Sally Schizophrenia
Never takes her pills
That is why she may expect
Some bruises, bumps, and chills
Sally Schizophrenia
Walks down the market street
Her spider friends all follow her
Forming a line so neat
Sally Schizophrenia
Opens the butcher’s door
A tall fat pig stands haughtily
In clothes Ol’ Jim once wore
Sally Schizophrenia
Just grabs a leg of pork
Spider Phil says, “No, not that!”
And stabs her with a fork
Sally Schizophrenia
Knows all about her sin
She failed to take her pills again
But knows she can still win
Sally Schizophrenia
Takes the pork and runs
Her family eats a hearty meal
The spider’s grin she shuns
Sally Schizophrenia
Awakes in horrid pain
Face, eyes, throat, arm
External nasal vein
Sally Schizophrenia
Sprints to the dining hall
Passing some old moldy meat
Behind the kitchen wall
Sally Schizophrenia
Lets out a nasty roar
Her family lay within their blood
Dead upon the floor
So if you want to live and thrive
You better take your pill
Or end up like poor Sally S.
And Mr. Spider Phil