the dance floor and to the bar, only to find she was gone.

A: what?

he looked around to find her, and behind him, to find she was on the dance floor. she was playing with him, hoping he'd follow.

Got me feeling this, I swear, bumping and grinding on some R.Kelly s**t
And I'm feeling good (yeah, yeah) cuz your braking it down
Like you don't know who your really messing with
I-I-I-I wanna pull you close to me
(I-I-I) Put my hands on your booty
I wanna show you a good time and pop with a slow grind

Damn shawty you look sexy as hell and ya grinding, you don't know what it does to me

I put my hand right here
Grab ya booty right there
Baby don't be scared come on
Come here, Come here
I know you wanna come closer
Come here, Come here
I want you closer and closer(I know you wanna get closer)

Robbie did the same thing over and over again. Aldrin caught on with what she was doing, and continued to play along. he walked over to her, but people kept bumping into him, and soon robbie was out of view. he couldnt find her anymore. but soon spotted her, she was seated at the back, where their almost kiss happened, a secluded area. this time, aldrin would get her.

Come here, Come here
I know you wanna come closer
Come here, Come here
I want you closer and closer

she continued to signal him to come closer and closer to her. this time, she did not budge. she stayed where she was. aldrin took his place and sat next to her, and arm wrapped around her shoulder. they took a moment lookng in eachothers eyes. perfect. they leaned into one another. this time, there would be no interruptions. absolutely perfect.

they found their lips on one anothers. it was warm, sweet, perfect. they slowly parted, looking in each others eyes again taking in every second. they leaned in again, a passionate thing, toungs battling each other for about 3 minutes, hearts racing, cheeks hot and sweaty. they parted, and aldrin kissed her on the forehead. this night couldnt be any perfect. Robbie just spotted michael andsarah (not together)passing by starring at them in disbelife. Aldrin continued kissing her on the cheek and forehead, while Robbie smirked and stared back.

it couldnt be any more perfect.

© 2009 robbie baby

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Added on June 12, 2009
Last Updated on June 12, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
