Yes, we do. I read the poem as all about the profligacy of life. So much life falls on the ground. Blood, seed, the essence of life. So much of it goes to waste. The fact we -- all 7 billion of us - actually exist is extraordineary. The fact that some of us can turn our hand to communicting in the way that you can is even more extraordinary. Your poem made me think. Well done.
Yes, we do. I read the poem as all about the profligacy of life. So much life falls on the ground. Blood, seed, the essence of life. So much of it goes to waste. The fact we -- all 7 billion of us - actually exist is extraordineary. The fact that some of us can turn our hand to communicting in the way that you can is even more extraordinary. Your poem made me think. Well done.
You are a fine poet. I always can tell that about a writer when i have to read something several times trying to find out what the hell they are
I happen to love the phrase "If only, If only" As I thoroughly enjoy the movie "Holes."
You used it well, and the wonderful thing about using such a line is that it creates a tone, from the very start, a longing, a dream like state. I enjoy it.
The pattern of Rhyme you used is very common, although I don't think it took ANYTHING away from this piece. Your subject matter creates a tight relationship with the reader. Excellent flow, Expertly done.
I'm really just a big kid who wants to play all day...and eat sweets.
I like to read anything: creepy, dark, fantastical, weird, wild and wonderful, mind-boggling, heart-wrenching, giggle-worthy.
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