![]() Dismantling MiseryA Story by rachelduren74![]() short inspirational essay about the meaning of life![]() What is this push and pull inside of all of us? This desire to feel good and this voice telling us not to? Why does it have to be so hard just to be happy and feel good? Or is the answer, that it doesn't. And that our thinking makes it so. Our ego's drive us mad with lies and tangents and fabrications. Why are we so eager to believe the lies and to forgo the simple innocence that we can find in our own hearts and our own breath? Is it human to choose misery and judgment when there is a playground of love, peace, and joy in our hearts? We build this whole inner world and from the very first block it is grounded in fear and lack and lies. There is nothing but misery to be found as every block added from that first one is built on these follies. And we seem so eager to continue. But we get weary and we start to question this leaning, crumbling, hurtful piece of construction that we have built. We start to question the process, the materials, the product, the end. Slowly we see the folly in it. And then we rock between the world of the truth and the world of false hopes, lies, future, fears, pain, endings. The truth is freeing and peaceful and real and we want it to crowd out that other world. But we are so used to what we have been doing since we were little that not doing it is a problem. How do we resolve this dilemma? Well any sane person looking from the outside would say stop building your world on lies and turn to truth and love and peace. But we are never outside of ourselves and so we flounder. We try, we make a start, we turn back, we try again. We get lost in a catalogue of failures. Is this what God wants? Is the answer to these questions what I will see when I leave this world? Maybe the answer lies in patience and trust. Maybe if I am patient and trusting I can begin to dismantle the old ways of thinking and being, block by block. Maybe if I am patient I can allow myself to flub up sometimes, and to seemingly be set backward on my task of dismantling my life's construction- this towering monstrosity I industriously built all with good intentions. Maybe while on earth there is this system of time, and within it I am bound to live in a series of consecutive moments, and while so constrained in this earthly way I must live as though I already have exactly what I already want, in order to attain that thing. Maybe there is no good or bad, no success or failure, and it is all just so. It is all perfect. Wouldn't that blow my mind and maybe blow down a chunk of that old building that has served me in a way, but doesn't service me anymore, except in the task of learning through dismantling- which has merit, and does it not mean that the construction that was built of lies, when you break it down bit by bit, is actually composed of love? Because love is all there really is. When you break it down to that beginning block and you look at the earth underneath it you realize that the tower of lies you built through your life has always been sitting on the ground of truth and love and God. And so you were always ok. Even through your misery, your suffering, your judgments, your failures, your postering and pretending, you were always seeded and sprouted from truth and love and God. So have patience for exactly where you are right now because it is exactly what it should be and all there is, is contained within it. Just look.
© 2012 rachelduren74 |
1 Review Added on November 13, 2012 Last Updated on November 13, 2012 Author![]() rachelduren74medicine hat, alberta, CanadaAboutI am a 38 year old real estate appraiser with an eleven year old boy and 17 year old daughter. I have been separated from my husband for four years. I love to write and have written a fictional tril.. more.. |