Flip flops
A Poem by copperconan
stories bout the family , and things around the house

1. "Flip flops" revised
the sound of little flip flops
are beating out a tune
gonna be a showdown
at grandpa’s house real soon
she’s six years old and wishing
pa would walk her way
but he’s always wearing steal toes
and always making waves
She would rather have on flip flops
than nikes anyday
she wants to be a big girl
doing things her way
she was counting like a banker
when she was only three
now she’s counting on her pa
for a little liberty
she wants to wear her flip flops
dance with britney spears
and if she stubs her toe a bit
ya wont see any tears
she’s seen em on the tv,
she’s seen em at the store,
she’s gonna wear her flip flops
she ain’t taking this no more
war paint on her toe nails
war drums on the path
she’s gonna stand and fight
with everything she has
grandpa’s off in slumber land
soon to hear the sound
of marching little flip flops
that’s gonna fight another round
Tears can run so silent
this time clearing grandpa’s doubt
you see he got to thinking
his old shoes are wearing out
so the sound little flip flops
are beating out a tune
he’s already got the warning
he’s waking up at noon
but flip flops isn’t just for feet
it’s what grandpa’s sometimes do
last night while she was sleeping
he bought some flip flops too
© 2009 copperconan
Author's Note
Thank you for your time
Added on February 9, 2009
copperconanwalled lake, MI
54 years old ,, enjoy writing short lyrics . poems
believe in God strongly
love dogs (hunting hounds )
love trading lies beside late night campfire while catfishing