![]() The Under CityA Chapter by The Mad Gentle LadyThe Under City ~Preface~ Simon’s Speculations: When you talk to someone in Orting and you ask them what is there to do, most will say. "Absolutely nothing" But that is simply not true. It isn't their faults for lying. You must refrain from jumping to this conclusion. Most people don't know what happens beneath their very feet. However if by chance you ask the right person then they might just tell you what is really happening. If you are lucky, they will show you one of the four secret entrances to the vast forgotten under-city that the town of Orting was really named for. A vast and vacant metropolis, bridges criss cross through the air, great halls blasted with frigid air. Tunnels, devoid of any markings at all, they span for miles and miles. My colleagues and I hypothesize that Orting is only one of many underground cities all connected by a vast network of tunnels stretching across the globe. Part of an ancient civilization lost to history. It is not just speculation, supposedly there are myths across the land of such locations. The lost city of Svenz in Germany, Hel in Scandinavia, Hades in Greece. No doubt many more places that my colleagues have not either located or theorized yet. I have had the fortune of knowing a man who has explored one such city. Victor T. Halls, has shared with me his experience in Svenz. Most of it makes sense. But some things he speaks of seems to be mere fantasy. Victor claims that deep in Svenz was a dark deity who killed his friends and turned one of them into a slave of some sorts. Clearly a fiction, but I must admit I have heard many a tale of men gone mad, or made terrified of the dark after adventuring into one of the lost cities. I personally do not believe it is an elder god, just merely the human mind. But none the less we have gathered as much knowledge on these gods as we could. Our organization has been around for decades. Recording tales of the strange as well as we can. Some of us publicize our findings so as to hide our research in plain sight. With the knowledge we have gained we have decided we need to mount a search party into the under-city Orting. Even as I write this, preparations are being made. A party of investigators is being put together, so far I am the only one among my colleagues who has agreed to go with them. I assume it is because I hold the least belief in the "mythic beings" that inhabit these cities. I must return to my studies now, it is my goal is to use as much of my knowledge as possible to protect the team who go with me, so that as many of them may live their lives to the fullest. I will not lose anyone in Orting, no matter what. Signed ~Dr. Simon J. Coachmen~ ~Chapter One~ I have never been one to be known for belief in the supernatural, all my friends call me the most well grounded woman they have ever met. Even my history professor calls me blind to the unnatural. At least he did, that was before he was found in dead in his home, his skin turned ash gray, his body was affected in such a way that his body could not be moved about. Leaving his body in a preserved state of his final moments. Terror on his face. His arms up as a shield. They have reviewed the security tapes and say that the attacker was a man known as Lucas Duns. A man who graduated from this University along with my Professor, Henry Walsh about thirty years ago. I began looking into his murder, I needed to know. I found something else. Lucas Duns was reported missing, along with four other graduates. The reports were filed by Henry Walsh and Victor Halls. It only took me minutes after that to find Victor. The critics proclaimed him the Master of Horror; Victor Halls was a writer, and a graduate from the University. For sometime after graduation I worked on raising money and planning a trip that would take me to Victor Halls’ estate in Washington, and then to Germany. It was a slow process and I was close to giving up, until July 20 when a new story was released by Victor Halls. This one was labeled as nonfiction. The story was nonsense. If Victor believed it to be true then he must be insane. All the same the story only sparked my interest further; and by calling in a few favors I found myself stepping onto a plane destined for Seatac airport on July 21. I had secured a meeting with Victor through my friend’s uncle, Dr. Simon Coachmen. Dr. Coachmen met me at the airport and drove me to the Halls estate in Orting. He left me at the gate stating that he would return to give me a ride if I needed one. I walked up the long driveway to reach Victor’s manor, it was a particularly cold night, and before I reached the building it began to rain. I felt as if I had just walked into one of Halls’ stories by coming here. I quickly made my way there, regardless when I nocked on the large front door I was soaked from head to toe. I had used by overcoat to cover my briefcase and had just barely kept it dry. The door was answered by a young man dressed in a dark black suit, he ushered me inside and took my coat from me and pointed me to the lounge. He quickly left to fetch me a towel or two. I walked to the lounge, all the while I examined my surroundings. Victor seemed to decorate his manor in a similar fashion to the stories he wrote. He truly immersed himself in his work. The lounge was no different from the hall leading to it. The shelves were adorned with books on the Occult, skulls, stuffed ravens, and all sorts of artifacts. Not to mention the fireplace, it was the kind you might expect to find in a novel about a haunted house. Regardless of these observations I stood as close to the fire as the heat billowing out from it would allow. It wasn’t long before the man who had answered the door returned with a stack of towels. He said to use as many as I needed, he also said that Victor would meet with her, soon as the others had arrived. Then he quickly walked away before I could ask him what he meant by others. With the man gone and my questions unanswered I settled with drying off. I didn’t have much of a chance to sit down before another person walked in, lead by the door man. She walked in and grabbed a towel to dry off before sitting in a chair close to mine. The woman introduced herself as Molly Tork, she stated that she worked with The Organization as an Occult investigator. When I asked her what The Organization was she looked at me as if I had said I don’t like chocolate. Molly was kind enough to explain to me that The Organization was a group of scholars and explorers who, until now had observed, studied, and protected occurrences that they deemed related to the Under-cities of the world. Also, that this group had been around for quite some time; the first recorded member being Mary Shelly whose novel in 1818 was, in all actuality a case report. By the time she had finished telling me a “brief” history of The Organization I was beginning to fear for her sanity. Thats when the next person arrived, a half crazed looking man with black curly hair and wild eyes. Despite his smooth pale skin and dark hair his eyes gave him the appearance of an old man burdened with many years. He introduced himself to me as Walter Rogers one of The Organization’s experts on The Elder Gods. This is when I began worrying about what I had gotten myself into. Over the next half hour three more people arrived, a man named Kevin Doyle arrived who said he was an Occult Explorer. A woman named Kalla Quill arrived who said she was a trained survival guide, specially trained by members of The Organization. The last to arrive was a man named Ace Vandellis, another Elder God expert, as well as an Occult investigator. After ten minutes of them all trying to explain to me what The Organization was, the door man stepped into the room to introduce our host. Victor T. Halls was a time worn looking man, with stark white hair and a grim expression. Still he held himself high. When the man spoke it was with a hidden power that made every word intense and important, commanding his audience to listen. I began to understand a bit more that this man was far from his wits end as he had stated in his “warning.” He spoke for some time about The Organization, their responsibilities, and their traditions. He told us the awful tale of Svenz, leaving out narrative flourishes that had been in the document I read. By that time I could hardly ignore that I had stumbled into something that was beyond me. The night was already late when Halls started talking about the late Henry Walsh, and even then it was a short speech stating nothing more than what can be assumed by the police report. Finally Halls answered the question that was now on my mind. Why he had agreed to see me on the day that a meeting was already planned. Specifically one that seemed so secretive. He addressed it in a simple manner, that was easy to follow. “At this point you have all likely realized that Ms. Olivia Eldritch is not a previously trained member, or even a member of The Organization. She was not even made aware of the existence of such a group until today in this house. While she has come here believing that she was lucky to find a connection to the murder she is investigating. In all actuality, and I do apologize for the deception. I have manipulated the situation to my advantage. I wished to have a third party with the expedition. Yes, it was by chance that I was discovered by this woman; but much to my advantage. “I believe that by placing an unbiased writer onto the expedition team we will be able to expand our understanding of the Under-cities. It is likely she will notice things that a trained member might not. I believe that it will be beneficial to our historians to gain a new viewpoint in the records.” He paused and turned to me. “Of course the decision is yours Ms. Eldritch.” Now I felt everyone’s eyes burning into me. All awaiting an answer. I thought for only a few minutes, but the pressure seemed like hours were ticking by. Then I spoke. “I came here to understand what happened to Professor Walsh. Instead I think I have been given more questions that I need answers to. One thing that I do know is that going with you can help me to understand how he died. With that being said, yes I will go. Is Svenz safe to be in though?” As I said that last bit I saw a bemused smile twitch across Halls’ face. “Svenz is hardly safe to be in. There is no such thing as a safe place to be. However you needn’t worry about Svenz. You’ll be traveling into Orting.” With that he began explaining the details of the expedition to us. The night dragged on and on. When sleep finally found me I was glad to have it. ~End Entry One~ ~Olivia Eldritch~ ~Chapter Two~ We were given a week for preparations. It was not yet nightfall on a day very similar to the one I had arrived on. The sky was dark and stormy, thunder and lightning filling the air. The aged Victor Halls and his butler Samuel Myers sat in the car with Kalla and I. The other four were in the vehicle behind us. Much to my surprise we remained on Victor Halls’ property for the entirety of the drive. Our destination was a large cave, the interior of which had been carved so to create lab stations and easier access to what ever was on the far end, just out of sight from the entrance. Waiting for our arrival just inside the shelter of the cave, were two men. One very clearly younger than the other. From a distance I could tell that they were arguing about something. As we approached it seemed clearer and clearer who was winning the argument by the defeated posture of the older man. Then I recognized the older man as none other then Dr. Simon Coachmen. That was enough to confuse me, that is until I recalled Victor’s speech from a week prior, specifically about the members hiding through out society. Arriving at the two I heard the end of the conversation, the younger man had declared he was going with the expedition. Victor greeted them when he arrived, and upon hearing the end piece of the conversation he sided with the young man. He put to Simon a wise argument that made it clear that for the younger man to go would be a far better idea. It only took a little convincing from Victor before Simon looked a little less disgruntled; albeit no less disappointed that the younger man would be leading the expedition. As the conversation between Simon and Victor ended, the younger man turned to face the expedition party. He introduced himself as Denzle McBell, Expert on Svenz, Orting, and Hel; as well as the most knowledgeable person on the seven known Elder gods. This last self proclaimed qualification raised questions from all but for Victor and I. Though unlike me, victor’s silence was not from ignorance. Simon was first to speak, asking Denzle what he meant by seven Elder gods. Before Denzle had a chance to respond Victor answered. Stating that not only had Denzle confirmed the existence of Extarch in Orting. But also had Dr. strand discovered a dark god in Hell, by the name of Krath, whose location she also found. All were silent for moments thinking on what they had heard. Then slowly all eyes turned to Denzle,finding confirmation in his eyes. The man picked up a strange case from the work table beside him. Then he set his hand on Simon’s shoulder and said promptly and in a condescending tone. “It looks as if your theories are as wrong as ever now. What will you cook up to insult our research now?” With that said Denzle spun on his heels, his coat flaring out as he did so, exposing a flare gun at his hip. Then the man led the way from the now fuming Simon towards the back of the cave. At the farthest reach of the natural cave was a strange archway. Nothing about it, from the runes to the stone it was carved of, felt natural. And as I passed through that damned archway into the nether sphere below. Into Orting. I felt weight on my heart and mind, as if the sorrows of the world were now mine to bare. As I looked around that darkness which so utterly consumed even my happiness I could no longer lie to myself. I could no longer tell myself that the Macabre tales of which I had so recently heard, were nothing more than stories. No longer could I cling to safety thatI felt from simple things like a locked door. It was all so clear to me now. That regardless what happened to me in this hell. I knew that the world above would never, to me, be in the same light as before. ~End Entry two~ ~Olivia Eldritch~ ~Chapter Three~ To say that I was not surprised by Orting’s structure would be a lie. From what small amounts of information I had gathered about Svenz and the other known Under-Cities had led me to one conclusion. That all the Under-Cities would be dark, mind numbingly similar, confined spaces. I believed tunnels would connect chamber to chamber. My wild imaginings proved far from the truth, for bridges connected everything here. The rooms must be suspended or on high reaching towers. The first of these structures was a large tower. A large library, for the most part, but for a few books near the entrance, it was very well preserved; despite their obvious age. I found that it was not the books that kept my attention though. Rather it was a monstrous figure that stood carved from stone atop a pedestal. The thing was awful to behold. A blend of a cobra’s head, with the terrible eyes of a spider. Massive bats wings replaced it’s arms attached to the chest of a man, which in bulk was taken by a large snarling mouth filled with jagged teeth. And holding it up were the legs of a goat, covered in the scales of a snake. The statue in it’s self made me want to puke. All but Denzle gawked at the monstrosity. He only looked to it as he told us all that we “look upon none other than the Elder God, Extarch.” I was glad when we moved on from the structure. So much so that, even the sight of that dark and vulnerable bridge, seemed far preferable then staying in the resting place of that horrible statue. So we pressed on, none wanting to linger in the presence of so demonic an effigy. And for nearly four miles we traveled on that vulnerable bridge. With no mark of our progress save for an occasional bridge support it seemed as if we would find nothing but more darkness ahead of us. It was with great personal relief when I discovered no grotesque statues residing in the next structure we reached. The room was clear save a table and some supplies. There were spare batteries and rope, as well as a map that covered the table. The map showed four pathways leading out. It was clearly of our location. Each path an equal distance from its to neighbors. Creating a large plus running through the map. Upon examining the map closer I saw hand written notes covering certain spots. The direction we came from stated the location of a library, as well as big letters spelling “HOME.” It made little sense at first, but then it dawned on me that the maps main service was in saying which way you came from. Presumably a help to someone forgetful who was in a hurry. The other three directions were labeled, “The Lake” “The Abyss” and “The Statuary.” The last name on the list sent a chill up and down my spine asI recalled Victor’s recollection of his journey through Svenz. After taking stock of everyone Denzle informed us that we would be spending our first night in this waypoint. He volunteered Kevin for the first watch, and himself for the second. I settled in. I took what little comfort I could from the fact that we would be having someone watching over us while we were sleeping. First I ate what little I could, for at this point I was feeling quite nauseous, so I ate little. Above all it was sleep that I craved. So it was not long before I was asleep. When I went to sleep it was with high hopes that I would be rescued from my waking nightmare to find my-self in a dream. I could not have gotten further from what I wanted, for I was still in this horrid place. Only in my dream I was on the ground, and I could hear water behind me, as chanting filled the air. Then silence. I stood before a massive door, I threw my weight against it, but the archaic thing wouldn’t budge. Then I walked to a massive human like carving of a screaming face near the door, on the wall. Inside the open mouth was nothing but darkness. Though something did seem to shine deep inside. When I reached in I put my whole arm in to just past my shoulder. I grabbed something, and when I pulled away from the cliff the mouth smashed down on my arm. I woke with a start. Soon everyone was awake, though none looked rested, even after our nine hours of sleep. In fact out of everyone the two most well rested looking of my party seemed to be Denzle and Kevin. The two who had less sleep. If the only ones to gain any rest were to be those who slept the least, then I will be in desperate need of rest when I escape this tomb. This fact worries me, I do not I will be able to lose it until we have began walking again. Nor do I imagine that I will be able to shake my strange dream from my mind. I believe we will leave soon.Denzle says we are going to the statuary. ~End Entry Three~ ~Olivia Eldritch~ ~Chapter Four~ For hours we walked through that eerily silent darkness. I watched the seconds ticking by on my wrist watch. It was only at Kalla’s prompting that I looked up. That’s when I saw them. We were in the statuary already, it was not a structure as I had so naively presumed. Now I stood in the midst of these horrific things. Each in it’s own cruel pose, most devouring a globe which I assumed to be the world. Except for one statue. While all the other statues, in one way or another, promised the cruel and torturous death of all mankind; the one I looked upon at that moment did not. This statue didn’t even match the others. For unlike all the other statues, which matched the winged horror that was the statue of Extarch in the library. This particular statue had no wings at all. In their place were a sickening tangle of outstretched human arms. Each hand holding a sphere in it’s palm. Fourteen total. This representation of Extarch didn’t seem to bother anyone else. We kept moving forward into the ever spreading darkness of Orting. As we moved across that bridge under the gaze of the statues I found myself reciting the characteristics of the four humors from Shakespeare's time. Then, upon looking to all my companions, I found that I was not the only one reciting things from my life. Everyone was, Walter was reciting when to sow different seeds, Kalla was reciting different types of berries, even Denzle had a quirk as he listed off a long line of names, his own included. In fact the only person who didn’t seem to be affected in such way was Kevin. He didn’t seem to be nearly as nervous as everyone else. After we passed by the last statue it took half an hour to reach the next structure. It was a massive Stalactite, so large that I could not help but presume that it had been made, not naturally, but by mankind. The inside was a tomb, the entire thing had been carved so to house the dead. The walls were filled with inset beds, each containing skeletal remains of some kind. At first glance I took the remains to belong to humans, but as I examined them more closely on lower levels of the stalactite tomb I found that my assumption was not entirely true. While some of the remains appeared to be human, many of the remains had deformed, dog like skulls, and extra appendages. My first thought was they were placed there as a ritual of some kind. On closer examination, though, I found that some sinew still attached the out of place bones, as well as extra sockets for the extra appendages. It was as if they belonged to an entirely different species. On an on we went, spiraling down that massive stalactite tomb. Finally, near the bottom of the stalactite we came to another supply cache and map. Based on the map we could’ve taken any of fourteen bridges from here. Only five of which were marked. The bridges that were marked lead to “The Royal Tomb,” “The Sacrifice room,” “Home,” and “The Library of Extarch.” Denzle turned to the six of us. For a moment he looked from person to person. Then he settled his intense gaze upon Molly. Telling her to choose if we should go left or right. She thought for only a moment before deciding left. So we began in that direction. Just before we left Denzle grabbed four tubes from the cache. Then went back to the lead of the group. The bridge took the better part of an hour to cross. On the far end we found a tower waiting for us. The thing stretched far into the darkness below. When we reached the entrance we saw that the entire room was blocked by some kind of dark vapor that curled and spiraled up and then back inside the room. At this point Molly stepped past Denzle, stating that she had decided their direction so she should be the first to go inside the new room. Regardless of how it looked. We all stepped back to let Molly explore the room. I felt a shiver run down my spine as we watched her step into the dark vapor. Then another step. A third step. Then she vanished from our sight. Swallowed up entirely by the dark vapors. We only waited a few minutes. As each one passed it seemed like an hour went by. Then Molly was screaming. Kalla sprung forward to go to Molly’s aid. Denzle was fast to stop her from endangering herself. While he stopped Kalla I ran past and into the vapor to go to Molly’s aid. Once I was inside the vapor I could more clearly see the room. It wasn’t very large. Molly was sitting in the center, she rocked back in forth. Her hands covering her ears. Her eyes shut tightly as she could. All the while heavy sobs shook her entire body. I ran to her as quickly as I could. When I started pulling her to her feat she screamed for me to let her go, that she didn’t want to go back, that she wouldn’t go back. As quickly as I could I dragged Molly from the room. Leaving the vapors hardly seemed to calm her. But she now seemed to recognize me. She threw her arms around me and collapsed against me as she let out sob after violent sob. It was at least ten minutes beforeMolly could talk again. After about three minutes of leaving the vapor I had a minor panic attack. Upon Molly finally calming down Denzle began to question her about what had happened. She just shook her head. She didn’t know. However I did know what had come to pass in the vapor. I remembered it from a case my father had worked while I was in high school. When I told Denzle that I believed the vapor to be a drug that caused different levels of fear in different people he hardly seemed surprised. He said something along the lines of “What else could be expected from the Elder god of fear. Now with Molly being able to walk with only a little assistance we moved on. Everyone covered there faces with spare shirts to try and prevent them from breathing in any of the vapor. Except for Denzle and Kalla, who used rebreathers. Once we were inside the vapor Denzle pointed us to the left and we quickly made our way out on a bridge that direction. Once we were outside the vapor we looked back, waiting for Denzle and Kalla. It was some time before they joined us again. When they did Denzle held a new map in his hand. He put it up against the wall just outside of the door. Four paths extended away from the central point. Only one was marked, in large letters “HOME.” As Denzle held up the map Kalla rolled up a second map. From what I could see it had our progress drawn on it. After the map was up we continued on into the ever pressing darkness. It was now that I truly began to realize the danger that we were in. As even those who had lived their lives with this work such as Molly could still be so terrified. I could not even begin to imagine what could scare her so badly. ~End Entry Four~ ~Olivia Eldritch~ ~Chapter 5~ Molly was still rather shaken from the encounter with the vapors for the rest of that day. We had walked for hours and found nothing but bridge supports. Being as exhausted as we were Denzle had made us stop. So our rest took place in the middle of the bridge. He put Kalla and Ace on watch duty. This time eating was not a difficult task. Sleep came quickly, and again, as my eyes closed I was confronted with the dream from before. With the door and the face. Only this time the dream didn’t end when I pulled back the bloody stump of my arm. This time the door opened. A large creature that seemed not but a blur stepped out from the door, it had a strange scepter with it. With a wave my arm was back. I heard a chant start, though it was only one word I could not quite make sense of it. Then I woke. Even as I sat up I felt strange, and I felt rested. Looking around I could see it in the faces of my friends that I was the only one who felt as such. Most of all of everyone Kevin seemed to be rather disturbed. When he woke from what I can only assume to be a very fitful sleep, he was drenched in sweat. At this point there isn’t much to be done so I just ate my breakfast and packed up my things so we could all move on. It was just over an hour after we had woken when we finally reached the next structure. We were rather cautious when we entered, no one wanting a repeat of the vapors from the last room. Upon finding the room to be free of the vapor we walked in, far more relaxed. Covering the walls were paintings of battles and of Extarch changing another strange creature. This one had the head of a wolf, the torso and left arm of a man, his right arm ending in a mass of disorganized tentacles. It’s feet were similar to man’s only large and tipped with talons. It’s left leg looked as if it were replaced by wood and metal. In it’s right hand it carried a strange scepter. On one end it looked like a crescent moon. While the other end looked like the bottom half of an hourglass. When I saw the entirety of the figure in the painting I knew that this is what I had seen in my dream. Silently I said the word that had been chanted. Zadarch. Then I saw a bridge with a circle painted on either side. On one side it was black, the other was white. Then it all became clear to me. I quickly spoke out to my friends. Speaking quickly I said. “Guys! Extarch isn’t the only Elder God in Orting!” When I said this I looked to see my friends turn to me. I saw their faces frozen with fear. Their eyes angled high above my head. That’s when I felt it. All in a matter of seconds. Cold damp air on my neck. The foul smell of a scavenging creature’s breath pervaded my nose. Nearly causing me to puke from the sheer overwhelming power of the foul stench. Then I felt something hit my head hard. The world and my friends vanished from my eyes. When I woke it was dark, I couldn’t even see my hands before my face. I was stripped of everything. My clothes, my bag, my light, and most of all, I was stripped of my courage. I could hear the sound of rushing water beneath me and realized that I must be on a water vessel of some kind. I could hear the breathing behind me, heavy and matching the sound of water breaking on oars. I knew I was not alone, and I knew that it was not a friend. Then I heard something off in the distance, the way we were going. It was barely audible, but it was there nonetheless. In seconds it seemed that there was a rhythm to it. In minutes I heard the sound clearly enough to know it was chanting. Then mighty drums joined in. As we came around a bend in the body of water I saw a distant and dim light. Soon I saw it was a blazing fire. I could see indescribable figures dancing about the fire, some launching themselves into the air with wild, mighty jumps. All the while they chanted and howled. When we reached the shore I could see the creature who had ferried me up the river. He seemed as if he were not much different then the werewolves in the stories from our childhoods. The main differences being it’s size and third arm. The creature was massive. Each bicep being as wide around as a keg. The creature was massive. As the boat ended it’s movement the creature pulled a long pole from the water, laying it in the boat. Then it lumbered over to me. The creature lifted me up with one arm. Struggle even as fiercely as I did against the creatures grip I could not break free. It did not release me until we were inside the circle of those chanting and dancing beasts. The creature stepped away from me quickly, then joined the wildly spinning circle of dancers. Then the chanting, dancing, and drumming stopped all at once. Three creatures danced lightly into the circle. They were female by all appearances, as they wore nothing but necklaces of feathers and beads. Each had four arms, two at either side. They walked over to me. Each one towering above me it was not hard for them to overpower me and pin me to the ground. I soon found myself with two of them spreading my arms and legs wide. The third women stepped so she was standing over me. She held several pouches with her. My mind excited by fear and the barrage of indescribable images quickly found me slipping into unconsciousness. I was met with another dream. In the dream I chased Molly into the vapor. Once I was inside those shadowy curtains of fear I found myself in a wedding dress. I followed Molly, who wore a black version of the dress I wore, out onto a dance floor made of stone tiles. We walked up onto a stage carved from similar stone. The entire area was surrounded by towering trees. Shading us from a bright sun which I felt was there. Standing on the stage, looking across the room I saw my father and mother, next to them my brother. I saw my friends and my relatives. I saw Victor standing tall, looking much older than before, but no less intense. I saw Walter standing next to the aged Victor, he wore some official looking scarf. Kalla sat in a wheelchair, Ace standing by her side. Standing by a bar to the side of the dance floor was Denzle, who looked completely untouched by time. The Molly and I turned and posed as my friend Wilbur took a picture. Then I woke. This time I did not wake to darkness. The boat I was on was illuminated by a hanging lamp, revealing that the three women sat just behind me. I saw many other boats accompanying the one I was on. Then I noticed the strange markings that now covered my body. The painted markings covered my whole body but for my right arm. I felt feathers brush against my cheek, they were braided into my hair. I could hear the water slapping against the boat. In the distance I could see a tower that climbed high into the sky. Behind it stood a massive wall stretching to either direction as far as I could see. This shore is where all the boats landed. As they did I saw my friends come into view, and I saw the looks of terror in their eyes. By the time the boat I was in had reached the shore my friends had been corralled so that they stood in full view of a massive door and a large green screaming face carved from the stone wall. Then the three women lead me down a pathway between the many creatures that opened before me and closed behind me as we went. There was chanting and drumming as I walked through that primal sea. Then I was pushed into a clearing just in front of the door and face. Everything went silent as the grave. I could feel everyone looking at me, awaiting my next move with bated breath. First I tried the door. I pulled with all my might and when it din’t budge I threw myself against the door trying to open it. It wouldn’t move even a fraction of an inch. So with fear in my every step I walked to the face. While looking upon it the fear seemed to dissipate from my body and mind. I remembered my dream and knew what would happen. I reached into the void of darkness that was the face’s mouth. I could see a lever in the far back. It was only when the darkness I was reaching into was up to my shoulder that I could grab the lever. I gripped it tight and pulled it out. Then the mouth slammed shut. The giant stone teeth crushing the bone and muscles in my arm quickly, severing my arm from my body. I fell to the ground screaming in agony as I grabbed at the bloody stump of my shoulder. Then the great doors swung open. I could barely hear it over screams from my friends, cheering from the creatures, and the completely overwhelming pain that racked my whole body. Then the great creature stepped out from the doors. It scanned the crowds before it. Then it looked upon me. I could barely see it through the tears that poured from my eyes. It took up it’s great scepter, then slammed the flat of it into my stomach. The act was accompanied by more terrified screams from my friends, more cheers from the creatures, and a white hot burning pain spreading through my body. Through my screams and tears I looked to my arm. There in it’s place was a wood and metal replacement that matched the style of the creature’s leg. The creatures released my friends who raced to me. All the creatures ran off following the great creature, all the while they chanted one word over and over again. “Zadarch!” ~End Entry Five~ ~Olivia Eldritch~ ~Chapter 6~ When I woke I found no one. My friends were gone, the creatures were gone, Zadarch was gone. I was left laying on the rocks before the large green face and the open door. It was not all my imagination though, the coarseness of the painted markings still covered my body. My right arm was gone, skin and bone replaced by wood and metal. For the longest time I sat there on the rocks, freezing in the cold. Gradually my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see well enough to crawl through the dark, chill air towards the massive doorway. Inside I found the darkness was not so thick. Crystals were scattered about this room, each giving off a pale blue glow. I found myself drawn to what looked like an altar in the center of the room. Setting atop the altar was a human skull, stained with blood. A black dagger glinted in the crystal glow, seeming to vibrate with a low tune akin to that of a person breathing. It was between these two items that I found what drew my attention the most. A book that gave off the faintest of aromas, the very smell made me feel as if were walking in the rain. The cover was black as the darkness which took the entire city, it felt soft as skin, which sent shivers down my spine to think what it was very likely made of. Unable to resist the urge I opened the book. The words inside were foreign, if indeed they were words. I couldn’t recognize a single marking on the first page. It was not until I flipped a couple pages in that I discovered something familiar. The entire page was covered in the markings which now covered my naked body. The next page was a drawing of me. Rather unsettled by this I closed the book. I took it and made to leave the room, thinking of the darkness that lay just outside those gates. I walked over to a crystal, grabbing a small piece and breaking it off, It kept it’s glow. As I walked for the door something else caught my eye. A book, this one I found to be empty, laying next to it was a quill and an inkwell. I nearly laughed at the sight, thinking that I might still be able to record my journey at first, I though better of it for a moment, then when I checked the inkwell I found it was full. So I sat down and recorded my journey until I woke. Deciding that I should move on before recording the most recent point. It was a bit of a pain, carrying the books and the writing utensils with me. That is what was going through my head as I stumbled through the dim light put off by the crystal. The water splashing against that stone shore was of little comfort to me. With every splash of water I saw the hoard of creatures climbing from their boats. To make everything worse I almost felt sad that the creatures that were climbing from their boats were only in my imagination. They served as a reminder that I was alone. I pulled myself away from the trance the water had trapped me in then began my ascent up the jagged steps that spiraled up the tower. The climb was steep, I found myself considering succumbing to the burning soreness that spread across my body. I imagined myself falling through the darkness that surrounded me. Then I would picture the scene that was so clear in my mind. Images of Molly in her dress, and my friends and family standing and smiling. This picture was enough for me to keep climbing, there was no chance that I would let myself fall. I had been given a promise by Zadarch, and I intended to see it through. It seemed like hours passed me by as I climbed through the dark; books, tools, and crystal clutched in my hands. When I finally reached the room that sat so high above everything I was exhausted. The features of the room were all a blur, I could make out a tub in the center. I could feel the cool mist coming from it, and I could hear the trickle and splashing from a small cascade of water pouring into the tub, and another pouring from the tub into the darkness below. I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I found myself crawling into the water. It was as cold as ice, even still the relief of the water washing over me was too great for me to ignore. I don’t know how long I laid in the water, I do not pretend to believe for one moment that I was conscious the entire time. Eventually I felt that I had the energy to pull myself from the icy water. The cool air washed over me as I did. Drying my hands as best I could on the damp stone I turned to the things I had brought with me. I was soon walking down the only bridge available to me. As I walked through the darkness I began to hear several voices, all filled with concern. Turning I saw them. The three women from before stood there watching me. Then one stepped closer, the one who had stood over me while I had been restrained. She spoke in English. “We will accompany you through the dark and into the world above. You need never be alone. We will keep you company and watch over you. None will see us. None but you.” The voice was my own, though the words and face were not. I wondered for a moment if I were insane. In the end I just nodded and the three women walked to me and stood by my side, waiting for me to move. We began walking again. Soon we reached another room, this one carved from a stalactite. Inside were many weapons, as well as several satchels. I was quick to grab a satchel so that I might store the books and the writing tools. I was on my way to the top when I found a spear. Not much stood out about it, the wood was pale and smooth, the tip was black, it seemed like a rock, likely obsidian. Near the tip was a few leather strands some held feathers, though most were free of any load. I took it, tying my crystal to some of the free ends of the leather. When I began walking again I stepped on a shard of broken rock. I screamed in pain, falling back as I did. The three women were quick to catch me, gently setting me on the ground. Then one removed the shard from my foot, it was bleeding now, but it wasn’t to bad. The women helped me to my feet and we started walking again. I limped for quite some time. The rock shard had left only a small cut, but it stung none the less. Finally we reached another room. This was built as a tower, but this particular tower came from the ceiling above, not the darkness below. Inside I found nothing, just six more pathways all leading into the darkness. I laid down by the entrance I had come through, so I would not forget. Then I began writing. I have come to the last of this entry so I will go to sleep for now. I know the women will watch over me. I will be as safe as one can be in a place like Orting. ~End Entry Six~ ~Olivia Eldritch~ ~Chapter 7~ In my sleep my dream was of my friends, they searched for me walking down the bridges desperately trying to find a clue of where I was, then there was a scream and they took off that direction. Sometime passed but they eventually came to a crossroads room, inside was a faint glow. Just as they went inside I woke up. Standing in front of me were my friends. All except for Kevin. Molly was the first to do anything. She quickly hugged me, had I been standing I’m sure I would have fallen over. I was happy to see my friends once again. It felt like it had been years since I had last seen them. As I looked to Denzle I saw confusion on his face as to my current ordeal and state of nakedness. Finally Molly relinquished her grasp of me, leaving me feeling vulnerable. “It’s good to see you well, might I ask what happened to you... and what happened to your things?” I could hear the concern in Denzle’s voice, mixed with fear. Which I believe he had all the right to feel. I didn’t want to tell him, I had no problem with everyone knowing, but I didn’t want to relive what had happened to me. So I handed him the book, at first he seemed confused. When he opened it and looked at the first page, the confusion lifted from his face. Soon it was replaced with intrigue. While Denzle read about what had happened to me, Molly grabbed a change of clothes from her bag. These she quickly had me change into, while she had everyone turn to give me privacy. Once I was dressed Kalla handed me a mostly empty backpack. “This is your’s, I’m sorry that we couldn’t recover more. We were barely able to get this much as it was. Most of your things fell over the edge when the creature dropped it. Your notes are still here, as well as your flash light, pillow and toiletries.” I thanked her then went to talk to Molly when Denzle finished reading. He handed the book back to me with a grave look, he seemed to notice my arm now. Then he asked me, with a quiet voice so that our friends couldn’t hear. “Are the three women with us now?” I nodded my head. Denzle looked around, his eyes traveling past all three women without any sign of recognition. He turned back to me and nodded. Then he spoke to the group. “We will rest here for a few minutes, someone give Olivia something to eat. We are getting out of this place.” So everyone sat around for a few moments while I ate some food that Molly gave me, then we began on our way for the surface. They led the way, it took us nearly an hour to reach the next room, another way point, this one with three path ways including ours. We walked through and began our way across another bridge. Eventually, after three more hours, we reached the room where I was taken from. We were all very quick to move on from this room and continue on our way. As we crossed the bridge back the way we came I saw a bridge below our own. The bridge was covered in the fresh corpses of humans and creatures, who bore a likeness to the ones who had taken me. Among the dead humans I saw Kevin. When I asked what had happened all I could get from my friends was that Kevin went crazy. It was here that I began to hear sounds of fighting far off in the darkness of the city. We quickened our pace, we did not stop for rest until finally, nearly nine hours later we reached the stalactite burial chamber. Everyone was exhausted, so that’s where we stopped for our rest. Denzle took the first watch. Sometime while I was asleep he went to bed and had Ace take his place on watch duty. My dreams had me wake up with a horrible feeling, andI feared what was in the darkness with us. Something was looking for us, and whatever it was, it was close. I rushed everyone, through breakfast and getting our things together. Molly was quick to listen, and so was Denzle. Though I imagine that Denzle’s reasoning was far different from Molly’s. We were quick to begin moving, but I don’t think we were quick enough, because now I could hear a noise that sounded like many foot steps. They were approaching from one of the unmarked pathways. Everyone was moving, and we were going a good pace. It didn’t seem to matter how fast we were going though, the sounds were growing closer. Eventually while we were on the bridge, they came up behind us. We turned back to see them.a group of human looking ghouls with sharp teeth and pale skin. In the middle of them was a familiar figure. A man I had seen a few time before, not in person, but on security tapes, in a missing persons report, and in the university’s records. Now Lucas Duns stood before me and my friends. He began walking towards us. “You cannot escape the darkness! It is all consuming! You will never escape this darkness! I shall take you all! You will never escape the darkness! Not even with your three witches!” As he spoke he got closer and closer, and he began moving faster. Then I heard Kalla fumble with her pack. She rushed to the front, I saw something orange in her hand. It didn’t make sense to me until I heard a click and saw a bright light shoot out from her hand. The flare hitting Lucas in the chest and nocking him down to his knee. Lucas let out a terrifying scream that seemed to be comprised of multiple voices. Before he was standing again Kalla had almost loaded another round into the flare gun. The creatures that accompanied Lucas were reeling from the light. When he stood up he ran for Kalla. The spot he had been hit was now just a hole, no fire was left. Instead a black ooze dripped from a hole in his body. Then another flare, this one in his shoulder. He spun, collapsing by the edge. He rolled off and barely caught hold of the edge. The ghouls now surrounded him, trying to pull him back up onto the bridge. They were struggling to keep him up. As Lucas screamed out in his awful voice Ace walked forward. Ace grabbed a climbing pick from his pack. I went to call out to him as he approached, to warn him of the ghouls. But he walked through them like they didn’t exist. Ace stood above Lucas, then he lashed out, striking Lucas’s hand with the pick. Lucas held onto his ghoul’s and the ledge as best he could, but he fell into the darkness below, screaming out that the darkness would consume everything as he vanished from sight. There was a moment of silence among us, I watched the ghouls as they raced back the way they had come from. We all seemed to stand motionless for quite sometime then we started began moving towards the surface again. Everyone looking over their shoulder from time to time, making sure we weren’t being followed. I found myself and everyone else reciting simple things as we passed under the gaze of those terrible statues. Finally, hours later we arrived at the waypoint. Although we were all exhausted Denzle kept pushing us to move on. So we kept walking on through the darkness. When we reached the library we were all hesitant to go in at first. Remembering the close quarters, and the statue in the room we were all worried about what else might lurk in the shadows. The three women walked in ahead of me as we stood outside talking. When they came back they told me that there wasn’t anything lurking inside. Only after being told by my newest friends did I tell the group that there was no point in wasting time outside as we would have to go through the library to get out anyways. So we journeyed through the library, every corner we turned we expected to find a terrifying creature or demon, just waiting to prey on us. But even under the horrific gaze of Extarch’s statue we made it safely to the other side and began to walk back across the last bridge. Though it was not a far journey it felt like it took days for us to cross that last bridge. Finally we reached that archway that separated this nether sphere from our world above. We were all overjoyed by the idea of seeing the sky above us. Outside was dark, from the moment I stepped out of that archway I could feel the coolness and hear rain falling heavily outside. I felt rejuvenated once we were in that cool cave, an invisible weight had lifted from my shoulders. I sat down to write at one of the work stations, I believe that this will be the last entry of this journey. Even as I write, Denzle is calling Victor’s house so that we wont have to walk back to the house in this storm. I do imagine that when he hears the news of Lucas that Victor will find some relief in it. Although we are free of that awful world that is below ours I cannot help but feel like a part of me is still imprisoned in the darkness. More than just my arm, but something that can’t be seen. Regardless of my personal feelings I can say now that we are done. I do not know the procedure for ending one of these journals. So I shall end it here. Considerably less grounded then what I was before. ~End Entry Seven~ ~Signed Olivia Eldritch~ ~Epilogue~ Denzle’s Field Report The journey into Orting was... enlightening, to say the least. I do not fully understand what occurred yet. Despite my many efforts I cannot fully comprehend why Olivia Eldritch was sought out by Orting's natives. Nor do I claim any knowledge as to how her arm served as a worthy sacrifice to free an imprisoned Elder god. My mind is also drawn to the fact that Olivia,who is not a part of The Organization, happened to be selected to document this most recent of expeditions into Orting. Never in all my years have I seen such an occurrence. The circumstances lead me to question Mr. Halls' motives. Regardless of my mind's current suspicions there are now more pressing matters at hand. Now with proof of two Elder gods released in the same under-city new questions arise. Perhaps a closer examination of the other cities is in order. Specifically in search of missed signs of other Elder gods. Another question that arises is how many members in The Organization serve the Elder gods. Kevin Doyle proved to be under the control of extarch. Olivia Eldritch, who has been recruited into The Organization, seems to be marked both physically and mentally by Zadarch. No one truly knows about Victor. On top of that there is also my particular issue. I fear that The Organization is quickly becoming more and more heavily infiltrated by the very things that we observe. For now we must keep these fears silent though. More and more Under-cities have been occurring as of late. We must stay ever vigilant. Who knows what monstrosity await's us in the near future. Stay watchful my friend. ~Denzle McBell~ © 2017 The Mad Gentle Lady