![]() Chapter TenA Chapter by Rayne~Drop.![]() Abuse of my characters, breaking down walls, and a "Dark" Roxas.![]()
woke up in the morning due to way to many people talking.
“Do you even know what would happen if we woke her up?”
That would be Skyla, Bree thought
“...No. I hardly know her.”
Ugh...What was Seth doing there?
“She will kick your but into next year!”
“...No comment.”
“Exactly. We'll wait for her to wake up.”
“The Hell are you people goin' on 'bout?” Bree asked groggily, sitting up from the bean bag chair.
“Shoot...” Skyla whimpered. “See what you do!” she then yelled at Seth. “Do you want to die?”
“What the Hell are you doin' here pervert?” the brunette slurred.
“Trying to convince her to wake you up.” Seth replied, deadpanning.
“...” Bree replied with silence.
She slowly stood up, setting Desdemona down. The irritated girl walked up to Seth. She looked up at him, giving him a cold, long glare. Then Bree let out a sigh. Not two seconds later, the brunette kneed the unsuspecting boy where it hurt.
Seth doubled over and fell to the floor in pain.
Bree squatted down next to him, and darkly uttered,”Dat's what chu get fer wakin' me up. Learn from chur mistakes. I don't ever wanna be woken up by da likes of chu again, ya hear me?”
Taking a groan of pain from the boy on the floor as a “yes,” she stood back up.
Skyla just stood there. Watching, waiting.
“Skyla...” the still tired brunette drawled.
“Y...Yes?” the blond asked, tentatively.
With that, Bree's stomach rumbled.
Skyla let out a sigh of relief and silently thanked whoever was up there that her friend took out all of her anger on Seth.
“Mmkay! But do you wanna change clothes first? Or do you just not care.”
“I want food.” the brunette mumbled, giving the blond a blank stare.
“I'll take that as an,'I don't care.' Let's go eat.”
Skyla hooked arms with Bree and dragged her out of the room, leaving Seth, who was still on the floor, moaning in pain.
“Where are we goin' Sky?” the brunette asked, almost incoherently.
“To the dinning room hall. Alice didn't want to wake you up, and Seth said he would...But he didn't know about your dislike of mornings...So I tried to stop him...Apparently, he learned the hard way...”
“...Don't care...Want food.”
blond sighed walked down the staircase. When she opened the dormitory doors, Bree let out a groan and shielded her eyes with her free hand. To preoccupied with the blinding sunlight, she didn't pay attention to where they were going at all.
“Of course you don't. Here we are.”
They came to a stop in front of pair of huge, wooden doors. Skyla walked ahead and pushed them open.
Alice and Damien were lounging on one of the sofas in the left corner of the room. On the right side were dinning room tables and chairs. A few people were scattered around the room, but not many. Towards the back, a buffet line with God knows how many different types of foods were being served.
Hunger becoming more important then anything else, Bree ran past her best friend and raced towards where the food was being served.
Getting a tray, Bree frantically put all of her favorite foods on it. A bowl of fried rice, a few slices of watermelon, cookies, a piece of lasagna...Oh, And some chicken for Desdemona who suddenly appeared under her feet. By the time the girl was at the end of the line, she had had to go back and get another tray.
Ignoring the strange stares and glances, the brunette walked over to where Alice was trying to tune out Damien.
The dirty blond was going on about something involving saving an old local tree.
Bree plopped down on the left side of Alice.
“Do you ever shut up?” the crystal blue-eyed girl groaned, picking up a potato she had on her tray and chucking it at Damien's head.
The chocolaty brown-eyed boy promptly closed his mouth, and clutched his head in pain.
People really needed to learn to stop irritating Bree in the morning...Or afternoon...Or something. People just needed to stop waking her up in general!
The girl started to shovel food into her mouth like she would never eat again.
“Where's Seth?” Alice asked, in a better mood now that Damien was quiet.
“He woke Bree up...So, he's probably still on the floor in your room,” Skyla replied, grimacing.
“...I don't think I wanna know.”
“You really don't.”
“...So...Bree,” the crimson haired girl started. “The council said that you have another two days to get used to things around here, and then you'll start classes.”
“...Bree? Are you even listening?”
“Talking to Bree while she's eating is just like talking to hear yourself talk. She'll just ignore you until she's finished,” Skyla told her.
Giving the amount of food the brunette had left on her tray into consideration, she added as an after thought,”She should only be a few more minutes now though,,,”
“...I see.”
Damien, who finally recovered from the potato attack, stood up.
“I'm gonna go to the training ground,” he announced.
He walked around the table and gave Skyla a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Later Sky,” Damien called over his shoulder, leaving the room.
The blond let out a satisfied sigh, while Alice just looked disgusted.
“How do you put up with that thing?” the crimson haired girl asked, clearly revolted.
“He's not a thing. He's my boyfriend. And he's sweet and just adorable. How could you not love him?”
“...He's to happy. And I here thought you were evil. Where did we go wrong?”
At the last sentence, Skyla laughed.
“I am evil. In different ways...And it doesn't mean I can't be girl sometimes to.”
“Yes. Yes it does.”
It was silent for a moment until Bree let out a content sigh.
“That was soooo yummy...” the girl sighed dreamily.
“If you're done, you wanna go get changed?” Skyla asked.
“I guess I'll go to the training grounds to...Meet me there after you guys are done doing...Whatever,” Alice told them, standing up.
“'Kay,” Bree replied, waving a hand.
With a quick wave, the pyromaniac left the room.
Skyla turned to face her friend.
“C'mon!” she said, hooking arms with Bree yet again and leading her out of the room.
The girls walked to the dormitory again, but ventured the opposite was of Alice's room. When they finally stopped, they were in front of a light blue door. It had fluffy, white, painted clouds on it. In a dark blue, the word “Skyla” was written in bubble letters across a cloud.
Bree opened the door and walked in.
The room had a white carpet and pretty baby blue painted walls. A bed with green and blue stripes was off to the right, along with a desk and a computer. All of the furniture was either white or silver, with the exception of the couch to the left in front of the T.V. A dresser was against the same wall as the door, off to the right as well.
The brunette plopped herself down on the couch, while Skyla walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of clothes.
“You okay with wearing this?” the blond asked.
Bree sat up and looked over the couch to see what her friend pulled out.
She held out a pair of really short jean shorts in her left hand. In her right, a top with an extremely low cut collar. There was almost no back to the thing, and had cutout sleeves. The shirt was black with a skull graphic print.
“...You really have to ask?” the brunette said.
“Just checking,” Skyla said, throwing the clothes at her. “Now put these on and we can go.”
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It was an overcast that day, so it wasn't unbearably hot.
Bree followed Skyla across the field into the shade of a willow tree. The brunette plopped down and lied down on her stomach.
“Aren't you gonna watch them practice to?” the girl asked, looking up at her best friend.
“I would, but I have some stuff to do for the Council, so...” the blond trailed off.
“Oh, okay. See ya later then!”
“Later Breezy!”
With that, Skyla ran back across the training ground.
Bree nearly screamed when Alice dropped out of the tree next to her.
“Jesus...” the brunette muttered, taking deep, calming breaths.
“No...I'm pretty sure that my name is Alice!” the crimson haired girl laughed.
“Shut up smart a*s,” the crystal blue-eyed girl said, rolling her eyes.
Turning her attention back to the training ground, Bree saw someone she didn't recognize fighting Damien.
“Hey...Who's that?” she asked Alice, pointing to a boy taller then Damien, although with the same tousled, dirty blond hair.
“Oh, you mean Roxas? He's Damien's older brother. Though I haven't the slightest idea on how he could be related to that thing. They're only a year apart, but he's got three inches on him.”
“...I see.”
Both of the girls continued to watch the boys fight.
Damien tried, almost pitifully, as he tried to land a punch on his brother. Roxas, on the other hand, just avoided every punch, kick, hook, and jab the chocolate-eyed boy threw.
It was funny seeing how effortless Roxas dodged everything.
A breeze suddenly picked up and blew the girls' hair back.
Bree looked over at Alice, and quickly grew a worried expression.
“Alice...What happened?” she asked, frantically. “Are you okay? When did that happen?”
“What are you...?” the girl trailed off, noticing where her friends was starring.
Her neck. The claw marks. All along her throat.
How could she have survived that? How had Bree not seen them before?
Alice said nothing, quickly standing up.
“Not here...Not now...” she muttered before running to her open window across the field.
Racing past Roxas, she silently prayed he hadn't seen the scar or heard Bree.
To bad prayers are never answered.
Damien saw his brother's emerald eyes flash, and turn into a dark, dark green.
“S**t...” he muttered, before getting kicked in the stomach and flying a good ten or so yards.
Seth, who had been watching from another nearby tree, suddenly jumped down and raced over to Damien.
Bree sat there, confused. They were practicing. Weren't they supposed to be fighting?
The girl failed to notice his expression. If looks could kill...
Roxas ran over to where Seth was helping his friend get up and recover.
The green-eyed brother pushed him aside and went to attack Damien again. After using his elbow to drive him into the ground, Roxas slammed his foot into the the chocolate-eyed boy's side.
Damien flew again, only towards the girl's dormitory. The elder brother turned to Seth and picked him up by the back of his shirt. Spinning around once, Roxas flung the boy in the same direction Damien had went. They both went crashing through a window...More specifically, Alice's window.
When her window broke, the pyromaniac was blinded with rage.
She pounced on the boys, giving them a few good bites, and some serious bruises. The cuts they already had from going through glass stung more, and opened up a lot. A few puncture wounds from Alice's sharp canines were visible on their necks, arms, and legs. The two were surely going to have black eyes from the punches they had received. As if that wasn't bad enough, the infuriated girl saw it fit that they be thrown through her wall.
How they were still alive after that, she'll never know.
Bree just stared the entire time, in both horror and amusement.
She found it funny that they both went through walls and windows. The bloody mess they were was hilarious. But she was pretty sure that Damien dying would make Skyla a little upset.
Bree watched as Alice jumped out the new hole in her wall.
“Who the f**k threw those two b******s into my room?” the silver-eyed girl growled.
Slowly, she saw Roxas raise his hand.
"Thank you!” Alice called sweetly, waving.
Bree was so confused.
“...What the Hell just happened here?!” the brunette yelled, scrambling to her feet.
“Roxas turned Dark.” the crimson haired girl stated, shrugging like it was no big deal.
“But...But...The wall...And...And...The window...ARE THEY EVEN STILL ALIVE?”
Bree ran over to the two boys who were laying in a bloody mess. She let out a sigh of relief when she found they still had pulses.
“Yeah...Roxas is very violent where he's Dark...And he gets pretty psycho. Not a lot sets him off though. And...They're not dead...They can't die that easily. Intensive training ensures that it takes a Hellova lot more to kill us then normal people.”
“...But...The wall...” the blue-eyed girl mumbled, still disturbed.
“...They broke my window. If my room was going to get construction anyway, then why shouldn't I break a wall to?”
“...No comment.”
“We're...Okay...Bree,” Damien said weakly, giving her a measly thumbs up. “It's gonna...Take a lot...More then...That to...Kill us...”
He coughed up some blood and a tooth or two.
Bree just stood there and laughed at Damiens pain a little. But...Insane. These people were insane.
“Let me get this straight,” the girl said wearily, looking at the ground. “If Roxas turns Dark, he'll start to attack the nearest thing...And you guys can't die easily...Because of all of this training? Is that right?”
“Yeah...I'll explain to you what sets him off later...But not now.”
“Well, we'd better get these two dumb f***s to the infirmary in case the blood loss is serious.”
Bree and Alice lifted Seth, while Roxas set Damien on his shoulder carelessly. The five started to head to where the infirmary was to get the injured boys patched up.
The brunette started to think about what had happened earlier.
Skyla had ran off mentioning a council...Alice freaked out at the mention of her scars...Roxas nearly killed Damien and Seth...They almost died again when Alice threw them through a wall...And yet there they were, talking and laughing as if it never happened.
It looked like she had a lot to learn about her friends...
But...What did the Council actually do? It wasn't only school stuff, was it? And what happened to Alice? What was wrong with Roxas? Why were Shadows even on Earth in the first place? How come not even a single f*****g Shadow was there? When was anyone going to explain to her how she was supposed to live in a world where she doesn't even know which way was is up?
So many questions...And not enough answers.
But Bree would find out soon enough...Whether she wanted the answers to everything or not...Even if it would kill her.
It was a shame to. Some things are just better left unsaid. © 2012 Rayne~Drop.Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Rayne~Drop.♫ Death City ♥, NVAboutHi my name's Rayne and I don't write much anymore which means I'm never on this website. more..Writing
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