Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by SilentSKY


            How I hated my father. I’m not a violent person, but I hated him so much that I was shaking as I felt how much I hated him. I wanted him dead.

            The pounding on the door startled me. “Boy, I’m just gonna tell you that I’m gonna let you die in there! You ain’t gonna get no more food until you die, and I find you lyin’ here on the floor dead!” Dad’s angry and swaying voice sounded from the other side.

            I didn’t say anything as my stomach dropped.

            “You hear me, boy?! Or are you already dead?!”

            “I’m still alive. To your dismay,” I added quietly.

            “Not for long…” I heard Dad chuckle as he walked away.

            Great. Now I was going to die in my room, alone and sad with blood smeared across my face.

            Maybe I could write a note or something saying that my father did this to me, so that when the police found my body…. No, I thought. No, Dad would just bury my body, or burn it so there wouldn’t be any evidence of a body. No one knows I exist anyways.

            That wasn’t completely true though; at school, I had quite a few friends who knew what went on with my dad and my brother. There was Randy Powell, Jason Meyers, Patricia Meyers, Jason’s younger sister… they would notice my absence, and would surely call the police.

            I could already feel my stomach rumbling. It had only been a few hours since I had eaten the stale sandwich, but I still felt hungry.

            I stood up from my bed and went over to the door, putting my ear up against it, listening for any sign of sympathy from Daniel. He usually was the one to let me out, because Dad usually locked me in this room for days.

            “…because he’s a stupid, annoying and kid doesn’t mean that he should die in his room by starvation!” Daniel’s rough voice said. I am not stupid! I bitterly thought.

            “Dan, listen here- I can deal with you for the next week, because you’re going off. But that boy; I’d have to deal with him for the next three years! I could barely stand him for the past fifteen years, and it seems like he’s just getting stupider and stupider! I think we both know that we should just kill him so he will end our misery.” Dad angrily barked.

            “But, Dad-”

            “Shut up, Daniel! He should have been dead long ago! He should have died six years ago! He should be dead!” Dad screamed, and I shrunk away from the door, remembering the Truck Incident like it happened yesterday.

            “Dad, he don’t deserve to die so cruelly-”

            “Yes he does! He needs to die painfully! He deserves it!” Dad screamed, and tears began to fall down my face.

            Suddenly, I heard the front door slam. I thought it was Dad who left, but I was wrong. It was Daniel.

            I ran over to my bed and threw myself on it, face in pillow, sobbing. I was going to die at fifteen.

            I was going to die.

            I lifted up my head, the room spinning around me. I could already feel hunger creeping up on me again, and I grabbed my stomach, wishing I could just end all the pain now. My nose hurt, my body hurt, my head hurt, and my heart hurt.

            Suddenly, I remembered a saying that our priest at the church Mama always took us (meaning Daniel and I) to would always say; God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble.

            I don’t know whether I believed in God or not, but I was desperate. I got down on my knees next to my bed and put my hands together in a praying position, thinking carefully about my prayer.

            “God, could you please give me wings so I can fly far away from here?” I waited for a moment or two, slightly expecting either wings to shoot out of my back, or for a giant wind to blow, or at least for God to show some sign of hearing my prayer.


            Nothing came.

            I opened my eyes. I knew that nothing would probably happen, but the tiniest part of me still hoped.

            I lay sprawled out on the carpet, hand on my stomach. I could feel sleep beginning to take over, and I succumbed to its gentle grip.

            My eyelids began to slip close, and all my muscles relaxed. Waves of nothingness began to wash over me, and the last thing I thought was, Boy, this carpet sure is filthy…



I woke to a pounding on my door.


            I groggily opened my eyes, darkness surrounding me. A small sliver of moonlight crept its way into the depressing room.

            “Sky!” The voice repeated, and I realized the voice’s owner was Daniel. Getting on my hands and knees, I crawled over to the door that separated us.

            “What?” I whispered.

            “Sky, Dad ain’t home. You can talk.” His voice sounded shaky, as if he were crying.

            “Oh.” I whispered, then shook my head. “Oh.” I repeated, this time louder. I then remembered that Daniel would always let me out when Dad was gone. “Daniel, could ya let me out?”

            Daniel was quiet for a moment. “I-I can’t do that, Sky.” His voice was shaking a lot, and I heard him sigh.

            Confusion settled down on me. “Why?”

            “Because our beloved father cracked out the whip on me and forced me to tell him that I let you out at night.”

            The way he was saying it seemed like he thought I was some kind of animal. A little bit of annoyance drifted off of me, but I shrugged it away.

            “And?” Dad whipped us a lot- I have scars to prove it. However, he rarely whipped Daniel. It was mostly me.

            “He-he went and- well, while you was sleeping in here, he put on a new lock that has a key. And he has the key.” Daniel stuttered.

            I was quiet, taking this in, realizing now that my fate was sealed. “Where is that b*****d now?” I calmly said, pulling out my pocket knife.

            “He’s out with some lady again.”

            “Well, why did you wake me up?” I asked, iciness in my voice. I gently turned the blade over in my hand, studying its black handle.

            “I…” He began, apparently thinking about his word choice. “Tonight, I’m gonna meet Sandy at the park, so I can ask her to marry me.” His voice became light and dreamy, and for once, I actually felt sympathy for Daniel.

            Though it seemed like he hated me, I realized, he did care about me, because I was his kid brother. He hollered at me, but never hit me. A sudden warmth for him spread throughout my body.

            “Go, Daniel. Marry Sandy.” I quietly said.

            “But, Sky, I-”

            “Daniel, shut up. Go marry her. I shouldn’t stop ya.” I continued turning the blade over in my hand, my palm getting sweaty.

            There was silence for a moment. “I don’t hate you, Sky.”

            “Then why do you always get me punished? Why do you always yell at me?” My voice cracked, and my face became warm.

            “Because-because I was always jealous of you. Mama always gave you all the attention!” He blurted out, and it almost felt like we were both little kids again, arguing over stupid stuff.

            I froze. I didn’t know Mama favored me. It just always seemed like I was younger, so I needed a little bit more attention then Daniel. I shook my head, but realized he couldn’t see me through the door. “I didn’t know.”

            “Well now you do.” I heard him stand up. “Good bye, Skyler.” He murmured, and a slam filled the household.

            I waited for the roar of Dan’s red pick up truck, and heard it back out of the driveway and on to the road, tires squeaking against the asphalt.

            I now knew what I was going to do.

            Closing my eyes, I put my pocket knife up to my throat, muscles tight, ready to pull it across. Hot tears began falling down my face, and a knot clenched in my throat, making it hard to swallow. I was shaking, slowly beginning to pull the blade across, feeling warm blood beginning to ooze out-

            Suddenly, I dropped the knife, hearing a small thud as it hit the ground. “That’s it!” I murmured, standing up and smiling, opening my eyes.

            Picking up the blade, I centered in at the silver door knob.

            I knew what I was going to do.

© 2010 SilentSKY

Author's Note

hehe, Sorry chapter 3 took so long! I was REALLY busy! ._. please enjoy it! ^_^

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It took you long enough! Haha, but honestly, this was great. I can't wait to read more! Good job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

iHate U!!
Well...not really.
Well a little bit for stopping!!
U got me Hooked!!
Me and my Ninjasaurus-cat-ness will eat you

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 13, 2010
Last Updated on December 13, 2010




I love to write. It is a passion, and that is all I do. Write. I have been writing since I was very young, making up little stories and writing them out. I have been accepted to Author's Faires, and I.. more..


A Chapter by SilentSKY

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