I liked this piece. Thought provoking and well done. I would have gotten the same reading experience if you had started your poem with second paragraph “I pulled down ……….” Let the reader image where the door was located. Thanks
Posted 5 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Months Ago
good suggestion that i will take you up on and reverse the first two lines. thanks for sharing thou.. read moregood suggestion that i will take you up on and reverse the first two lines. thanks for sharing thoughts and constructive critique. keep well.
Since drug use in the Navy would get you kicked out, I played this song/album while guzzling beer too many times to count. The notion of faeries wearing boots always seemed a bit humorous to me, but that didn't mess up the badassed rock n roll vide at all. I like that army of nurses. Nurses are NICE. Entertaining piece, Pete.
Posted 4 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Months Ago
boy, you really do have a story for everything! a very creative song for sure - one that i grew up .. read moreboy, you really do have a story for everything! a very creative song for sure - one that i grew up listening to and reminds me of youthful times. the idea of fairies wearing boots and dancing with dwarfs is so surreal and fascinating to the mind if we dare let it go there. thank you for the great share samuel.
love the description Pete, but you must have been high on something to see in your mind's eye those faeries with boots and and dancing with dwarfs.... great imagination...something for everyone!!! well done
Warmly, B
Posted 4 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Months Ago
thanks b. inspired by the accompanying song which was supposedly written about a high experience.
Hey there dear Pete,
This could easily be a wonderful poem for a child's book... not to say it isn'y marvellous for all...young and old... but again extra special for a child... whimsical...
You have a wonderful imagination my friend,
Posted 4 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Months Ago
hmm, interesting thought. some people have told me that before. thank you lisa.
4 Months Ago
Really, other people Pete...so you might want to think about it...
i think "acidic, attic stairs" will linger long in my mind in their citrus smell of rotting wood.
It has such a sensory impact, and in my personal read, it casted the whole poem with its evocative power of decay (sweet sweet).
Posted 5 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Months Ago
the seemingly unreachable corners of the mind. do we dare go there to discover and learn?
I liked this piece. Thought provoking and well done. I would have gotten the same reading experience if you had started your poem with second paragraph “I pulled down ……….” Let the reader image where the door was located. Thanks
Posted 5 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Months Ago
good suggestion that i will take you up on and reverse the first two lines. thanks for sharing thou.. read moregood suggestion that i will take you up on and reverse the first two lines. thanks for sharing thoughts and constructive critique. keep well.
if we dare to search among the cobwebs and dead spiders, our imagination can find so many things we never dreamed possible.
I want to visit this attic in person...since you describe it so well in poem.
Posted 5 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Months Ago
the human mind is remarkable, complex thing. medical science continues to learn of its intricacies .. read morethe human mind is remarkable, complex thing. medical science continues to learn of its intricacies and has only scraped the surface. thank you for sharing thoughts jacob.
I love reading, writing, music, nature, God and feeling emotion, not necessarily in that order. To me, these things go hand in hand. My favorite writer is Henry David Thoreau. I think he was a geni.. more..