Last prayer
A Poem by raiz_0990
a time ago i was very low,no so much today,
but for tomorrow you'll never know. 
soul pines for you. I wither as I stare at the sun and go blind; I can no
longer see your face. Let this give me peace and rest. My soul is tired of
suffering but my tears find no rest. They fall as I did for you, yet I fell
alone unlike they do. The fat drops of shame, regret, and sorrow are not alone
and are not few, but my hours, with hope, will be. Let me find peace and my
mind. My sanity wavers on a thin string and hope stays on, but oh dear sanity
you are gone and I am not, how unfair. I wish to be gone from this suffering of
my life. Sweet tears you fall for one who loves you not. Let it go as they have
and find solace in silence and dry face. I could cry a river if only I was
strong enough to throw myself in. I want to die. I want to breathe my last and
be gone, to take sweet life’s kiss once more and no more all at once. It will
be ok, dear heart, you will find your rest, but my hands cannot give it to
you…to myself. A bitter sweet symphony falls from my eyes, as I taste the
sadness of my mind. I am the weak willed, to sad to live, but to vain to die.
May the lord find my soul and save us both, let me be grateful for this life
and not mourn it as I “live.”
© 2011 raiz_0990
Added on August 2, 2011
Last Updated on August 4, 2011
Tags: letting go
raiz_0990Rolling Hills, TN
We are birthed into life born to die.The spaces in between filled with time.No certainty can be marked and no recollections will be carried on. Live this life;this one is yours. Love with might and cr.. more..