Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

More flashbacks, memories of blood shed, threats from Alice, and Bree finally gets a clue.

“According to the report, it only comes out at night. And it drinks blood. Lovely,” Alice said, plopping down on the couch.

“Well, its dark anyway. Why don't we go catch a movie and grab something to eat?” Skyla suggested.

Roxas and Alice agreed, so they headed out to the nearest movie theater.

The movie was boring. Some stupid chick-flick. The girls liked it though, or else they wouldn't have gone in the first place. They left the movies and went on to find something to eat.

It had started to rain, so Skyla's Guardian had scouted ahead, and found a shortcut down an ally way to a McDonald's. Alice and Roxas' Guardians were sent to search for the Shadow Demon as soon as they left the hotel.

As they were following the white dove, Skyla had suddenly been smashed into the brick wall.

Roxas' eye darted from where the blue eyed girl was, to where the opposite side of where she was thrown.

“Finally decided to show yourself, eh?” Alice had growled, trying to get the fallen bricks and debris off of Skyla.

The Shadow had been more or less the same as all the others they had fought before. Red eyes...Burnt and scarred skin...But the shark-like teeth and two foot, razor sharp claws were new.

Roxas swiftly pulled out a gun and fired a round at the Demon.

But, it on the other hand, had no intention of letting itself be killed, and danced around the fired bullets.

Cursing silently, he jumped out of the way of Shadow's claws. Positive that he was safe for a moment, Roxas had tried to reload the gun as fast as he could.

Not fast enough.

Before he knew what had happened, his gun was knocked out of his hands, and his skull throbbed. Blood trickled down his forehead and down his cheek. He was shoved up against the brick wall, feet not touching the ground.

He saw Alice searching for a weapon she could use as the Shadow Demon's claws sliced through his shirt and chest. It wasn't deep, just enough to break the skin, but it still hurt.

When he had tried to move, an extra pair of arms grew out of the Shadow and pushed him back harder into the wall. It's hands on this pair didn't have two foot claws, but it had sharpened talons. As they started to dig into his forearms, he let out a loud sting of cusses.

The Demon used a long claw to slice another, deeper, wound on his neck. He was disgusted as it started to lap up the fresh, crimson blood like a dog.

Alice...” Roxas groaned, afraid to say anything else, for fear he might scream.

If anything, he would suffer in silence. Alice wouldn't know how much pain he was in.

As if answering his prayers, the Shadow was knocked out of the way with a mailbox.

He dropped to the ground, moaning in pain.

He watched as Cytheria jumped down off the roof across the street. Alice grew fox ears, and a bushy, red tail worked it's way out of the top of her jeans.

The silver-eyed girl jumped around the Demon, as if taunting it. She danced in and out of the range of the claws.

He looked over at Skyla, who was unconscious. She was laying on the sidewalk, cut up and scratched quite a bit. Bricks were scattered around her, but dust still covered her clothes and hair.

He tried to ignore the pain that threatened to take over. He struggled to stand up, using the wall for support.

Though wobbling, he could walk, and started to look around for his gun. He spotted it in the street, and blinked the blood out of his eyes. He limped over to it, and looked over at Alice and the Shadow Demon.

She didn't look good. She was getting frustrated. He could see it in her form. The usually so neat and precise, almost flawless attacks, were becoming sloppy and obviously required more effort on her part.

He could see that she needed some help. And fast.

He reloaded the gun as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast. He kept fumbling the bullets, and the blood loss wasn't making it any easier. It also didn't help that Alice was getting pretty beat up as well.

Every time she would get close and attack, the Shadow would dodge at the last second, and leave a cut somewhere.

At that point, blood was slowly dripping down her legs, off her arms, and staining her clothes.

After what seemed like hours, he finally re-loaded the gun.

Alice attacked again, and the Demon was getting ready to counter.

Aiming at it's arm, he emptied another round and watched it leave quite a few holes.

He knew it must have hurt, because the Shadow screamed in outrage. It started to make it's way over to him, ready to finish what it started.

But...Alice. Alice. Alice had gotten in the way last minute. Instead of the Shadow Demon's claws going through his chest and taking his soul..They went through the side of Alice's neck.

Her eyes glassed over and she crumpled to the ground. He starred in horror as the blood started to pool around her body.

“Alice!” Skyla screamed. “Roxas we need to get her out of here! Forget about the Demon!”

He didn't hear the blond girl. He didn't ask if she was okay, didn't look to see where she was. He just didn't care. Everyone else in the world could have died, and, at that point, he wouldn't have cared.

He looked to where the Shadow was fighting his Guardian, Isamu. It was about time he showed up.

But he didn't think about that. That thought was for another time and place.

He was beyond angry. Beyond furious, beyond livid. There probably wasn't a word for how much sorrow, angst, and pure rage he felt. He was seeing red, and whether from his emotions or the blood dripping into his eyes, he didn't know.

All he saw was the thing that, quite possibly, killed his beloved Alice.

He didn't know when, but he must have reloaded it again, for he was shooting at the Shadow again. Isamu was holding the thing down while he poured out his rage onto it.

When he ran out of bullets, he simply threw the gun aside. It was no use to him if he couldn't shoot.

Roxas walked over to the Demon and grew wolf-like claws. The Guardian still held it in it's sharp teeth, while he proceeded to torture murderer.

What he did was inhumane. But he had to. Was it not inhumane to kill as well? It killed the only thing in the world that really mattered to him, and it deserved to suffer. It needed to suffer. Suffer like he would for the rest of his life.

With a look of blood lust in his eyes, he raked his claws down the Shadow Demon's arms, enjoying the way it screeched. He grabbed the Demon's claws and yanked them off of its hands, not caring about how his hands we terribly cut in the process. He gorged out its eyes, and laughed at the Shadow's pathetic cries. After he separated the skin from its bones, he starred blankly at the Demon.

“...Well...This isn't fun anymore,” he said darkly. “Go to Hell, b*****d.”

He punched a hole through the Shadow Demon's chest and watch as it burned.

As the Demon turned to dust, Roxas' blood lust began to fade, and he realized why he had done it.

He turned to see Alice, still on the ground. He ran over to her and fell to his knees.

It was pouring at that point, and his clothes were drenched. But he didn't care. Didn't care about anything except for the fact that if she was dead it was his fault.

Carefully, Roxas picked up her pale, limp body in his arms. Alice wasn't moving. In pure agony, he looked up to the sky, and cried out to the heavens.

·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙˜”*°•.XxX.•°*”˜˙·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙

Roxas woke up screaming to darkness. He was hot, with his clothes clinging to him, and hair damp from sweat. He clutched at his chest, his heart racing frantically. The boy's green eyes were widened in fear as they searched the room trying to remember where he was.

After a few seconds in complete and utter confusion and horror, Roxas realized that he was safe. He was in his room. He was on the floor, but still. Nothing was there. He was alone. Safe.

Or, at least, that's what he kept telling himself.

I'm safe. She's safe. I'm safe. She's safe... Roxas chanted silently to himself over and over.

It was the same every night. The dream, nightmare, living Hell. It haunted his existence. It wouldn't leave him. The terrible memories.

But he brought it upon himself. Seth offered to suppress them. Roxas had harshly replied no. It was his fault. And he was going to have to live with it. Whether he liked It or not.

Usually, Roxas wasn't this shaken up. Sure, he'd woken up hot and sweaty before, but it's not often he actually woke up screaming and on the floor.

It had been a disaster. A mistake. It never should have happened.

He couldn't blame the Council though. They had warned him of the dangers, yet he had ignored them and brushed them off.

Only himself was to blame.

Letting out a sigh, he groaned as he stood up. Roxas glanced at the clock and saw that it was 2:36. It was still early, even for him.

Letting out a sigh, he got back in bed and tried to sleep.

·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙˜”*°•.XxX.•°*”˜˙·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙

Why does TV have to be so boring?” Alice groaned. “There's never anything good and violent on.”

“We have Saw VI. You can watch that again, if you want.” Roxas suggested.

“Yes!” the pyromaniac cheered.

She swung her legs off of his lap, and jumped off of her spot on the couch. Alice searched the shelves of movies for awhile until she found Saw. She shoved it in the DVD player and plopped back on the couch.

The crimson haired girl put her legs back in their spot across Roxas' lap and but her back against the arm of the couch.

Muttering about how annoying the previews were, she muted the TV.

“So...” Alice started. “I was thinking about growing out my hair.”

The girl glanced up at her best friend to see his reaction. He was a calm as ever.

“Why would you do that? You love you're short hair.” he replied, confused as to why she would even think about something like that.

“Well...So the scars aren't as noticeable. I mean, it'd be a little bit of a hassle to have to work with it longer, but...” she trailed off as she saw Roxas grow tense.

“Don't...Just...Don't.” he choked out. “I...You...”

He let out a sigh and relaxed into the couch.

“Don't burden yourself for my sake. I'll...I'll learn to control it...Someday. It may take awhile...But I will. I promise.” Roxas told her solemnly.

“...You're doing it again,” Alice said darkly.

Her bangs shadowed her eyes, and she really did look scary, even to him.

“You're blaming yourself,” she continued sadly. “It's not your fault. It's mine.”

“No. It's mine. If hadn't let myself get so beat up...It wouldn't have happened. It wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to get hurt. Not you. I have no one to blame but myself.” Roxas insisted. “I don't like going Dark like that...But...It was a result of my carelessness. I take full responsibility. I'm sorry. So sorry. More so then words could ever describe.”

Suddenly, Alice was hugging him, eyes starting to water a little. He hands clutched at his shirt, almost as if she were afraid to let go.

“Stop it...Just...Stop,” Alice whispered. “I...I hate to see you in so much pain because of me. I hate that you loose control because of me. It was my own, stupid, mistake. And I can't take it back.”

She looked up at him, smiling sadly.

“But...I can't say I would either. I wouldn't want to see you hurt. If a few battle scars are a result of keeping you safe...Then its a price I'm very well willing to pay. And...I'm the one who should be saying sorry, you idiot.”

“But Alice---” Roxas was cut off.

“No! I don't wanna hear it,” the silver eyed girl said dangerously. “Are you the one that threw me in front of you?” she questioned.


“Are you the one that told me to?”


“Then case closed. If I here it again, I'm gonna throw your a*s out the window. Now, lets watch the movie,” Alice ordered.

Knowing that she wouldn't make an empty threat, and had done it before, Roxas shut up and listened.

Absently, he stroked the girl's soft hair, and thought about what she said.

She did choose to do it herself...But...Inside, he blamed himself. He vowed to never let her get hurt again, as long as he could help it. Not ever.

·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙˜”*°•.XxX.•°*”˜˙·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙

After the movie, Roxas had said he needed to train, and left. So, Alice was bored, and wandering the halls.

She shook her head and sighed. She needed something to do.

Not paying attention to where she was going, the girl ran into something. Or someone, to be exact.

“Hey, what the f**k was that for you bas---” Alice stopped mid sentence as she saw who she ran into.

“Oh...Its you. Hey Bree,” she said cheerfully.

“Hey Alice...Sorry about that...Desdemona was showing me to my room...But I kinda lost her,” the brunette said sheepishly.

The crimson haired girl laughed at that.

Wow...Your cat knows her way around here better then you do. That's sad.”


Bree gave her a glare, but ended up laughing to.

“Well...I have nothing better to do...So I guess I'll show you.”

“Thanks,” the blue eyed girl sighed.

Bree trailed behind her like a lost puppy as Alice walked her to her room.

“So..You were wondering about my scars right?” the pyromaniac asked, making conversation.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“It was three years ago. Roxas, Skyla, and I were on a mission. I was careless, and ended up almost bleeding to death.” she told her, as nonchalantly as if they were talking about the weather.

“...Oh...I had no idea...” Bree trailed off.

“Yeah, well...Things happen all the time,” Alice shrugged.

“Well...What about Roxas? He went all psycho. Wanna tell me what that was about?”

“Sure. He was there when it happened...Actually, it happened because he was there. He was about to be killed, so I put myself in front of him. Apparently, I was unconscious because of blood loss, because I don't remember the rest. But...Skyla said that he went insane. She tried to drown out the sounds of the Shadow Demon's screams, but they still haunt her. Even know. Or so she says. Me almost dieing...Well, I guess you could say.... it...traumatized him. So, whenever he sees the scares, or a Shadow Demon, he gets like that, and attacks the closest thing to him.”

“...Well...I guess I'm not ever gonna bring up or point out your scars in front of him unless I have a death wish,” Bree commented.

“Yeah....'Kay. Here's your room.”

They stopped in front of the crystal blue eyed girl's door. Black with random silver and blue lines, circles, and swirls.

“Thanks again,” she said, watching as Alice waved and walked off.

Well...what am I gonna do now? she thought to herself as she went back to wondering the halls.

© 2012 Rayne~Drop.

Author's Note

Well...This took much longer then it should have. But its long! ...Ish...Kinda...Yeah... I now hate flashbacks. I take forever to write them. The fluff is...Well...Lets just say I suck at fluff. I don't think this can even be classified as fluff. So...Yeah. Enjoy~ And remember to Comment/Rate. <333

**HOLY SHIT I FORGOT SOMETHING! Because I didn't write dis on mai own...THANK CHU SO FREAKING MUCH ROXIE! XD Roxie-chan made the characters Alice and Roxas, after I told her to. ^^ She had pretty much planned out the entire fluffy part, and the main plot in the flashback. She already read this, so she'll probably never read this again but....THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Chur epical and I luff chu so much [nh] ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Now, if chu love this tell Roxie-chan to, or I will hunt chu down, cuz she helped make it an actual CHAPTER. ...Have a nice day. ^^

My Review

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-is reading flashback-
-sees Roxas hurt more by the demon- you mother f****r -.-
-sees Alice hit him with a mailbox- DATZ RIGHT, MOTHA F***A. YOU DONT PISS OFF VIOLENT PYROS D<
-sees Alice get fatally wounded- ....well... I know I made up this scene for pure RoxasXAlice lurve... but it's kinda hard to read about D':
-sees Roxas beating teh sheeit out of teh demon- YEAH, KICK DAT MOFO'S A*S BACK TO HELL!!! D<
-sees Roxas pick up Alice and scream- AWWWWWWWHHHH!!!!!! THIS MAKES ME WANT TO F*****G CRYYY!!! D,,,,,,,8 I love Roxas -sniff- -tear- .___.

-reading fluffy scene 8D-
Holy s**t SAW VI o_______o She's got some major problems but I love her LOL
Yes.... hug him Alice.... hug some of dat sexyfine o3o
...Oh will you both just find a happy medium and say it was Damien's fault?? D< -bricked-
Throw his a*s out the window?? o___o Jesus christ woman lmao
Awh he pet her :D
...Vowed to never let her get hurt again.... -coughs-SPOILERATTHEEND-coughs-

-reading teh part wiff Bree- she's such a ditz xD Then again, I'd get lost too o__o
I just love how Alice tells her about her scars like its no big deal... lol
The shadow's screams still haunt her... o.o oh that's quite pleasant poor Skyla lol

-ish now done-
.........eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -super fangirl screaming- I WAS SQUEEING SO MUCH AT THIS!!!! :D :D :D
I was blushing like mad during the fluffy scene... you know... with Alice representing me and all o///o I LOVE YOUR FLUFF :D You made it seem so casual for them to talk liek dat C: I love how Alice is completely violent and threatening to everyone... including Roxas. lol. BUT NOW YOU NEED TO PUT MOAR OF BREE AND SETH AND SKYLA AND DAMIEN.... EVEN THOUGH DAMIEN PISSES OFF ALICE ITS REALLY AMUSING LOL. AND ALL THE BLOOD... IT WAS SO HARD TO READ since it was Roxas' and Alice's blood BUT I LOVEDDD ITTT O3O

But thank you, for liking teh epicness of Alice and Roxas, which was created by meh and DIS F*****G EPIC WRITER BEFORE YOU -points to Rayne-

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


'TIS AN EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE CHAPTER. But Roxas is more epic than I originally thought he was. Especially with the "Well this isn't fun anymore" remark. That just made him an amazing character on his own.

I SENSE LOVINS. I NOW SUPPORT ALICE/ROXAS. Gorgeous and stuff and fkhdlgd.


*wants more*

Posted 13 Years Ago

.....You know I'm reading this over and over? That's how amazing it is owo

Posted 14 Years Ago

-is reading flashback-
-sees Roxas hurt more by the demon- you mother f****r -.-
-sees Alice hit him with a mailbox- DATZ RIGHT, MOTHA F***A. YOU DONT PISS OFF VIOLENT PYROS D<
-sees Alice get fatally wounded- ....well... I know I made up this scene for pure RoxasXAlice lurve... but it's kinda hard to read about D':
-sees Roxas beating teh sheeit out of teh demon- YEAH, KICK DAT MOFO'S A*S BACK TO HELL!!! D<
-sees Roxas pick up Alice and scream- AWWWWWWWHHHH!!!!!! THIS MAKES ME WANT TO F*****G CRYYY!!! D,,,,,,,8 I love Roxas -sniff- -tear- .___.

-reading fluffy scene 8D-
Holy s**t SAW VI o_______o She's got some major problems but I love her LOL
Yes.... hug him Alice.... hug some of dat sexyfine o3o
...Oh will you both just find a happy medium and say it was Damien's fault?? D< -bricked-
Throw his a*s out the window?? o___o Jesus christ woman lmao
Awh he pet her :D
...Vowed to never let her get hurt again.... -coughs-SPOILERATTHEEND-coughs-

-reading teh part wiff Bree- she's such a ditz xD Then again, I'd get lost too o__o
I just love how Alice tells her about her scars like its no big deal... lol
The shadow's screams still haunt her... o.o oh that's quite pleasant poor Skyla lol

-ish now done-
.........eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -super fangirl screaming- I WAS SQUEEING SO MUCH AT THIS!!!! :D :D :D
I was blushing like mad during the fluffy scene... you know... with Alice representing me and all o///o I LOVE YOUR FLUFF :D You made it seem so casual for them to talk liek dat C: I love how Alice is completely violent and threatening to everyone... including Roxas. lol. BUT NOW YOU NEED TO PUT MOAR OF BREE AND SETH AND SKYLA AND DAMIEN.... EVEN THOUGH DAMIEN PISSES OFF ALICE ITS REALLY AMUSING LOL. AND ALL THE BLOOD... IT WAS SO HARD TO READ since it was Roxas' and Alice's blood BUT I LOVEDDD ITTT O3O

But thank you, for liking teh epicness of Alice and Roxas, which was created by meh and DIS F*****G EPIC WRITER BEFORE YOU -points to Rayne-

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

this chapter is awesomee !! you should know who this is XD ok so yeaa ...

Posted 14 Years Ago

*sigh* damn. review stealers. -.-
yeah, um, Cheezit and her fairy friend pretty much said everything that I wanted to say. the fluff was adorableliciousfultastical, and... yeah. xD i suck at reviewing on time... but WC was being slow and bitchy last night, so... yeah. That's why.
Loved this chapter, by the way. :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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HAHAHAHAHHAAHHA MAILBOX. sorry im still reading but i saw that and i had just had to comment. kkays, back to reading now. ROFLMFAO. xDD we talked about the mailbox...and then...just YAYYY. :D

OHMAIFUCKINGGAWD!!!! hai again, jsut finished the flashback and i f*****g FREAAAKKKKEEEDDD!!!! I LOVE IT OH SO MUCH I COULD DIE I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! YOU DONT SUCK ATY FLASHBACKS!!! WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WOMAN!!!! CHUR F*****G NUTS!!! you f*****g RROOOCCKKK!!!! at flashbacks!!!! ohmaifuckingjesus that was soooo amazing!!! i love roxas to death - as of now i think he is my favorite charrie. anyway, reading onward!!!

OHMAIFUCKINGJESUS!!!!! YOU ARENT BAD AT FLUFF EITHER!!! THAT WAS SO F*****G AMAZING!!! and adorable. i f*****g loved it. alice and roxas are definitely my favorite charries. FOR SURE. i think so anyway. as of right now theyre my favorites BUT AWW!! THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!! and "im gunna throw your a*s out the window" was so f*****g hilariuous! xD anyways, gunna go read the part where Bree gets less clueless. o.O hehe

yay bree is less clueless now. i love the nonchalant way that alice told her. xD that was fummy. I F*****G LOVE THIS CHAPPIE!!! like seriously. it is sooo amazing. and nwo reading thsi i dont feel as tired as i was before.. weird. but to ur a/n... STFU! you are an AMAZING writer!! DONT THINK SO ....LOWLY OF CHUR FLUFFINESS. all of you peoples [by all chu peoples i mean maddie and you and roxie] all write AMAZING fluff. so... yeah. SHUDDUP. xDDD


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on January 17, 2011
Last Updated on January 17, 2012
Tags: soul, chaser, guardian, demon, hunter, flash back, memories, dark, blood, death



♫ Death City ♥, NV

Hi my name's Rayne and I don't write much anymore which means I'm never on this website. more..

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A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

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