A Masked Masquerade

A Masked Masquerade

A Poem by Allison

Look into the moonlight.

No, look into the moonlight.

Gaze into it's pale brilliance.

It's beauty is inexplicable...


Much like yourself now

In this supernatural masquerade.

A waltz in the center,

Followed by a ballad of spring buds.

Or maybe winter gales.


You're swept off your feet.

You've no words to verbalize

The real grace of the crowd.

Amazing how such a mass of people

Can move in such unison and perfection, no?


Pulled into the legion,

You're whisked away in a rush of awe.

You're feet are taking you places you never dreamed.

Spinning and spinning, gliding through the air.

Where shall we go from here?




Following your aquaintance to unreal destinations.

Flushed as a rose petal, you become a part of the union.

Minds join, and you truly feel the beauty.




You're tossled and dragged in one swift motion.

It seems too much, but still you keep on.



Your ability to go on is dwindling,

You've begun to trip over your own masked grace.


Fatigued with unbelieveable greatness, you see...

Your ballad is coming to an end...


Eyes shut,

Breathing slows.

The light is dimming, yet is more vibrant than ever.

Has sanity left you completely?

How much more can you take?


Falling...Falling...Into a perpetual void...

The unity of the people has gone.

Now they laugh and yell as they watch you cease,

Surrounding you, keeping you away from true salvation.

Then it stops.


No voices are heard, nor music is sung.

No people in sight, no savior to reach for.

All life vanishes.

It seems your masked friend has brought you to the end.

Shouldn't you have seen it coming?


© 2010 Allison

My Review

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I imagined this one being played out as a silent short animation. I don't know how you evoked that but great!

Posted 14 Years Ago

I really enjoyed reading this. Mysterious, dark and haunting. It flowed really well and the story was amazing, very clever =) Loved it

Posted 14 Years Ago

kind of mysterious, creepy, and that's what I loved about it. very interesting piece. loved it. great job on this one! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

i really loved this, way descriptive and kind of scary! I like how the dancing sort of sucked the life out of her, one of your best:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2010
Last Updated on September 6, 2010
Tags: Dance, Dancing, Masquerade, Mask, Wrong, Lie




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