Brick Boy

Brick Boy

A Chapter by queenbattyliv

The baby is born


Ch. 2

Late at night, nearly a month later, Ma had her baby. It was a girl. Jamie had stayed with her during the birthing, with no one else allowed in, but after, everyone wanted to see the newborn. As I crept in, Ma beckoned me over, and dumped the small child swaddled in rag-towels in my arms. I glanced up at her, startled. " You can take care of it, Brick Boy. " she said stoutly.  I already knew Ma didn't care for the baby, but me? Why not Jamie? I didn't know how to raise a baby. It had to be me. Later, I always thought that it was fate that brought us together. It could've easily been Jonah or Jamie, too. 

Lucy came right over, her dark bangs falling in her face, and peered into the baby's face. Her eyes were closed and her little pink mouth was slightly open. I was at once, completely amazed. She was so beautiful and delicate. I cradled her gently in my arms and she seemed to smile. My siblings crowded around me. " Awwwwww! " Jamied cried, " Can I hold her?" I reluctantly handed her over to my little sister. Jamie was careful to watch her head and held her close. But the baby was unhappy. She let out a piercing wail and started crying. Jamie quickly handed her over to Jonah, who, uncertain how to hold a baby, held her awkwardly with her head hanging. " Oh, no! " Jamie said, " Jonah you have to hold her head. Babies can't support the weight of their head, you have to hold it up. " Jonah quickly switched his hand from behind her back to her head. Fearing that the baby would get hurt, I took her from Jonah. As soon as she was safely in my arms, she grew silent. 

" Can me hold it?" Lucy whined. " Can I, " Jonah corrected. Lucy let out an disgruntled sigh, " Fine. Can hold her?" Lucy asked. I was uncertain about letting her hold it, but Jamie gave me a look, and I figured it would be okay. "Here, Lu, sit down on the floor and hold your arms cradle-like " Jamie said. Lucy quickly did what she was told. " Ivan, she really likes you!" Jonah exclaimed, when she started crying in Lucy's arms. A blush crept into my cheeks, and I grinned. I was handed back the baby, and cooed at her, rocking her to and fro.

Lucy's face molded into a pout. She jumped up, jealous that the baby preferred me to her, and ran out the open door. We heard a small thud. And then crying. Jamie and I raced into the hall and found Lucy sitting on the floor, sobbing. I saw blood running down her leg from a cut caused by the rough splintery old floor. Jamie joined me in the hall. " Lu, are you alright? " I asked. She just cried harder. 

Jamie took her hand and led her into the kitchen, sitting her up on the counter. she cleaned the cut, making sure there were no splinters of wood in it before wrapping a piece of cloth around it as a bandage. " Better?" Lucy nodded, her face red and puffy from crying. She jumped down and ran off, probably to show her friends her bandage. Jonah entered the kitchen. "What happened?" Jonah questioned. " Lucy scraped her knee," Jamie replied quickly. She pointed towards the door leading out into the cool summer air, and Jonah trudged dutifully outside to collect the runaway child.

I trudged back to my room when the baby started crying. I fed her sheep's milk, and she suckled ravenously. I smiled at her scrunched face, tracing the delicate wrinkles with my pinky.

Soon, Ma was up and about again. It was clear she had not a care for the child she had birthed. She was no mother to the child. And when I asked if I could name her, Ma had boxed my ears so hard they were ringing for days. I had taken it as a yes. 

One afternoon, after Ivan had finished his chores, he went to Pa's room to visit him. By then, Pa was so sick, he was bedridden. The doctor had said that there was " nothing I can do" and that he was " in the hands of the Almighty." As I stepped into the room, I could smell sickness all around me. I knew not to get close, because Pa's disease was contagious. Pa realized that I was in the room and turned to look at me. He thought that I was Jonah and called over to me weakly. " Pa, it's Ivan. What do you want me to name the baby?" I asked. A confused look sprang to Pa's face, as if he didn't know what I was talking about, but then his face cleared. " L-l-let us n-name her Julia," he rasped. " Yes Pa, I'll name her that for you, " I said. Pa sighed, coughed weakly and layed his head back onto the pillows. " Come see me soon again, Jonah," he whispered, coughing, as Ivan backed out the door. 

© 2011 queenbattyliv

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Added on May 27, 2011
Last Updated on May 27, 2011



Los Angeles, CA

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by queenbattyliv