![]() Jeremy and Hannah Stop a CultA Story by Rabidporcupine![]() Jeremy is a cynical a*****e whose only goal had been to live a normal life. Hannah is a magical genius with the strength of ten grizzly bears on steroids. They've been friends their entire lives.![]() Jeremy turned left at the street corner and saw Laura standing on the
footpath. He slowed down. What was she doing in this part of town? As soon as he thought this, he saw something move in
the glass of the shop she was standing in front of, and she quickly walked
inside with an uncharacteristic frown. Well now he had to
see what was going on. He walked over to the front of the shop, which seemed
to just be a regular bookshop. He looked through the window, only to see a flash of short,
red hair disappear behind the counter. Despite his better judgement, Jeremy decided to enter
the shop, and walked over to the counter to try and figure out just what was
happening. His curiosity immediately changed to nervousness when
he saw the small, badly hidden trapdoor behind the counter. This nervousness was immediately compounded by the
distant chanting he heard when he opened it. ‘I should leave.’ He said to himself. ‘I should leave
and get someone else to deal with this.’ He was right, of course. As most people who have ever
so much as picked up a fantasy or horror novel would know, distant chanting is
never a good sign. But they had Laura. Yeah, he didn’t really know her that well, but what
kind of person would just leave some poor high school girl, particularly one
who isn’t involved in that side of
the world get taken away to be sacrificed by a cult? Even he
couldn’t just ignore something like this. Never mind that Jeremy thought Laura was quite an
attractive girl, or that she was actually nice enough to give him the time of
day! That had absolutely nothing to do with it! Nope! ‘Oh, Jeremy. What are you doing here?’ Jeremy decided that he couldn’t really be blamed for
the shriek that escaped his throat when he felt the hand grab his shoulder. He spun around near instantly, only to face the short,
blonde girl who had grabbed him, sending her the strongest glare he could
muster. ‘F*****g Christ Hannah!’ He whispered angrily. ‘Why
are you here?’ ‘What?’ She asked casually. ‘Most people would be
pleasantly surprised to run into their perpetually adorable childhood friend in
an unexpected place, even if said friend wasn’t an attractive high school girl.’ ‘Yeah? Well most people’s childhood friends don’t
spend their days summoning demons and dragging their friends over to deal wit-…’
Jeremy trailed off, as pieces started falling into place in his head. ‘Actually,
you know what? You might be able to help me here.’ ‘Oh? And why should I help you?’ ‘How about returning the favour for every time you’ve dragged me over to deal with the horrible demons you seem to summon every
other week?’ ‘I do hope you’re going to suggest something that
would actually interest me soon…’ She said, walking over to one of the shelves
and flipping through a book. Jeremy sighed. ‘Ok, do you see this trapdoor?’ ‘I do.’ ‘Well, I opened it just before you decided it would be
funny to scare the s**t out of me.’ He started. ‘When I opened it, I heard a
bunch of creepy, distant chanting, which played a large part in the reason why you scared the s**t out of me… But
regardless, my point is that they’re probably some kind of cult. And depending
on what kind of cult this is, there might be a cool demon for you in there, or
if we’re particularly unlucky, maybe even an Eldritch.’ ‘I see…’ She said, closing the book. ‘You have managed
to capture my interest, but this leads me to a new question. If this sequence
of events is probably going to end with cults and demons and whatnot, why do you of all people want to do this?’ ‘I think Laura … might have been kidnapped by the
cult.’ ‘Who?’ Jeremy, despite all his efforts, couldn’t stop himself
from gaping at her blank expression. ‘Laura.’ He said, trying to jog her memory. ‘She’s
been in the same class as us since kindergarten?’ No reaction. ‘Red hair? Spends most of her time reading?’ Still no reaction. ‘She’s been trying to make friends with you since
grade three, despite the fact that you constantly ignore her?’ ‘Oh, you mean that girl you have a crush on?’ ‘Whatareyousayingthat’snottrueshutup!’ ‘Wow, that was an even better reaction than I was
expecting.’ Hannah said, a smug smile already spreading across her face. ‘Anyway, are you going to help me or not?’ Jeremy
asked, desperately hoping that his cheeks had remained their normal colour. ‘Sure, let’s go.’ She said, giving him a small nod. ‘If
we move fast enough, we might even be able to use your cheeks to light our
path!’ He felt himself blush even harder, and made a
particularly rude gesture before opening the trapdoor and climbing through. Before he climbed all the way through however, he
thought of something important. ‘Uh, let’s just try to keep some semblance of
self-preservation in mind while we do this though, yeah? I really don’t like
the idea of being sacrificed to demons.’ ‘Sure thing, wuss.’ He sent Hannah another glare, before climbing the rest
of the way through. Beneath the trapdoor was a long, candle lit passage,
which appeared to be carved from the stone itself. He heard Hannah closing the trapdoor above her as
quietly as she could. At least she knew how to behave properly when the
situation was this serious. ‘S**t… that chanting isn’t for a Satanic.’ She
whispered. ‘Yeah, I know. I just heard a f*****g ‘f’htagn’...’
Jeremy replied, cringing at the thought of what was coming. Because of course it was going to be an Eldritch. He sighed. ‘Fine, whatever… Hannah, could you pass me a gun?’ He was met with a blank stare from the small girl. ‘Why did you think I’d have a gun? That would be
illegal in this part of the world, silly.’ ‘What are you talking about?!’ He whispered
frantically. ‘You always have some
kind of holdout firearm on you!’ ‘I thought today was going to be a day off.’ She said,
shrugging her shoulders. Jeremy was barely able to keep himself from slamming
his palm into his face. ‘Ok, alright, FINE. We can still do this. Do you have
anything that could be used as a weapon at all?’ He asked, trying to keep his
panic and frustration from overwhelming him. ‘I have some combat knives…’ She said, reaching into
her backpack. ‘And… Oh! I have two trench knives with me too! I forgot that I’d
bought these. Here, get these ready.’ She passed me the trench knives, and I took the time
to put them on properly. ‘Alright.’ She said. ‘Now let’s go and save your
girlfriend!’ ‘Shut up…’ He mumbled. They continued their journey through the passage in
silence, the chanting slowly rising in volume. After around fifteen minutes of
walking, they heard a low-pitched hum. Another five minutes later, they reached the main
chamber. In the centre of the room, Jeremy and Hannah saw three
men in green robes and staffs standing around a giant, twisted pillar, chanting
with their arms stretched over their heads. Twelve more men in brown robes
knelt around them, praying. Two rows of smaller pillars stood between the men and
the chambers entrance. When Jeremy looked closer, he thought he could see
what looked like people behind two of them, but it was too dark to properly
tell. ‘Intruders!’ Jeremy jumped at the shout, and looked to the side of
the chamber in dread to see another two robed men walking over. He was surprised, however, when the men stopped at the
pillars, grabbing the figures he had been trying to see. ‘Hey, no! Let me go!’ Jeremy’s eyes widened, and he looked over to Hannah,
who nodded back with a similar expression. That was definitely Laura’s voice. ‘Whoa whoa whoa!’ The other figure said, and Jeremy
looked over to see the muscular boy being grabbed by the other cultist. ‘We
don’t really have to get violent here, do we? Why don’t you just let me and my
cousin go? We’ll leave, you can continue worshipping your creepy obelisk, and
the whole day can continue exactly the way we want it to. That sound good?’ ‘I’ll admit, that is a tempting offer.’ The cultist
holding him said. ‘However, you might be able to help us calm the beast when he
is summoned. It would be wasteful to let any potential sacrifices escape.’ ‘Sacrifices?’ Laura asked, sounding completely
horrified. ‘Yeah, well, just don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.’
The boy said, before stomping down on the cultist’s foot, grabbing the cultist’s
robes, and throwing him over his shoulder, his head making a sickening crunch
as it hit the ground. Jeremy’s thoughts moved at a mile a minute. Laura and
her cousin would almost certainly lose this fight if he and Hannah didn’t step
in, but even then, the chances of success were going to be slim. One slip up,
and he would likely be killed, or worse, used as a sacrifice for an Eldritch.
And honestly, what kind of idiot would involves themselves when the odds of
horrible, horrible death were so high? He was broken out of his thoughts when he saw Laura
manage to escape her captor somehow, grabbed her cousins arm, and made a break
for the entrance. They were only a few feet away when another,
previously unnoticed cultist leapt at them from the shadows, swinging a machete
down at Laura’s face. Jeremy didn’t even realise he was moving until the
machete hit the knuckles of his trench-knives. Barely a fraction of a second passed before Hannah
collided with the cultist as well, one of her combat knives imbedded in his
ribcage. ‘What about self-preservation?’ She asked, raising an
eyebrow. ‘Yeah, I dunno… F**k it, I guess.’ He replied, sending
her a tired-looking smirk. ‘Decent answer.’ As she spoke, Hannah let go of the knife and grabbed
the machete from the falling cultist’s hand. ‘Alright, you ready Jeremy?’ She asked. ‘As ready as I could be, given the situation.’ He
answered, and they both got into fighting stances as Laura’s captor regained
his composure, more cultists running over from the circle to reinforce him. ‘You alright to take the ones on the left?’ Hannah
asked. ‘Hey, don’t forget who fights all the demons you
summon.’ He said with a small, dry laugh, before rushing at the approaching
cultists. ‘Humans are f*****g small fry!’ He ducked under the swing of a cultist wielding a
metal rod, before punching him in the gut. The cultist arched forward in pain,
and Jeremy took the opportunity to launch an uppercut into his jaw, breaking
it. As he roared in pain and fell back, a second cultist
swung at Jeremy with a hatchet. He jumped away from the swing, before blocking
the second swing with one trench knife and stabbing him in the collarbone with
the other. Before he could move on, Jeremy was knocked to the
floor, and saw that a cultist had managed to sneak up on him and hit him in the
side with a cricket bat. Thankfully, he had already been moving in the same
direction as the strike to move around the cultist he’d stabbed, so the strike
had only managed to clip him. However, now he was on the ground, with the
cultist ready to bring the bat down for a second strike. S**t, and right after he bragged about how easy this
was going to be too! Why did he have to end up dying like an idiot like this?! Just before the bat could collide with Jeremy’s face,
he watched Laura’s cousin tackle the cultist to the ground, before knocking him
out with a quick jab to the face. After this, he stood up from the cultist and helped
Jeremy up. ‘Thanks.’ He said once he was back on his feet. ‘Don’t worry about it.’ Laura’s cousin said. ‘You two
saved us, the least I could do was help you too. I’m Kyle, by the way. Now
let’s go help your friend!’ Jeremy turned his gaze to Hannah, who was doing a
pretty good job holding off three more cultists, wielding the first cultist’s
machete in her right hand and another combat knife in her left. After seeing
that she didn’t really need any help, he looked towards Laura, who was hiding
behind a pillar. Every now and then, she would glance out from behind the
pillar at Hannah and him, looking conflicted. He sighed. They still wanted to help. ‘Don’t.’ He said, grabbing the eager looking Kyle by
the shoulder. ‘We’ve dealt with this kind of thing before. You two need to
concentrate on getting out of here. If you really
want to help, get the police over here. If possible, ask for Officer Lyndall,
she’ll be able to help out better than you can, got it?’ Kyle hesitated for a second, a concerned expression on
his face. ‘Are you sure you’ll be alright if we just leave you
like that?’ He asked. ‘We’ll be fine.’ Jeremy replied, pointing back over
his shoulder at Hannah. ‘Can’t you see what’s happening behind me? We’ve faced
worse than this. It’ll actually be a fair bit easier if I don’t have to worry
about you and Laura, and only have to look out for that damn sadist over there.’ As if to reinforce his statement, Jeremy heard one of
the cultists start screaming about his arm, followed by an unnerving giggle. ‘Alright, fine.’ Kyle said after a few seconds
hesitation, before running over to the pillar and grabbing Laura’s hand. ‘C’mon Laura, we’re leaving!’ ‘What?’ She asked, a concerned expression on her face.
‘But… we can’t just leave them!’ ‘If we stay here, we’ll only get ourselves killed!’ He
shouted back. ‘And you know that if we don’t, we’ll probably only get in their
way! Now let’s go!’ ‘Bu-’ Before she could finish her sentence, Laura was cut
off by an ear-piercing shriek, and every person in the room paused what they
were doing to look to the centre of the chamber. In the middle of the chamber, an enormous creature
perched atop the crumbled remains of the pillar. It was massive, with a hairy, humanoid body, a
goat-like head, and a large, reptilian tail. For a second, I wondered if Hannah and I had been
wrong, and it actually was a Satanic,
but then I realised something which chilled me to the core. Instead of the usual, greyish-red hair of a Satanic
goat, this goats hair was jet black. It was a child of the Black Goat. ‘RUN!’ Jeremy screamed to the others, only for the
Child to let out another shrieking roar, and leap down from the pillar,
crushing two brown-robes in the process. As he ran, he looked over his shoulder, and realised
with horror what it was about to do as he saw it bend over and grab a large
piece of the destroyed pillar. ‘S**t! Stop!’ He shouted, grabbing the Laura’s arm
while Hannah did the same to Kyle. ‘What? What are you doi-’ Kyle shouted, before his
eyes widened as the huge chunk of rubble flew over their heads, crashing into
the rock above the chamber entrance and causing it to collapse. Jeremy, Hannah, Laura and Kyle all stared in horror as
their only known chance to escape was destroyed. ‘S**t.’ Hannah swore under her breath. ‘I’m going to
have to use that, aren’t I?’ Jeremy looked back to the cultists, many of whom
seemed to have finally realised that they had no control over the Child, as
they tried unsuccessfully to escape the creature that was ripping them to
pieces. ‘It looks like it.’ He replied, walking back towards
the chamber. He noticed that, while the brown-robes were being easily
slaughtered by the Child, the green-robes didn’t even seem afraid. ‘You want me
to take care of those green robes? It looks like the Child isn’t attacking them,
so they might have some kind of control over it.’ ‘If you can do it without needing to be rescued by a
civilian again, sure.’ She answered, a sly grin on her face. ‘Oh, shut your face, you damned witch.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ Kyle asked. ‘Why are you
calling that thing a child, and what the hell did you mean when you said you’ll
have to use ‘that’? Shouldn’t we be
worrying about how we’re all going to get out of he-’ He was cut off, however, when Laura put her hand over
his mouth. ‘Is there any way Kyle or I can help?’ She asked, a
serious expression on her face. ‘Not right now kiddo.’ Hannah said. ‘The grownups are
playing.’ She took a few more steps, before she suddenly paused,
looking back over her shoulder. ‘Not that I’m not thankful for the offer or anything
though, it’s just that you’d probably be killed instantly if you tried
anything.’ Once she’d finished saying this, she looked back over
to the Child, brought her hands together and cracked her knuckles. ‘Limiters one
through ten. Release!’ At this command, a wave of pressure swept through the
room, causing the Child to look away from its current prey and focus on them. And then the ground it had been standing on shattered
as it appeared directly in front of them, one of the beasts gleaming, black
horns barely a meter away from Hannah’s face. And in response, Hannah weaved her way around the
horns and head-butted the Child right back. The creature reared back with a screech of confusion. Amusingly, similar shrieks of confusion came from Kyle
and Laura as well. ‘Alright,
listen.’ Jeremy said, getting their attention. ‘I get that you want to help,
and don’t get me wrong, I am
grateful, but there’s a hell of a lot that can go wrong here, and you won’t
want to be close by if it does. Find somewhere to hide, and stay there until
everything is taken care of, got it?’ They nodded. ‘Good, now get going.’ Honestly, he felt like talking to Laura like that
didn’t do a whole lot for any chance he might have had before, but spending his
entire life with Laura resenting him was still preferable to spending his
entire life without Laura being there. Probably. But Jeremy couldn’t focus on that. Hannah had given
him an opening, and he had to take advantage of it before the creature regained
its composure. He took off into a sprint, barely managing to duck
under the Childs tail as it swung it at Hannah. He looked ahead, and saw that the green-robed men had
noticed him, and they each sent a bolt of magic at him. Piece of cake. Sure, to many people, bolts like these would be a
nightmare, but once again, Jeremy had been fighting demons on an almost weekly basis. A few bolts of magic from some
cultists were easy enough to avoid when you’ve spent so much of your free time
dodging demonic blasts. And, you know, there was also the fact that he’d grown
up with Hannah. Jeremy ducked under the first bolt with ease, before
moving forward into a roll to keep under the second one. The third one, which
had been aimed at his feet, proved more difficult to avoid, but he managed to
make a second roll to the left in time to survive. He was almost close enough now, only a few feet away. Realising that he was too close to effectively hit
with a spell, the men readied their staffs. The first cultist thrust his staff
at Jeremy’s midsection, which he sidestepped with a fair amount of ease. He was
almost close enough to give him a decent punch with his trench-knife when the
other two joined him, attacking with similar thrusts at the same height. This was when Jeremy realised something. These people were idiots. At least, they were when it came to melee combat. Literally all he had to do was duck and he was able to
completely avoid the men’s attacks, each of them looking on in shock as he
punched one of them in the kneecap, breaking it. The cultist fell to the ground with a cry, as Jeremy
sliced the second across their outstretched wrist and punched the third in the
ribcage, once again feeling the bones crack. As he stood back up, he looked over the results of his
performance. The cultist whose wrist he’d cut was trying to run,
but with the way he was bleeding, he wouldn’t make it very far. Still, he’d better follow him to finish him of- Oh, wait, never mind. The Child just accidentally
crushed him with another piece of rubble. With that out of the way, Jeremy walked over to the
other two, who were laying on the ground and moaning, and squatted down next to
the one with the broken knee. ‘So, are you to idiots going to tell me how to banish
that thing now?’ ‘Piss off!’ He spat back, getting a few sizeable
splatters of saliva on Jeremy’s face. Naturally this was the wrong move to make, especially
considering the position he was in, and Jeremy decided that it wasn’t outside
the realm of reason to do what he was about to do. And so, with a tired expression, Jeremy started to
poke the cultist in his broken knee. He screamed in pain, which prompted Jeremy to focus on
one piece of bone in particular, rolling it around under the skin. F****r shouldn’t have spit in his face. ‘Fine! Fine!’ He shouted, pulling a scrap of paper
with an intricate summoning circle on it. ‘Here’s the sigil we used to summon
it!’ ‘Thank you!’ Jeremy said, snatching the paper from his
hand and getting up. On his way over to the battle that was raging on the
other side of the room, he ‘accidentally’ kicked the man’s leg, eliciting
another howl of pain. F****r really
shouldn’t have spit in his face. ‘Hey Hannah!’ He shouted, making sure to remain a safe
distance from the fight to ensure he didn’t go the same way as the cultist
whose wrist he had cut. ‘I’ve got the sigil they used to summon the Child! Can
I banish it now, or do you need to collect any more ‘data’?’ ‘What?’ She shouted, before registering what he’d
said. ‘Oh, yeah, just wait a second.’ As she said this, she became a bit more aggressive in
the fight, which she was already going pretty well in, wrapped an arm around
each of the creatures horns, and placed her foot against the Childs forehead. And then she pulled. With a horrifyingly painful sounding crack, both horns
broke off of the creature’s skull, causing it to throw its head back with a
roar of pain. ‘Alright!’ She said. ‘Ok, you can go ahead now.’ Pushing the familiar feeling of utter horror towards
the girl in front of him to the back of his mind, was about to rip the paper,
when he heard a loud bang and a shout of pain. A feminine
shout of pain. Wait, what? He turned around and saw something that made his blood
run cold. There was another cultist, a normal brown-robe, who’d
been hiding at the side of the room. He had a gun. Kyle was trying to wrestle the gun off of him. And Laura was huddled on the ground, nursing her arm. Her heavily
bleeding arm. “Wait, Jeremy!” He heard Hannah shout in surprise,
before the now enraged Eldritch swung back at her, barely being held back by
her monstrous strength. It barely even registered in his head though, and the
only thing he noticed was when he felt himself sprint across the room towards that f*****g cultist! And then he came to his senses, something that looked
like it might have been a person at one point dead at his feet. He turned around to see the shocked faces of Laura and
Kyle staring back. ‘Kyle, go grab that piece of paper and rip it.’ He
said, only realising at that moment how hoarse his throat had become. ‘Bu-’ ‘Do it.’ He repeated, cutting off Kyles protests with
one of the sternest looks he could muster. Kyle hesitated, before sending him a slight glare. ‘Fine.’ As Kyle ran over to the paper that held the sigil,
Jeremy knelt down beside Laura, who was trying to wrap a torn piece of shirt
over the wound. ‘Are you alright?’ ‘Y-… Yeah.’ Laura said. ‘It looks bad, but it only
really grazed me…’ ‘Good, then don’t ever
do something that stupid again. You two could have been killed.’ He said,
glaring at her. She looked down, visibly upset, and despite how angry
he knew he should be at her, he
couldn’t help himself. ‘But thanks.’ She looked up in surprise. ‘What?’ ‘Back then, that guy was probably planning to shoot me
so I couldn’t banish the Child. If that had happened, a lot more could have
gone wrong, and… you know… I’d probably be dead. So thanks.’ As he spoke, he didn’t even have to look at her face
to see a grin begin to spread across her face. ‘Yeah, well, I couldn’t just let you die like that,
especially when you were trying so hard to save us.’ Jesus Christ he hoped he wasn’t blushing as hard as he
thought he was. ‘Hey, are you alright? Your face has gone all red.’ F**k. ‘Wait, you mean we could have banished that thing that easily?!’ He heard Kyle shout in
surprise, as the Child froze in place and began to fade away. ‘What do you mean easily?’ Jeremy asked, pointing to
his head. ‘Didn’t you see how I had to fight those three cult leaders? All it
would’ve taken was for one of them to get a solid hit to my head and we’d have
been screwed.’ ‘Yeah,’ Hannah said as she walked over, trickles of
blood flowing down from the various small injuries on her head and arms, ‘and
besides, how could he keep a level enough head to banish it when there were
still cultists endangering his one tru-’ ‘Shut. Your. Face.’ Jeremy said, having slapped his
hand over her mouth just in time. ‘So… Can we get out of here now?’ Kyle asked, eyeing
Hannah with a nervous expression. ‘I just watched a teenage girl trade punches
with a giant goat demon and survive, which was somehow more disturbing than if she had died by the way, so I kind of want
to leave.’ ‘It’s amazing that your only question after that would
be ‘can we leave’, but sure.’ Jeremy said, glaring at the face behind his hand.
He could feel the smug grin growing even larger against his palm. ‘So, how did you do all of that anyway?’ Hannah looked over her shoulder, grinning when she saw
how Laura flinched back at her gaze. © 2016 RabidporcupineAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on October 5, 2016 Last Updated on December 5, 2016 Tags: Urban Fantasy, Supernatural. Author![]() RabidporcupineMelbourne, Victoria, AustraliaAboutWell, I don't know what to say here, mostly because I've never actually filled one if these out, but you know, what the hell. I'm an aspiring writer, who looks at everything he writes and thinks its s.. more..Writing