Shackled and chained by others
Being what they always
Want me to be.
Never getting the chance
To spread my wings
Always a slave to their whim.
If I could do as I wanted
Could be what I know
Is in my nature to be
I would fly far away
Across an ocean just for me.
Shakled and chained to this place
Stifled by the expectations
Of closed minds and hearts
Being pushed towards
That place of lost souls...
Loosing my identity slowly.
If I could run as far as I could
I ask myself where I would go
The answer is to that place
Where I could show the me
I have always been beyond
The halls and repititions of history.
Shackled and chained by those
Who say they love me,
Choking down the fear
Of their charity-their supposed duty
Their supposed love for me..
What a waste-oh the hyppocrisy of love.
If I could fly away from here
As I once said I would,
Where would I go to espcape
Their unwanted expectations of me.
Where would I hid so far away
Beyond the scope of humanity
Shacked and slowly choking
My gilded cage is a
Poisonous place, slowly
Surely killing me with
It's insanity and unwanted
Never needed love and pain