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For The Good of All

For The Good of All

A Poem by Pete

The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams. - Thoreau

How bees interpret their

back at the nest
in lieu of nobility
running in zig zags
whirring her wings
having a ball

she danced a joyous waggle
for some of life's rich nectar had been found
and not being selfish, desired to share the wealth of its location with the others
'twas her sacred, ordained duty
for the good of all

© 2024 Pete

Author's Note

"There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance." - Thoreau

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Oh, I love honeybees. I recently had to clean out a building though with about 50 wasp nests, a hornet nest the size of a basketball and a huge dirt dobber nest. I only got stung once by one of the hornets but that was after I had dispatched the nest and it was a straggler coming back...nailed me right on the arm. I had a honeybee swarm move into a bird house I made out of an old cabinet once. I wondered where the birds were and then when it got really hot I saw the bees all over the outside. I would have just let them "bee" but my brother had to smoke them and take their honey. Since it wasn't a also destroyed the birdhouse and the hive dispersed. I enjoyed your tribute to our little insect friends.

Posted 19 Hours Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


19 Hours Ago

just a stone's throw around the corner where i live is a hornet's nest about the size of a basketbal.. read more


Oh, I love honeybees. I recently had to clean out a building though with about 50 wasp nests, a hornet nest the size of a basketball and a huge dirt dobber nest. I only got stung once by one of the hornets but that was after I had dispatched the nest and it was a straggler coming back...nailed me right on the arm. I had a honeybee swarm move into a bird house I made out of an old cabinet once. I wondered where the birds were and then when it got really hot I saw the bees all over the outside. I would have just let them "bee" but my brother had to smoke them and take their honey. Since it wasn't a also destroyed the birdhouse and the hive dispersed. I enjoyed your tribute to our little insect friends.

Posted 19 Hours Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


19 Hours Ago

just a stone's throw around the corner where i live is a hornet's nest about the size of a basketbal.. read more
For the good of all, nature thrives. Good poem

Posted 22 Hours Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


22 Hours Ago

thank you. nature has much to teach us.

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2 Reviews
Added on October 4, 2024
Last Updated on October 4, 2024



Boston, MA

I love reading, writing, music, nature, God and feeling emotion, not necessarily in that order. To me, these things go hand in hand. My favorite writer is Henry David Thoreau. I think he was a geni.. more..

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