

A Chapter by robbie baby

us: 53
after the tears the hugs and the heartwarming speech from coach,robbie decided to retire for the night. there was an after party, but with school being tomorrow and after all that with the sweat and the adrenalin,shebecame too tired to party. but decided to stay after the game to chill a bit. cool sarah had to go home, so her boyfriend took her home. so it was justrobbie aldrin, taylor, and girlfriend, zahara and chris.

everyone (including aldrin taylor and sarah) stood around the fountainjust talking. and being the civil person robbie is,she didher best to keep her distance from sarah.


random person: congratulations. you were great!

R: oh, thank you.


people from school were givingher random congrats and recognition, even people from the other school.
C: so what do we do now?
R: im still juiced. i want to get back on the court again.
A: that fall must have hella hurt though.
R: my side still hurts.
she lifted up her jersey showingher waist to get a good look ather bruise. it was black and purple, the size of a baseball.

Z: damn! (holds her side.)

R: thats what happens when you play sports. (puts jersey down)

during chats and conversation, for some reason, sarah kept mugging robbie, aldrin chris and zahara, buther reputation didnt rely on s**t like this, soshe decided to let it go. but chris and zahara couldnt, so after a while,they pulledher aside.
Z: ok why is best friend stealer looking at us like that!?
C: shes getting on my last f*****g nerve, Robbie, we need to say something.
R: i am not trying to get into trouble, you remember what happened in elementary school? i got suspened for three weeks!
Z: but hey, at least no one messes with you anymore.
R: thats cuase everyone was afraid of me. people were nice to me casue they didnt want me to hurt them. you guys have to understand this, i cant do that!
both:....*sigh* we understand.
R: good.


T: why do you keep looking at Robbie like that?
SH:(with attitude) im not looking at her like anything.
T: do you have a problem with her? cause if you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me.
SH: look i just think its a little akward that your almost as close to her as you are to me. do you have feelings for her?
T: w-what are you talking about?
SH: do you love her like you love me? (starts to yell) what are the chances of you leaving me for that!?
at this point, Robbie Chris and Zahara can hear everything
T: thats not gonna happen. (starts to yell too) w-wait; what do you mean that!? that happens to be my best friend!!!
SH: well you're gonna have to chose!

T: (starts to calm down) what do you mean?

SH: chose!me or that!?
T: you want me to chose between you and-
SH: thats right. and you better chose the right decision, or you'll miss out on a great thing.
taylor just looked at her blankly and then looked back at Robbie. all he could think of is how his own girlfriend could do this to him. he looked back at sarah, but instead ofsaying anything, he just shook his head.


T: you know what, you can walk yourself home!

and with thathe walked off to his car.


sarahs mouthdropped to the floor, but closed when she saw Robbies face. she was so enraged with fury. she growled and walked...or should i say stomped to Robbie.she stood in front of herand just started shouting at her.making everyone around them stare.



to robbie sarahs shouting face was priceless. knowing shed get suspended for violence, all she could do was smile at the dumb broad to antagonize her. it was pretty funny. all aldrin zahara and chris did was stare and watch, and laugh on the inside i might add.


R: (thinking) did this chick say sex life!?
robbie kept laughing inside so hard thatshe couldnt hear what sarah was saying. too bad it ended real soon, a bunch of security guards came in and broke it apart.
robbie kept laughing inside so hard thatshe couldnt hear what sarah was saying. too bad it ended real soon, a bunch of security guards came in and broke it apart.
they let robbie go seeing as she didnt do anything, while aldrn chris and zahara followed robbie to her car.
as soon as you reached the car, everyone started laughing and talking about sarah.


R: wait what was she saying?

A: something about ruining her "sex life"
R: no after that. after that i stared laughing to myself. :D
Z: something about (starts mocking/imitating her) "ruining my life" and "he was the only one for me waaahh!"
R: wait what were you guys saying? i heard something about shoes?
C: oh the whole time we kept making side comments like "nice shoes b***h" and "whodid your makeup ray charles?"


then everyonestarted laughing. what a comedian right? you looked at your phone for the time and it said 11:12.
R; ayye its getting late,we better get going. howd you guys get here?
everyone: bus!
R: i can take you guys home!
they all got in, aldrin in the front chris and zahara in the back. robbie dropped chris off first and the whenshe dropped zahara offshe got out to walk her and say bye. as soon asthey got to her doorwaythey started talking about acertainsomeone.


Z: you and aldrin are pretty close!
R: we have gotten pretty close since i cut that day.
Z: do i feel some love in the air?
R: man i dont know.....
Z: if things dont work out with taylor you guys would make a good couple.
R: i told you before theres nothing for taylor.
Z: alright if you say so.
R: ill see you tomorrowok?
Z: ok bye robbie!
they both hugged and robbie left to her car,back to aldrin. as she got in the car, she found aldrin staring at her.
R: what? :)
A: nothing, just waiting for you.
R: aww you miss me that much?
A: (laughs a little) maybe.
R: i missed you too.
she pulled out of the driveway and your ipod started playing my boo by usher.


R: so how'd you like the game?

A: it was tight. i didnt know you could play like that.

R: well thats how i do.

A: (laughs)
R: wait, did the cheerleaders get in a fight?
A: yeah some girl from our school kept makig fun of her and called ber a b***h. they almost got into it.
R: what do you mean almost? they just kept yelling at each other?
A: it got boring after a while.everyone was like "FIGHT ALREADY!!"
R: (Laughs)
after a while you kept talking and your ipod shuffled to Dontchange by Musiq Soulchild, Meaning to tell you by AM KIDD and a whole bunch of lovey dovey songs.
R: (thinking) whats up with all these love songs!
a few minutes later you got to his house.
A: so are we still on for tomorrow?
R: you got it.
A: aight. (leans in and kisses you on the cheek) bye.
R: (smiles) bye.
she watched him leave adn before she knew it she started checking him out. she shivered like she had chills and just drove off.
when she got home, mom wasnt home as usual. so she took a shower, changed into her purple boxers and white tee, and went to sleep.

© 2009 robbie baby

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Added on June 12, 2009
Last Updated on June 12, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
