8-who'd you choose?

8-who'd you choose?

A Chapter by robbie baby

you woke up from your 6 hour slumber at around 6:30 with the sound of your cell phone alarm playing "make love in this club" you got up, went in the bathroom doing your usual routine, but today instead of your usual t-shir jeans and sneakers, you decided to dress up a little bit. scary right? no. i mean, just because you're athletic doesnt mean you dont have to dress up once in a while right? you even straightened your hair! so you put this on: (click the link)
Boots (black)
as you walked down the stairs the doorbell rang. Charlottle rushed towards the door but you beat her to it.
R: its okay Char, i got it.
she walked away, when she entered the other room, you opened the door, only to reveal the one and only "best friend" standing in front of you. he opened his mouth to say something, but stopped to get a look at you. its been a while since you've dressed up.
R: what are you doing here?
he quickly snapped out of hs gaze and looekd you in the eyes.
T: uh, l-listen,i want to apologize.
R: for what? you didnt do anything.
T: thats the whole pont, its about what i didnt do.
R:........come inside.
he walked inside andyou twotook a seat on the couch.
T: im sorry for not realizing what was happening. last night sarah wanted me to choose between her and you.
R: what!?
T: and she said if i didnt choose right id be missing out on a great thing.
R: i cant belive this.
T: i know. im sorry.
R: is that when you left?
T: yeah. when i got home she called me and apologized for what she said to me.and i said, if you want this relaionship to work out you have to get along with my bestfriend. she thinks its weird of me to haveyou as a best friend.
R: do you mean me in general or me as in a girl?
T: i dont know maybe both.
R: well shes going to have to get used to it, cause im not going anywhere!
T: (smiles) i know.
R: (smiles)
T: (smile drops) well, when she called me,i told her that this relationship is in jeopordy. and i told her i would give ittime to think.
R: really?oh taylor im so sorry, i knew she meant everythign to youand-
T: no its okay. theres no need for you to apologize. really.
R: *sigh*....................okay.

T: *sigh* good.

R: so who would you have chosen?

T: w-what?

R: who did you chose. i wont get mad if you dont chose me.

T: are you sure you want to know>

R: (nods yes)

T: okay............................

all of a sudden his phone starts ringing. he leaves into the other room, but a few minutes later he comes back telling you he has to meet someone at school for an anatomy project. you lead him to the door, and as he says goodbye he kisses you on the cheek and leaves.
R: (closes door) damn. this close.
you leave home for school in you car while the radio was bumpin theway you make me feel by MJ
you arrive at school and you meet up with everyone at your usual hangout (the fountain)
Z: heey looking good giirrl (thumbs up)
R:could say the same for you giirrl (thumbs up)
zahara was wearing this:
S (cool sarah) : so what happened last night?
C: Robbie almost got into it last ngiht with Sara
R: (nods yes) her and taylor were arguing over who'd he pick.
Z: NO!
Z: ....well?
R: well what?
S: who'd he choose!?
R: he hasnt told me yet! he came over this mornig saying im sorry for whatever reason, and i asked him who would he have chosen, but his phone went off and he had to leaveearly to work on an anatomy project. and apparently theirrelationship is in jeapordy.
R: SSSSSSSSHHHHH!! (whispers) you wantsomeone to hear? shes got spies everywhere!
Z: (whispers) sorry.
R: (back to normal voice) anyway, yeah, they might break up. (smiles)
C: wow you seem happy.
R: i know im horrible.
Z: whatever, they'd probably get back together the next day.
R: dont they always. *sigh* lets change the subject now, are we stil on for tonight?
Z: my parentsmight notlet us go...
Z: we have a family thing at church. i can probably go after, but i doubt it's gonna be enough time.
C: they're making me go too. :[
R: dammn it. what about you sarah?
S: im grounded :/
S: i was out too late yesterday. now im not aloud to see ryan this weekend :[
R:so what am i going to do? i cant go by myself!
C: you should go anyway!
R: what!? and look like a poor deperate housewife on ABC?
Z: you deserve a night out alone. and besides Aldrin will be there...
S: our aldrin!?
R: guys, theres' nothing going on between us!
C: tsk, too bad you guys would make a good couple.
R:...really? i never really thought about it.

© 2009 robbie baby

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Added on June 12, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
