A Heart and a Brain

A Heart and a Brain

A Chapter by Quinn W

While walking down the Yellow Brick Road, the Tin Man and The Scarecrow have a sudden realization.

Dorothy, The Tin Man, The Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion stroll down the Yellow Brick Road under the bright blue sky on their way to Emerald City. They all want something from this magnificent wizard. A brain, a heart, courage, and to go home. 
"My feet have grown quite tired from our journey. How about we take a rest and then carry on?" Dorothy asks her traveling companions. They walk a little longer to the corner of a wooden area and sit in the shade of the trees on some rocks. Dorothy lays down on a flat rock and drifts off to sleep while the Tin Man oils his joints. The Lion lays down at Dorothy's feet and soon falls asleep as well.
"Would you pass me my can?" the Tin Man asks The Scarecrow. The Scarecrow grabs the can and The Tin Man extends his arm to take it from him. His arms creaks and groans as he takes the can and oils his joints. 
"I wonder how much longer we will be walking this road. I've already lost so much straw," The Scarecrow whines. The Tin Man looks at him with a devious smile and laughs. "What? Did I say something funny?" The Scarecrow asks. 
"No, but I have an idea that may shorten our journey," The Tin Man explains, looking over to their fellow female traveller. The Scarecrow rests his chin on his straw hands, waiting to hear more of The Tin Man's idea.
"You want a brain and I want a heart. There's a much simpler way of getting what we want than traveling all the way to Emerald City."
"There is? I thought that was our only option," replies The Scarecrow. The Tin Man shakes his head slowly so it doesn't make noise and wake Dorothy and Lion. 
"There is one among us who has both of these things." The Scarecrow looks to The Tin Man for a deeper explanation. The Tin Man sighs and says, "Dorothy, you idiot."
"I am not an idiot," The Scarecrow pouts in sadness that his new friends would call him such a name.
"Yes you are, but with Dorothy's brain, you wouldn't be anymore. The only issue is Lion. We will have to do something about him." The Tin Man contemplates his options until Dorothy wakes up and they begin walking again.
"I hear something," says the Lion. He stops and his ears perk up to analyze he sound. A few seconds later the rest of the crew can hear it as well. "It's getting closer."
Over the tree tops, The Tin Man sees three black objects flying through the sky. He knows immediately what they are and how he can use them to his advantage. 
"I will go this way and try to figure out what that noise is. I will be back soon to tell you if I have found out," The Tin Man announces and runs off into the woods. He runs with heavy feet, pounding them into the earth to make the most noise as possible. The racket draws the black objects near him until they land in front of him.
"Look what we have here, The Tin Woodman. Planning on chopping any trees, hmmmm?" one the Monkeys asks him. The three laugh and flutter their wings.
"I have information that might be of use to you and your master," The Tin Man says to the Monkeys. They lean in closer to hear it. "Dorothy is traveling with The Cowardly Lion. If you capture him, he is sure to give up all information on where she is going."
"Very interesting," the Monkeys say in synchronicity. They bend their knees and leap up into the sky, flying away while discussing this newfound information.
The Tin Man returns to his companions and says, "it was just the birds in the trees making lots of noise. They were batting their wings over and over."
"How strange," replies Dorothy. 
"Maybe they were dancing," suggests The Scarecrow. They all laugh and resume their walk to the Emerald City, unaware of the fiendish plans of The Tin Woodman. 
Lion stops once again further down the road and says, "There's that noise again!" He whips his head around, trying to find which way it is coming from. In seconds, the Monkeys swoop down and grasp Lion by his mane. His claws and roars do not frighten the Monkeys as they take him higher and higher into the sky, flying away with him.
Dorothy screams and falls to the ground. The Scarecrow tries to go toward her to comfort her but The Tin Man extends his freshly-oiled arm  in front of him, stopping his attempts to console her. 
Walking over to Dorothy, The Tin Woodman reaches behind his back and pulls out his axe. He lifts it high into the air and brings it down, slicing through the sobbing girl's neck.

© 2018 Quinn W

Author's Note

Quinn W

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Added on July 10, 2018
Last Updated on July 10, 2018


Quinn W
Quinn W


I have always enjoyed reading. It has taught me many things others just can't explain to you. It has also fueled my love of writing. I love writing short stories, they're my creative outlet, Mom would.. more..

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