FF Chapter 30

FF Chapter 30

A Chapter by André SanSouci

Alex takes his group west, into the wastelands, but something is waiting for him.


Chapter 30

      Getting the girls beast marks wasn’t an overnight plan, of course, it had stages. First, he talked it over with the girls, next he taught Eira how to read the warden reports that passed through the castle so that they’d know when a pack was close, and finally he contacted Anastazia. The young girl had been such a help to him, he wanted to repay her somehow, so they also had to wait until she was fully healed. The entire plan was kept secret from the adults; although they obviously suspected something with that instinct all parents seemed to share.

      Finally, the opportune time arrived. Eira told them that John’s reports spoke of a small pack, isolated and spared from Evil’s hunting party. Not only that but, for what seemed like the first time in history, Winchester left the library! “Personal business” was all he said. “Surely I’m allowed a single day to myself after spending a few decades cooped up in here?” Future didn’t argue, especially when he was reassured that his friend wouldn’t be leaving the city.

      With the only person who could change Future’s mind out of the way, Alex approached him with the idea.

      “Since the girls got kicked out of Yanus, because of me, why don’t we have our own graduation?  I’m practically a warden already. I can take them out to the west and get them beast marks.”

      Future hemmed and hawed over the idea, playing with it in his mind. “I-I suppose so, but I would have to make sure it’s safe.”

      “Oh, don’t worry, Eira’s been sneaking peeks at Captain Johnathan’s last few reports, and it seems a small pack of about six has escaped Evil’s hunts and the soldier’s patrols.”

      Future was impressed. “It seems you’ve been doing some homework for this project.” Alex nodded excitedly. “Very well.” Future relented. “Just be safe and, since I imagine you’re planning on camping the night, be back by noon tomorrow.” He ordered sternly.

      Alex, Eira, Frey and Indol left to grab Anastazia from Yanus Academy, with Eira pulling rank as a princess to get horses for the trip. She packed a small bag, and the group rode west for the wasteland.

      Back at the library, Erald and Lo approached Future about why he let the kids leave.

      “Because Alex could use a confidence boost, and needs to be allowed to do something on his own.” He explained, before adding, “Regardless, Lo, I would appreciate it if you climbed up on the roof and used your beast gift to keep an eye on them with your enhanced vision…just in case. As for why I didn’t join them, or ask one of you; once again I think Alex could use some freedom, but more importantly, with Winchester gone for the day I need someone to watch The Library while I investigate some strange rumors I’ve heard.”

      “And what would they be?” Erald asked.

      “It was something about tremors; small ones, very localized, but still…with war on the horizon I can’t afford to ignore strange things happening.” With that he left Lo and Erald in charge of defending The Library.


      Winchester looked around at the old streets of The Capital. He was older than most of them, but not all. He approached a small building near the east gate. It had no sign, but was a small apartment that could be rented for a day or two at a time. Today an old friend of his was meeting him here.

      He entered the rustic building to find a well-dressed butler standing by the fireplace, boiling water, while a rugged man sat on a sturdy chair admiring the roaring fire. Deese and Whar welcomed him warmly.

      Whar placed a hand on his shoulder. “Good to see you. I was wondering whether or not Future would let you leave your post.”

      He smiled back before taking a seat. Leaning his cane on the table he retorted “I could say the same for both of you. We’re all leaving our bases equally exposed for this little rendezvous.”

      Deese removed a pot from the fire. He poured the light green brew into dainty cups.  “Would either of you care for some tea?”

      Whar was hesitant “You know, if it was anyone else I would say ‘no’. Although… do you have a different cup? Maybe something less…fragile? I only ask because I remember the last time you gave me one like that I shattered it.”

      Deese had prepared for this, and brought out a sturdy wooden cup. He poured everyone tea before sitting himself.

      Winchester took the silent moment of them all drinking to look at his companions. All of them had some scars. Whar, a physical one, down his neck all the way to his waist; Winchester himself was stricken with a bad limp; and Deese needed glasses for distance, his eyes now damaged in an accident he refused to speak of. These were the dangers of mortals trying to deal with problems meant for superhuman forces. Yet they’d endured, and were made ageless for their efforts.

      Winchester then chuckled to himself.

      Whar looked at him puzzled. “What’s so funny?”

      “All the remaining ‘wrists’ in one place.” He replied.

      Deese smiled, setting down his cup. “Oh yes. Who was it that gave us that title?”

      Whar smirked. “I believe it was the same spirited girl who so lovingly nicknamed you ‘Winnie’, eh Winchester?”

      The old man played with his cane and smiled. “Meimei. ‘We support the Hands, so that makes us the Wrists’. That’s what she said.” But his smile quickly faded into sorrow, and the other’s quickly followed. Meimei, like so many other servants of the Entities, went into hiding after their masters fell to EK.

      Whar loudly cleared his throat. “So how have the two of you been recently?” He asked loudly, trying to distract them all from their depressing memories.

      Winchester, thankful for the distraction, spoke up. “I’m doing well. The Library was opened briefly so I got some news from the outside. I hear the people of Trindol are recovering from the flood.” He glanced towards Deese, who grimaced. It had been his mistress that had flooded the region, rather than give it up.

      Whar tried to aid their friend “Yes, it’s recovering nicely. The people of the north are strong, and we’ve been helping them along the way. We’ve just restored their farmland, and the port.” He smirked.

      Deese sighed in relief. “That’s good to hear. My mistress was rash to do something like that.”

      Whar stroked his chin. “Although I’m loathed to admit it, her… shall we say ‘bold’ personality, leads to bold strategy. We’d never expected her to have made a base in the northeast, right outside Death and Evil’s home territory, and shipping dralgs over from EK’s wasteland was even more unexpected.”

      Winchester finally rejoined the conversation, adding “yes, it was a risky strategy, but it didn’t pay off; just like when she tried it in Velos. Your ships were spotted, and after some investigation we discovered what was going on. Remarkably, both our masters united to bring her down.” He gestured to Whar, who nodded, remembering the battle well.

      Deese raised a cup in gracious defeat. “We’d suspected that was the case, but weren’t sure. The northern seas being as foggy and treacherous as they are, we were more focused on surviving than being discreet.”

      Whar shifted in his seat. “The northern seas are no one’s allies.” He muttered hauntingly. “Trident Pass has sent many men to an early grave. Having so many whirlpools so close together should be against the laws of nature!” He slammed his mug down to emphasize his point. “Have either of you ever traveled up that way?”

      Winchester thought for a moment before saying “Thankfully not, only as far as The Scaled Isles. You?” He turned to Deese.

      The butler shook his head. “I’ve had no reason to try and meet with the dragons.”

      “And it appears they have no desire to meet with us. They’ve expressed many times how they want no part of the Hands’ blood-feud.”

      Winchester muttered. “Blood’s thicker than water, but it also leaves a messier stain. All three of the siblings may call each other ‘brother’ or ‘sister’, but it’s almost as an insult. By now it practically means the opposite; ‘my former brother’, ‘you are not my sister’. It’s terrible.”

      Whar frowned. “No matter what they say, though, they truly are family. Future acts his part as the eldest brother, while Luck is certainly the youngest.”

      Deese couldn’t hide his embarrassment and laughed. “That she is.” He nodded. “So willful and cunning…and so vindictive. She would sink the ship she’s on just to kill the captain.”

      “Something the people of Trindol know well.” Whar joked.

      “Come on! That’s a low blow and you know it. I thought you were better than that, taking such a cheap shot.” Deese laughed.

      Whar shrugged. “A good soldier takes any opportunity or opening they can find.”

      Winchester smiled, but remained grounded. “No matter how we joke, though, the Hands have been feuding more and more recently.”

      Whar, the oldest among them, nodded. “There was a time when the Hands would barely meet every century, then every decade…now they’re meeting every year. Things are coming to a head.” He sighed. “We may all be fighting this time next year.”

      Deese rose. “Well I for one say let the Hands have their war, but let it not destroy what we have here. I swear to not raise my hand against either of you, and I hope you feel the same.”

      Whar raised his glass. “Here, here!”

      “Well put.” Winchester nodded.

      They made a toast of it, and continued to talk for the rest of the day.


      While Winchester was gathered with his friends, unbeknownst to him, Alex was out in the western forest, just shy of the wasteland where EK slept.

      The warm spring air felt good on Alex’s arms. He wore short sleeves, and summoned fire to leave flaming handprints as markers on the trees they passed. They would easily be able to find their way back, or be found, should someone come looking for them.  He was also reunited with his trusty boot knife, which took its familiar place alongside his ankle.

      From his spot at the front of the pack, he turned around and looked at his friends. Eira had brought a sword, a gift from Erald; while Anastazia had left in such a hurry she’d forgotten her hat. She didn’t seem to mind though, and her ears could come in handy with tracking anyway.

      They’d been walking for about an hour when they took their first rest. “All we need to do is find one straggler.” He reassured them. “Future once told me that without Luck directing them, dralgs are just mindless creatures. We should be fine. I’ll pin him down, and you guys finish him off.”

      They searched for another hour, and still nothing. Eira sighed, “I know the report said they were sparse, but this is ridiculous.”

      Finally, after two more hours, they stumbled upon a single Dralg, standing alone, stretching under a tree. With it locked in their sights, they discussed who would get the first mark. Eira was unanimously selected, since out of all of them she desired it the most.

      Alex ambushed the beast, stunning it with a fire blast before dashing in and pinning it. While it was disabled, Eira ran in with her sword and slayed it. As the creature fell to the ground, ribbons of red wrapped around Eira’s arms. She stumbled to her knees as the energy poured into her. Alex helped her up and smiled.

      “Congratulations. You just got a beast mark.”


      They made camp for the night. Ana gathered plants to eat, Frey gathered wood, Indol set up the camp and tents, all the while Alex taught Eira about her new beast mark. After using his beast gift to ignite the wood, they sat around the campfire.

      While they relaxed, Alex told them about how, when he was little, his father would take him camping just like this. At the time he thought it was just father-son bonding, but now he knew his father was training him to grow up to be a warden.

      Eira couldn’t hide a small glare of jealousy, but it was quickly dispelled when she looked down at her new arm decorations; she’d have a lot to explain to her father when she got home.

      While they were telling stories, Alex suddenly stood up. They’d set up camp at the top of a small hill, under a few trees for cover, but around the base and between the trunks Alex spotted some eyes. He warned the others, and as they searched their surroundings they noticed many more; dozens of them. They were surrounded by dralgs!


      Alex quickly commanded their camp fire to illuminate their foe, and his worst fears were confirmed. They were completely surrounded with no way out. The only good news was that they had the high ground, and the dralgs weren’t charging.

      “There shouldn’t be this many so close to the city!” Frey exclaimed.

      “The report said nothing about this!” Eira cried, looking around at the horde.

      “Doesn’t matter.” Alex stood resolute. “They’re here, and we need to fight them.”

      Alex’s fire provided light and kept them at bay, Eira charged what few bombs Indol brought, while Frey and Anastazia threw burning branches at the pack.

      The tactics certainly made the beasts wary. They didn’t charge, but they didn’t leave either. They continued to circle their prey, sending one out at a time to snap at the children, while the pack as a whole looked for any opening.

      As they were fighting, an inferno washed over the dralgs, scattering them. Everyone looked at Alex, who shrugged. “It wasn’t me.”

      The answer quickly came when a black horse emerged from the night, flanked by a handful of riders and ridden by an armoured man. The man dismounted, and summoned the flames to obscure him.

      Evil in his younger, but not childish, form, stepped out. “A great warrior surrounded by fire and women. It’s like looking into the past. Malent told me of your beast gift. Still, I admit I’m surprised at how well you command these flames.” He ordered a small stream of fire to dance around his hand to prove his point. “You know I could always teach you more, one fire master to another.”

      “I appreciate the offer, and you saving us, but no thanks.” Alex smiled. “I think I have it figured out.”

      “Oh, I get it. You still connect me with that brat Malent. She told me what happened, and I’d like to apologize, to both of you.” He faced Anastazia as well. “She did so without my knowledge or approval. If it would make you reconsider my offer, I would gladly punish her, or remove her from my organization, should you ask.” He put on his nicest smile, but Alex wasn’t impressed.

      “You may not have told her to do it, but you’re the one who made her do it. It’s because of you she’s the way she is.” He pointed accusingly. “I saw the burn mark on her neck. If that’s how you treat your students, your children, then I want nothing to do with you!”

      Everyone gasped in amazement, while Evil just stared at Alex, stunned. “You are the only mortal to ever speak to me like that. I don’t mean rudely, many fools have tried to insult me, but you spoke without fear, and for the sake of another. You’d threaten me in defence of a girl who persecuted you.” Then Evil laughed.

      It was just a small trickle at first, but it built until the Hand was laughing uproariously, and didn’t stop. It got to the point where the men riding with him shuffled uncomfortably, and some even began to back their horses up in fear. This had never happened before.

      He finally settled down, and wiped a tear from his eye. “You…you are a strange one, Alexander Abaven. You remind me so much of myself it hurts. I cannot destroy you, any more than I would care to destroy myself, but a soul such as yours has no place among my legion.” He thought for a moment, before looking around. “If you wouldn’t mind, since we’re out here, I would like to take you hunting. You can still be useful to me, to everyone, as a weapon against EK, and I would like to make you a more potent one.”

      Alex looked Evil in the eye, before pointing to his friends “Only if they get marks first.”

      The soldiers held their breath, but Evil looked over the children with a discerning eye. “Very well, although I cannot guarantee how many they’ll get. That depends on the hunt.”

      “Future wanted me back by noon tomorrow.”  Alex emphasized, making sure that if he were to go missing, Future would be looking.

      The threat seemed lost on Evil though, who casually replied. “Then I suggest you get a good night sleep. We hunt at dawn.”

      With that he mounted his horse, and commanded his men to move their camp closer to the hill. These children were officially part of his hunting party now; he would not have then snatched away in the middle of the night.


      The next day was a strange one. Alex and his friends woke up and were greeted by an enthusiastic Evil, as well as a few of his men. Evil gave them a few spare horses to use, before helping them track the remnants of the pack that had stalked them the night before. During the ride Evil seemed content, almost happy. He smiled at Alex like the boy was his own son, all trace of hostility or greedy desire gone. Alex was on guard though; he would not be lured into a false sense of security.

      Regardless of how he felt, though, the results of the hunt could not be denied. By the time the group returned to The Capital at noon, Frey had three marks, Eira and Indol two. Finally the meek Ana, who had insisted on everyone else going first, was gifted with one.

      As Evil left the children and returned to his base, he ordered a subordinate “Send Malent to Luck. Tell my sister ‘no deal’.”

© 2017 André SanSouci

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Added on June 14, 2017
Last Updated on June 14, 2017
Tags: fantasy, school, powers, fate, Young Adult, library


André SanSouci
André SanSouci

Calgary, Canada

I use the pen name ‘André SanSouci’ which means ‘happy go lucky’ in French. When I was young I began imagining what it would be like to have conversations with my favo.. more..
