I sometimes have a hard time finding the right words as a writer, as well. It's important not to give up. By the way, your poems have a unique style, that are short and to the point. It's really important to keep trying as a writer, because the line, "and I shouldn't even try!," although conveys the message of frustration for this poem, shows that you get frustrated to the point of sometimes forgetting your talent as a writer. Keep at it, and don't give up.
I sometimes have a hard time finding the right words as a writer, as well. It's important not to give up. By the way, your poems have a unique style, that are short and to the point. It's really important to keep trying as a writer, because the line, "and I shouldn't even try!," although conveys the message of frustration for this poem, shows that you get frustrated to the point of sometimes forgetting your talent as a writer. Keep at it, and don't give up.
ahh so i must admit this one is a slight issue most writers face.
I guess to say, writers block sucks horribly haha.
but it is definitely true, finding the right words to express your feelings in the most obvious/effective ways can be tough. but keep it up. Your writing keeps me interested :)
haay everyone,
I'm a dutch teenage girl (so please don't mind my bad english)
I mostly write to clear my head, because somehow i just can't stop thinking.. XD
I like meeting new people..
Feel fr.. more..