

A Chapter by The Mad Gentle Lady

When I woke I found no one. My friends were gone, the creatures were gone, Zadarch was gone. I was left laying on the rocks before the large green face and the open door. It was not all my imagination though, the coarseness of the painted markings still covered my body. My right arm was gone, skin and bone replaced by wood and metal. 

For the longest time I sat there on the rocks, freezing in the cold. Gradually my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see well enough to crawl through the dark, chill air towards the massive doorway. Inside I found the darkness was not so thick. Crystals were scattered about this room, each giving off a pale blue glow. I found myself drawn to what looked like an altar in the center of the room. 

Setting atop the altar was a human skull, stained with blood. A black dagger glinted in the crystal glow, seeming to vibrate with a low tune akin to that of a person breathing. It was between these two items that I found what drew my attention the most. A book that gave off the faintest of aromas, the very smell made me feel as if were walking in the rain. The cover was black as the darkness which took the entire city, it felt soft as skin, which sent shivers down my spine to think what it was very likely made of.

Unable to resist the urge I opened the book. The words inside were foreign, if indeed they were words. I couldn’t recognize a single marking on the first page. It was not until I flipped a couple pages in that I discovered something familiar. The entire page was covered in the markings which now covered my naked body. The next page was a drawing of me. Rather unsettled by this I closed the book. I took it and made to leave the room, thinking of the darkness that lay just outside those gates.

I walked over to a crystal, grabbing a small piece and breaking it off, It kept it’s glow.  As I walked for the door something else caught my eye. A book, this one I found to be empty, laying next to it was a quill and an inkwell. I nearly laughed at the sight, thinking that I might still be able to record my journey at first, I though better of it for a moment, then when I checked the inkwell I found it was full. So I sat down and recorded my journey until I woke. Deciding that I should move on before recording the most recent point.

It was a bit of a pain, carrying the books and the writing utensils with me. That is what was going through my head as I stumbled through the dim light put off by the crystal. The water splashing against that stone shore was of little comfort to me. With every splash of water I saw the hoard of creatures climbing from their boats. To make everything worse I almost felt sad that the creatures that were climbing from their boats were only in my imagination. They served as a reminder that I was alone.

I pulled myself away from the trance the water had trapped me in then began my ascent up the jagged steps that spiraled up the tower. The climb was steep, I found myself considering succumbing to the burning soreness that spread across my body. I imagined myself falling through the darkness that surrounded me. Then I would picture the scene that was so clear in my mind. Images of Molly in her dress, and my friends and family standing and smiling. This picture was enough for me to keep climbing, there was no chance that I would let myself fall. I had been given a promise by Zadarch, and I intended to see it through.

It seemed like hours passed me by as I climbed through the dark; books, tools, and crystal clutched in my hands. When I finally reached the room that sat so high above everything I was exhausted. The features of the room were all a blur, I could make out a tub in the center. I could feel the cool mist coming from it, and I could hear the trickle and splashing from a small cascade of water pouring into the tub, and another pouring from the tub into the darkness below.

I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I found myself crawling into the water. It was as cold as ice, even still the relief of the water washing over me was too great for me to ignore. I don’t know how long I laid in the water, I do not pretend to believe for one moment that I was conscious the entire time. Eventually I felt that I had the energy to pull myself from the icy water. The cool air washed over me as I did. Drying my hands as best I could on the damp stone I turned to the things I had brought with me.

I was soon walking down the only bridge available to me. As I walked through the darkness I began to hear several voices, all filled with concern. Turning I saw them. The three women from before stood there watching me. Then one stepped closer, the one who had stood over me while I had been restrained. She spoke in English.

“We will accompany you through the dark and into the world above. You need never be alone. We will keep you company and watch over you. None will see us. None but you.” The voice was my own, though the words and face were not. I wondered for a moment if I were insane. In the end I just nodded and the three women walked to me and stood by my side, waiting for me to move.

We began walking again. Soon we reached another room, this one carved from a stalactite. Inside were many weapons, as well as several satchels. I was quick to grab a satchel so that I might store the books and the writing tools. I was on my way to the top when I found a spear. Not much stood out about it, the wood was pale and smooth, the tip was black, it seemed like a rock, likely obsidian. Near the tip was a few leather strands some held feathers, though most were free of any load. I took it, tying my crystal to some of the free ends of the leather.

When I began walking again I stepped on a shard of broken rock. I screamed in pain, falling back as I did. The three women were quick to catch me, gently setting me on the ground. Then one removed the shard from my foot, it was bleeding now, but it wasn’t to bad. The women helped me to my feet and we started walking again. I limped for quite some time. The rock shard had left only a small cut, but it stung none the less.

Finally we reached another room. This was built as a tower, but this particular tower came from the ceiling above, not the darkness below. Inside I found nothing, just six more pathways all leading into the darkness. I laid down by the entrance I had come through, so I would not forget. Then I began writing. I have come to the last of this entry so I will go to sleep for now. I know the women will watch over me. I will be as safe as one can be in a place like Orting.

~End Entry Six~

~Olivia Eldritch~

© 2016 The Mad Gentle Lady

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Added on August 18, 2016
Last Updated on August 18, 2016
Tags: Horror, Under-Cities, Weird stories, Adventure


The Mad Gentle Lady
The Mad Gentle Lady

Orting, WA

I try to write well... Try more..

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A Chapter by The Mad Gentle Lady