The Racist

The Racist

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

The Racist
Born blind as 
               as eye can see
You're all different.
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© 2016 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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funny how we see little kids playing together...all of them, not a care in the world and not a prejudiced bone in their bodies...then they grow up and learn it---from those who came before...we seem to have come so far since the 60's in some ways and yet not far at all...still the same old thought process...and your poem speaks to that concept...we are all different, especially those who have phobias against the others who are. I see the "born blind" more as born blind of the differences and then the eye sight and heart sight a bad way...and then we see the differences and focus too much on a negative way...


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you for your insightful reading of this one jacob on! i can relate to your inferences a.. read more


Very beautiful piece my friend
It's taught not learned and from
Ones showing the wrong values
but if They learn love at home
and the parent
Shows no rasicim and help them
Understand why others act
as they do they won't be racist
I don't care for rude people of all
color and race and lot of times
They don't know love or Jesus
and know the devil's hate and racism
and they were taught to hate so
I pray for them and my boy
isn't hateful that's all racism is
I don't see color I just see a person
I look at their hearts not the color
Or race.

Blessings my friend
I was blown away by
your comment on my
New poem thank you. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

good morning Benita! such a treat to read your review .. deep hate that teaches children such a thin.. read more
Its funny how the apparently simplest set of words can hold the most extraordinary truth. Its also true that we learn our prejudices. We also learn how to be human and how we are all the same with experience. Only apparently some don't. This is a remarkable truth. Especially now when I find myself saying why do some look at brother/sisters and place prejudices of their own learned from others?It could be argued withing myself that I am being prejudiced by saying I do not loath much but I loath prejudice in all its forms. And I learned that from my friends not from my family.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

yes sir! love your take on this .. there is a distinct difference between a behavior and the person .. read more
You should send that in to Trump. So true!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

now now my friend ..lets not be a sore looser ;) give peace a chance! :0/
i am so happy to s.. read more
Tomás Ó Cárthaigh

7 Years Ago

Merry Christmas!!!
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

oops .. i mean behind .. or maybe me behind ;) Merry Christmas to you too sir!
Blindness is both the cause and solution of racism in my humble opinion. How one person of any race can hate an entire race for their skin tone is as crazy as hating people who eat spaghetti, or who have red hair. The beauty and knowledge they exclude themselves from is their own punishment. We are all born the same and that is where we see the answer to the problem. A black child, playing with a white child, would never feel the need to use the description I just did, they are truly colour blind. It is those around them that teach them about life and living, good and bad, making problems were none existed.
Would a dying racist refuse life saving treatment from someone of a race they hated? Most probably. Showing that their hatred is only truly skin deep, no matter how deep they think it runs.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you for such thorough commentary Nemo! (cute penguin by the way ;) yes indeed ..both cause and.. read more

7 Years Ago

Yeah, it's the haters that have the loudest voices, but it doesn't make 'em right.
Wishing y.. read more
Wonderfully simple but brutally to the point. I like blind as far as the eye can see. So very true! I really dig this piece!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thanks Neal! and nice to meet you! i am glad you gravitate to that line (lines) ... it kind of hung .. read more
Neal S

7 Years Ago

My pleasure
To be judged by the colour of your skin painful. Small minded and destructive, powerful write.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thanks Moon ..and so nice to meet you... i will stop by your pages soon ..glad you found something p.. read more
If only we stayed blind. I find this poem hopeful. If that makes any sense. Succinct yet speaks volumes. We're all different yet the same

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

yes!! if we only could .. :( i really appreciate your sensitive reading TL .. and thank you for taki.. read more
funny how we see little kids playing together...all of them, not a care in the world and not a prejudiced bone in their bodies...then they grow up and learn it---from those who came before...we seem to have come so far since the 60's in some ways and yet not far at all...still the same old thought process...and your poem speaks to that concept...we are all different, especially those who have phobias against the others who are. I see the "born blind" more as born blind of the differences and then the eye sight and heart sight a bad way...and then we see the differences and focus too much on a negative way...


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

thank you for your insightful reading of this one jacob on! i can relate to your inferences a.. read more
I have to agree with KWP - while I like the direction you're going with this, the word "born" sticks with me as not quite right, because people are born without any thoughts about "us" versus "them" or prejudice. Racism is something that's taught, then learned, and then clung to when evidences are presented that should cause it to be sloughed away. So in the end, after enough time and experiences have passed, it becomes a choice.

That being said, I love the brevity and quip-iness of this piece!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

i understand what you are saying and it is all true no doubt; however we are pretty blind when born... read more
Hello, Einstein! :)
we're all different, but we're all people. My mother is a pale, blue-eyed swede. My father is a brown, curly-haired Cuban. My wife is Chinese. What race is my son?

Racism is like a hug from mommy. if somebody hurts your feelings, blame their race. If somebody robs your house, choose a race to blame it on. Didn't get a job you wanted... maybe its a race thing...
Let mommy hug the pain away.
And, its not just race. In the United States, we have protected classes, which are viewed as susceptible to discrimination.
I live in south Florida. All these old people and islanders cant drive... No, I don't speak Spanish... or creole... or portugese... or republican...

Posted 7 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

well hello to you too :) what an interesting review my new found friend ... your take is so unique ... read more

7 Years Ago

Hello again, Einstein! :)
I think, somewhere near the root of a racist thought, there must be.. read more
Einstein Noodle

7 Years Ago

ahahaha a doll from shanghai! how cool is that!? :) yes ..racism comes from a place of inadequacy, r.. read more

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44 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 24, 2016
Last Updated on September 26, 2016


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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