![]() Full Moon's AwakeningA Story by ravenazarielSirius lay on her bed in her darkened room of the house belonging to her not-really-parents’ home. The moon was full, and peeked through her burgundy curtains, keeping her from falling asleep. Or was it really the moon’s fault? She had lay there for hours, thinking of various things, but one subject seemed to reoccur in her mind.
Was she falling in… love?
“No… that’s impossible…” she voiced to herself, turning under the covers until she lay on her side, one of her arms draping over the edge of her large bed.
She blinked away the tears of fear from this feeling and shook her head in disbelief. Love was such a complicated matter, and if Sirius was in love… what was she going to do?
How would she tell him?
“What am I going to do? I promised myself I wouldn’t let my heart fall in love so easily…” Sirius murmured, tears falling from her eyes and over her nose, [laying on her side… remember?]
She sniffled and then quickly wiped them away.
Sichin whined from where he lay beside the bed and opened his amber eyes. He lifted his furry head and rubbed against Sirius’ hand, causing her to gasp and look down.
“Hey boy…” she smiled, petting him lovingly and then letting out more tears.
Sichin purred in delight but still looked up at Sirius, his liger eyes seemed to be knowing to her sadness.
“Don’t worry, Sichin…” she began, “Mama’s fine… she just needs a little time to figure out her feelings.”
He licked her hand in a caring gesture and then lay back down. Sirius watched him and brought her arm to her chest. Her heart was pounding so fast that she could barely breathe.
Sirius sat up at her name from outside the window and looked around. She slowly got out of bed with a chill and went to the window.
Sichin’s ears perked at the name as well, and he got on all fours, walking up to Sirius and brushing his overly large body across her legs. Sirius acknowledged him briefly before calling upon her fire spell. A small flame lit up in her palm and she creeped toward the door slowly.
Her not-really-parents’ voices could be heard from the main room, mingling and carrying on pleasantly. It was the only time she heard them… because they were vulnerable to the sunlight.
Sichin followed Sirius just as slow, and scratched at the wooden designs of the large front door. Sirius pat his head, shaking her head down at him before cautiously opening said door. Together they stepped outside, and Sirius’ eyes immediately averted towards the woods. Her whole body shook in fear and she put her free hand on her chest.
“That voice again…” she whispered.
Sichin began to softly growl, nudging his owner to signal her to mount him.
Sirius stumbled at Sichin’s nudge and then knit her brows, “Sichin… hush.”
They went down the small stairs and onto the dirt ground. All the houses around theirs were darkened and ghostly… everyone else was asleep.
So who was calling her?
Sirius jumped and turned to her name again. A figure ran right to her, stopping at her feet before falling onto their knees and gasping for breath.
Sirius blinked and Sichin got in an attacking position.
It was only a little girl… named Amari… whom was also good friends with Sirius’ long-term friend Dragon.
“Sirius, please-” she interrupted, her whole body shaking, “Dragon is hurt…”
“Dragon! Wh-where is he… what happened?!”
Amari looked up at her, “It was the Oni again… they came after him…”
“But he’s only trespassed them once… why would they come for him if he didn’t-”
Amari stood, wobbling over to Sirius and grasping her hand. Her hands were cold against Sirius’ skin and were covered in blood. Her eyes pleaded with Sirius, “He was coming to see you and he got lost… He didn’t know that it was the Oni’s territory until they captured him. He needs your powers Sirius, or he’ll die.”
Sirius felt her heart choke her… and her knees almost buckled, but she held herself up. Sichin had stopped growling and was now nudging his owner, pleading that she go with Amari to help Dragon. If Sirius lost him, she was afraid that she would be pushed to the brink of an unstable insanity.
“Please… Sirius….”
Sirius and Amari unmounted Sichin quickly when they arrived at the Valley and ran over to Dragon, who was lying on the grass.
His blood stained his white shirt, and he held his clawed hand clutched over the wound. It too, was covered in his blood.
Sirius fell at her knees beside of him. Her hand brushed over his cold cheek and she sobbed, her tears falling on his face. Saying that she was scared for Dragon’s life, would be an understatement. Dragon was her closest friend since she could remember and losing him would be one of the worst things she would experience.
“Oh Dragon… I told you not to go back to the Oni’s territory…” Her voice was shaken, and she bowed her head onto his chest.
Slowly, Dragon opened his eyes. He smiled the best that he could, and leaned into Sirius’ touch. His bloody hand grasped hers, “Sirius… is that you, or am I in Heaven?”
Sirius gasped, looking up into Dragon’s eyes and then smiling back at him, “Dragon… you’re so stupid.”
He chuckled, “And you… you have such a way with words.” He winced at a sudden rush of immense pain.
Sirius became scared and shook her head, “Don’t laugh… please, don’t.”
“I’m going to die.”
“No-!” She nearly screamed, “Don’t talk that way, either… You’re not going to die, Dragon!”
“And how do you know?” he voiced under his whispy breath.
Sirius’ eyes brimmed with warm tears. She let them free, the tears flowing down her cheeks. Dying was not an option and Sirius wasn’t about to let the only person she ever loved slip away from her.
Dragon looked upon Sirius with caring eyes and smiled, wiping away her tears with his thumb. His smile wasn’t enough to keep her from crying, and he somewhat understood that. “Sirius…”
She sobbed again, this time causing her whole body to jerk and she couldn’t help but sob uncontrollably.
“Dragon… if you die… I’ll never forgive you.” Sirius choked out.
Dragon knit his brows and cocked his head to the side, “Sounds like a threat from the always-loving Sirius de… right?”
“Don’t try to cheer me up with your damn jokes, Dragon Flame.” Sirius grit her teeth and then pushed his hand away, “I told you… not to go into that damn area again and you… you did it anyway, and why? Why Dragon? Why?”
Dragon sat up, clutching his side once again. He used his free hand to grasp Sirius by the chin and look her in the eyes. Sirius flinched, trying to pull back, but it was no use, Dragon’s grip was glued to her and he wouldn’t let go until he got what he wanted.
His eyes were solemn now as they looked deep into Sirius’ teary ones. His face, too was just as stern. “Why is it always my fault with you?”
Sirius sobbed and grasped Dragon’s arm with both arms, “Let me go…!”
“Tell me, Sirius…”
“Let go!”
“I got lost, it wasn’t my fault!” Dragon’s eyes filled with tears, “I wanted to see you… You, Sirius.”
Sirius cried, “Let me go… let me go!”
“I’m not going to let go of you… I’ll never let you go.” Dragon voiced, “If I die tonight I’m going to die in your arms...”
“You’re not going to die… I won’t let you!” Sirius shouted, pulling herself away from Dragon’s grasp.
A smile crossed Dragon’s lips, and he slowly leaned forwards. Sirius blushed dark, feeling him close in on her until he kissed her cheek adoringly. His lips were smooth against her cheek, and she turned to them, her lips touching his lips.
Dragon gasped this time, taken back by Sirius’ movements, but he welcomed it warmly, using both hands to pull her face closer to him.
Sirius closed her eyes into the kiss and then sighed, her arms snaking around his upper torso. She turned her lips with Dragon’s, letting him kiss her the way he had always wanted to, pouring himself into the intimate moment. She enjoyed every moment of it, digging her fingertips into the material of his cotton shirt.
“Sirius… I love you.”
Her heart skipped a beat and she felt herself being pulled into another kiss.
She then pushed him away reluctantly and covered his lips with her hand, “You love me?”
“…mmhmm.” He brushed her hand away, “…yes.”
“I-is that why you wanted to see me…? To tell me that you loved me?”
“That’s why I always want to see you. You make living worth while.” He assured, kissing Sirius’ cheek.
Sirius blinked away her tears, “…Dragon.”
“Do you… love me too?”
She looked down, her heart going into a tizzy with feelings she still had yet to understand, “I… I don’t quite know.”
Dragon winced in pain and rest his head against Sirius’ shoulder.
Sirius gasped and placed a hand upon his wound, saying a healing spell in her head and watching it activate. “That should keep you until I can take you to the doctor tomorrow morning. I won’t let you die… not now.”
“Does that mean you’ll let me die one day?” he joked, grasping onto Sirius for comfort.
Sirius smiled this time, “You… you are so… weird.”
“But you like that about me. Right?”
“I won’t tell you exactly what I like about you.”
“Oh?” he groaned in pain again. The partial healing being finished, “I’ll have to force it out of you then once I’m healed, won’t I?”
He chuckled, “Then I’ll wait…” he voiced before falling into a slumber on Sirius’ shoulder.
She stroked his hair, kissing his head and then holding him close to her in her arms. The warmth had come back into his body, and his heartrate back to normal.
“Wait…?” she smiled, “Is that an option?”
© 2009 ravenazariel |
1 Review Added on March 3, 2009 Author![]() ravenazarielPittsylvania, VAAboutName: Raven Ellysa Azariel Age: 18 Gender: Female Birthdate: N/A Hair Color: Dark dark brown Eye Color: Dark blue Interests: I love reading about dark romances and writing about them later. I love an.. more..Writing