![]() High School: Chapter 4A Chapter by robbie baby
Today was different. Instead of me and Myles’ usual road rage in the morning I instant swiped the nearest parking spot. Luckily for us it was near the school! As Myles and Leo both got out of the car, they walked over to both of my sides, Leo on the left and Myles on the right, and we walked together to the courtyard of the school. As thy dispersed into their own cliques, Anthony walked up next to me. We stopped in out tracks because it was very clear that he wanted to talk.
A: hey um…I was wondering if you wanted to walk around with me?
He had the sound of nervousness in his voice. How cute! But he didn’t look like the type of guy to be nervous. I looked to were my girls usually sit at the fountain. They looked pretty preoccupied. I smiled and looked at him.
R: sure. Let’s go.
We both walked to the steps of the school, not knowing where we were going. We both were preoccupied with one another to pay attention. We were actually kind of slow walking, making other people behind us walk around us, I heard a few scoffs of annoyance but I didn’t mind, the whole time I was smiling. We were asking each other questions, not those really kiddy questions like what’s your favorite color and all that, we were asking really specific questions like what you want to do after graduation, what college you wanted to go to.
A: I really want to move out of here after high school.
R: (sigh) me too. I’ve lived in this place for 16 years now! I want a change
A: exactly! Not somewhere really close like the next neighborhood over.
R: me too! I definitely want to go somewhere far like…..i don’t know, Colorado!
A: you want to go to Colorado?
R: anywhere but here.
A: I see. Where else do you want to go to?
I told him everywhere I wanted to live. Seattle, Hawaii, Rhode island; and everywhere I wanted to visit, like Egypt, Rome, the Philippines, Japan. He also asked me where I wanted to go to college after this. I told him everywhere I wanted to live including Colorado; also San Francisco state, Stanford and San Jose. He also wanted to go to Hawaii of San Francisco.
R: really? Maybe we should be roommates one day.
A: one day maybe.
Our conversation soon came to the subject of homecoming. We both stopped in our tracks facing one another asking more questions.
A: so who are you taking to homecoming?
R: I’m going with Leo, actually.
A: My Leo?
R: (nods)
A: wow.
R: what wow?
A: I didn’t know my little brother could score such a catch.
R: (Blushes) well your brother does have game.
A: I can see that. He’s a lucky man.
R: (blushes and smiles more) so who are you taking?
A: the guys and I decided to go as a group.
R: that sounds like fun. So maybe I’ll be able to see my new friend there?
A: definitely new friend. (winks)
We stood there smiling. I really enjoyed his company; this one the beginning of a very beautiful friendship. I started to enjoy the not-so-awkward silence, until I noticed….we were alone. Which wasn’t right I mean, we were in the hallway we shouldn’t be alone!
R: oh my god, did the bell ring!?
A: no I do- (looks around) oh s**t.
R: I’m so sorry I must have been talking too much!
A: no it’s not your fault.
R: I got to go, this teacher’s gonna kill me.
We both took a step forward to go around each other, but something slippery was under my foot and I slipped and I kicked Anthony in the knee making him fall with me all they way down to the floor. I closed my eyes in pain in my back and threw my arms over my head; as I opened my eyes, I saw Anthony starring down at me. We were in the most awkward position ever. He was on top of me, his knees and hands supporting him and my right leg was lying in between his legs. I was breathing pretty hard and my heart beat had picked up three times its normal speed. In the position I was in, I could see his arms shaking and his cheeks turning red. I bet he could see me shaking too and my cheeks turning a redder color than his.
A: I-I’m sorry I-
R: N-no, it’s my fault.
Hesitantly, he slowly got up, and grabbed me hand in order to help me up. We stood there, his hand still locked onto mine. As we held hands, we were still shaking and trembling.
R: I-I have to go…
A: o-oh yeah. Me too.
Again, hesitantly, he let go of my hand and we went off our own way. Still I was shaking while I walked. Im surprised that I didn’t fall on my way to class.
Anthony POV
I was walking with Reyna around the school; we ended up in the hallway slowly walking together making people go around us scoffing. For some reason I had the urge to just grab her hand and hold it for the rest of the morning. But I had to play it cool. We were talking about little things that turned into a big subject. Where you wanted to go to college, where do you see yourself in ten years; stuff like that. When I asked whose she’s going to homecoming with I stopped in my tracks; when she told me she was going with Leo I told her he was a luck guy. And I meant it, he really is lucky. I felt a sort of jealousy come over me slightly, but this is my own brother! but I would see my new friend there anyway, so it was cool with me. we stood there in silence smiling at each other, until she asked….”did the bell ring?” I looked around and we were alone…..s**t I already have like 50 tardies to this damn class and I’m already slipping into a referral. She told me she had to go, and I understood. We stepped to go our separate ways, but she accidentally slipped on some water or something I don’t know, but she slipped and kicked my knee, which also made me fall down with her. I landed harshly, but not wanted to crush her, I supported myself with my hands and knees. I looked down and she had her eyes closed, I guess in pain. Something suddenly came over me, I looked at her up and down following her curves. She was breathing up and down holding the back of her head, so I had a clear view of everything, and I meant everything. She opened her eyes slowly still in pain, and I looked into hers. We froze instantly, I didn’t know what to do I’ve never really been in this kind of position before. I said sorry and helped her up, I held her hands for what seemed like five minutes, and I let them go. Hesitantly I said goodbye to her weakly and we both left. I looked back at her watching her hips move from side to side. God, is this what I think it is?
© 2009 robbie baby |
Added on April 12, 2009 Author