3-Take a Chill Pill

3-Take a Chill Pill

A Chapter by robbie baby


you look at the new message painfully in shock and started to shout out so everyone stopped and stared

r: WHAT!?!?!?!

everyone looked at you like you were some crazy person that just got out of prison. taylor was especially

teach: miss.reed is there something you'd liek to share with the class?
r: n-no, i-im sorry
teach: one more outburst like that and you're going to the office
r: i-im sorry, it wont happen again.
teach: i hope so
and she resumed lectureing


as the period ended, everyone started leaving, you were the first out the door, leaving taylor behind. you walked as fast as you could to get anywhere; you dont know why, but as soon as you read "be my first" your heart sank like a rock in the ocean. did you love him? did you want to be his first? you thought about it before, but with other women in the way, you knew it wouldnt happen. besides, what if something terrible happens and you break up? youll end up losing your best friend since diapers!

you decided to cut fourth period, and went a few blocks to arrive at starbucks. you ordered the original, a grande vanilla bean frappucino, and sat down at one of those comfy chairs in the corner.

r: (thinking) i cant belive he wants her to be his first!? why would he tell me that s**t, he knows that i dont like her f**k!

you hated her with every fiber of your being! (wow) they were in an on off relationship, everytime they woud break up, taylor would come back to you, but everytime they would get back together, it was all bad, and you hated her for that, she hated you too, in middle school, everytime she saw you and taylor together, she mugged you a took him away from you. you decided to let that go, since it was you bestfriends girlfriend and all.it effected every single person in your group., zahara, sarah (the cool one), chris.......

r: (thinking) *sigh* i made a total fool of myself. how the hell am i supposed to explain that!?

with moments of thinking long and hard, you decided, if she makes taylor happy, thats how it should be.

you walked back to school, but losing track of time, fourth period had ended, and it was lunch time already. so you kicked back and relaxed at the fountain again. you put your ipod plugs in your ears and started to listen to take a bow by rihanna.
you thought about your past two boyrfirends and how they lied and cheated. it was hard for you to trust peopleafter that. you were two minutes into the song, until someone tapped you on the shoulder. it was another boy in your class, Aldrin a pretty cool kid. you took out your ear plaugs and stated to talk a little bit

A: aye, you alright?
r: um, yeah, i'll be okay.
a: what happened back there, you seemed a little shook up.
r: haha just something stupid.
a: are you sure? you know you can trust me.
r: *sigh* actually its really hard for me to trust anyone right now.
a: why?
r: im just tired of people lieing to me all the time.
a: i know what you mean, my last girlfriend cheated on me, and i just found out, my dad...is not my really my dad.
r: my last two boyfriends cheated on me, just when i thought i've found the one, some s**t walks in and takes it away. *sigh* and then my mom. she never has time for me anymore, i dont know if shes workign late or just "doing the deed" with her boyfriend.
a: well, just look at the bright side of things.
r: what could possibly be the bright side of this?
a: well, your mom being out all the time, gives you a chance to stay out more, you know, go clubbin, stuf like that.
r: my mom got knocked up at 17 doing that kind of thing, i dont know if i can handle that.
a: well, you're not your mom, do you see yourself getting knocked up anytime soon, arriving home late, always lieing to your daughter?
r: i guess you have a point.......... alright, i'll try it.
a: okay well, why dont you meet me at the club downtown on friday, bring a couple a friends, get your dance on!
r:hahaha, well does it cost anything?
a: its ladies night. you get in for free.
r:alright, then i guess im going!
a: alright, see you there.
you both got up to part,he lightly kissed you cheek and started to leave.
r: (shouts) hey!
a: yeah?
r: whats your number? i might text you sometime.
a: (smiles) ok, uh, 3769514 (random number) yours?
r: 3765867 (random number)
a: alright, then.
r: yeah.
a: ill see you in class.
r: you too.
you both parted, he left you smiling, grinning pretty wide.

you walked around the courtyard for a while until you heard someone call your name.
random person: ROBBIE!!!!
you turned around to see zahara, chris and sarah walking towards you.
c: where were you? we've been texting you for the whole period!
r: oh, s-sorry, i guess i wasnt paying attention.
z: what was with that outburst? you totally scared me.
r: hhaha, yeah sorry. but dont worry about it, its something stupid.
s: what did taylor do? i swear if he did somethign to you i'll-
r: haha sarah calm down. lok, he didsay something to me. and i'll only tell you guys if you promise no to freak when i tell you.
everyone: we promise.
r: okay (deep breath) i texted him asking him if he was in love with sara. and he said yes.
s: (scoff) thats nothing to ge upset about.
r: oh im not finished yet. i asked how much and he said-
z: he's gay!
r: no. (deep breath) he said he wants her to be his first.
everyone: WHAT!?!?!?!

r: SSSSSHHHHH!!!!!! you guys promised not to freak!

c: we have every right to freak!
r: i know, but guys, if she makes him happy, then we should be happy for him. even if it means we have to pretend to like her too.
s: what! shes a b***h, we cant do that!
r: come on the least we can do is try.
s: (sigh) fine whatever.
c: i guess
z: (rolls eyes) if you say so.
r: good. now i have surprise for you. i am inviting you guys to go with me to the club downtown this friday.
z: whats the occassion?
r: well, aldrin invited me, and i think it'll be a good idea to get things off of our minds.
c: why the club though?
r: he said that, my mom being late all the time would give the advantage to go out more often.
s: oh yeah its ladies night! we all get in for free!!!!
the girls started cheering for themselves, except for chris that is.
z: oh, well, most fo us. sorry babe. (kisses him on the lips)
r: well if its ladies night, chris i think you should bring some of your boys too.
c: it sounds like a plan.
r: alright, well i guess ill see you guys later. bye
everyone: bye!
you headed to Photography

© 2009 robbie baby

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Added on June 10, 2009


robbie baby
robbie baby


i have no life. :) kbye more..
