We’re just what mommy made us
Apathetic animals with an IV drip
Medicated stupor to try to tame us
Shut your mouth, child don’t gimme no lip
Got no clue but they got a prescription
Obedience comes in an easy open tab
Well guess what daddy now it’s my decision
Thoughts no longer manufactured in a lab
Lets see how you cope when you lose control
When your pretty little babies give a rebel yell
How’d you think we’d function with a stolen soul?
We’re the Amphetamine youth gonna raise some hell
Latch key children with a different kind of bottle
Pretty from a distance, an illusion on display
our psychotropic anger ‘s coming at you full throttle
doctor made you buy it, now its time to pay
This sounds like a generation gone awry, parents who want children but when they have them and when they act up they don't know what to do. So they turn to pills to calm them down, or medicate to keep under control. Great writing about how some parents just don't know what to do.
Wow - quite a ride. Strong and poignant read. Sounds much like the psychiatric drugged up nations we have come to live within. Well spoken.
Wooaah! You have certainly laid things bare in this poem. I could highlight nearly every line. This is disturbing, true, relevant, powerful and full on with that simple but effective ABAB rhyme in each stanza. Great stuff.
This is a classic refrain, generation after generation.
A theme dear to my heart is the deep authentic permanent revolt. In a word, the rock attitude has correspondences in Zen and all disciplines.
This youth fuel sustains, replenishes itself via guerrilla scholarship/contemplation in the service of art as spiritual rigor.
The more the arts, and perhaps especially writing dedicates itself to integrally bridging rock fire w/challenging structural suppositions, society's institutions and consensus cognitive templates, the deeper its leverage to permanently overturn the rule of subhuman powers: corporate capitalism, corrupt gov't incompetence, flatlandish academia, and dissociative mythic religiosity.
An actual full individual is rarer than one thinks, because that means undivided, seamless, de facto Buddhic. Emerson wrote, "Is not a man [or woman] better than a town?" He wasn't talking cowboy bravado. He was talking full intelligence in revolt against mediocrities and its soul-sucking appropriations across the board.
"History is the nightmare from which I'm trying to awaken," wrote James Joyce.
Your poems rocks, jolts the cradle and of course catalyzes much from vintage rebel, yours truly.
EXCELLENT love! lol
This smacks of today's world, gets harder for people to keep their own identity and individualtiy! Governed from an early age, it gets harder not to be dumbed down! Amazing work
... I love this. You have no idea. This... this is a beautiful combination of bittersweet ness, it's the clashing of the realization of growing up in today's reality, it's perfect. The emotions conveyed and the words used... amazing. Intense and thought provoking and incredible, five stars for you :)
I Like Old School Punk Rock, Electro nonsense, and Katy Perry. The Mighty f*****g Boosh. Everything else amazing overseas we dont have here. I make movies, bad decisions.. more..