A Poem by daydreamer

I wander like a nomad

In search of you,

Amongst rosy gardens

Desert storms and hurricanes.


My soul is battered

love completely shattered

My existence a junkmail

My feelings shunned like a spam email


You were my laptop

I was your palmtop

Our tab in sync, i-pad & i-phones

Connected, download unlimited


I landed in a phishing site

Watching your pictures

 Every man’s delight

My network got bugged


Since then I am disabled

Neither Norton nor Kaspersky

Or a hoard of firewalls

Could bail out our love


Dear friend, I am lost

In gaming and digital imaging

Please don’t become virtual touch screen

And vanish into 3-D plasma screen


Dear friend, I am lost

Among all these digital gadgets

Come and save me from this world 

of midget minded giants....

© 2012 daydreamer

Author's Note

I guess I am really lost among these:)

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Whew! I don't believe it...I understood your work of art! Technical lingo does not fair well with me, but this is great a very unique write my friend! This is true, we can get lost within the Virtual world... Nicely done!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is great! :) I love the imagery!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ha ha, so unique. i love it. very enjoyable and intriging. You capture your reader in from the very beginning. Nicely done!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow! Very clever and the emotions exposed are quite clear. Wonderfully written piece!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 30, 2012
Last Updated on June 2, 2012



Mangalore, karnataka, India

Hi i am Rajesh . I am an Indian Male citizen, residing in small town called Mangalore in Karnataka state. Writing has been my dream i have been nurturing since my childhood. I have a long long way .. more..

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A Story by daydreamer