I say I am one; I have created you all as one,
They say we are different, than how can you be one,
I say you all are part of me,
They say we haven’t seen you, than how can we be part of you,
I say religion is trust, you can chose it, you can change it,
They say who you are to teach us about religion,
Here only we decide who should follow whom,
We create Hindus, they create Muslims, that’s how our religion works,
I say pray me like a lover, care for everyone like you are in love,
They say we fight for you like we just don’t know what actually love is,
I say these are not my teachings, I never taught anyone to fight,
They say your teachings don’t work for us, we sell hate and people buy it,
I say, do you care for people who die because of hunger,
Do you care for children who lose their parents, do you care for those tears,
They say, yes we care, and we care if they survive, but we just don’t let them,
We kill them slowly, first by taking love out of them, then their souls by killing their lives,
I say what about those girls; I created them with lot of love and care,
They are your mothers, they are your sisters, they are your daughters, don’t you see them,
Yes we see them differently, that’s why we treat them differently,
We break them softly, they don’t make noise, they scream and that’s what we don’t like,
We hit them, we rape them, we play with them, but what’s our fault no one takes their side,
But you do it all on my name, I am the one you pray, but still you say I am your God,
Our God is faith, neither you nor anyone else,
We sell what makes people kill each other,
We make them believe in a God that’s created by words,
For them you are unsafe, your identity is in danger,
If they really believe in you, do you think they can kill the ones created by you?
We give them the faith, a faith they don’t have in their own God, in you,
You don’t have a place God, not in the palaces people have made for you,
You don’t have a story of your own, they don’t see you, they just speak about you,
Your identity is just in the stories created by people like us,
Stories, I am just a story after all, a God made by you,
My making, not like that of a toy, but of a weapon,
A weapon, that doesn’t kill, that just burns the hearts, just burns the hearts.