Simply Because

Simply Because

A Poem by Pete

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I am not the first to ask.
As sure as grass is green, won't be the last.
In my blind ignorance, I questioned my maker.
Almighty caretaker.
Interpreter of reason.
Inventor of season.
All-knowing, magnificent master of the universe.
The birds do not question the sky.
No reason to ask why.
Destiny does not dance in deceit.
The ground stands up to endorse me where I am.

No one asks a fish why it swam.
Why does the ocean rise up, wave and then collapse at the shore?
Why do clouds pop up and float, coming and going to and fro?
Why does the sky cover as a parasol yet weep when it rains?
Why does the thunder shake and rattle with only truth?
Why does the sun radiate and share its light and warmth?
Why do tree branches wave at me and leaves twirl a fanciful ballet?
Why does the stream trickle and gurgle passed me on its way to the river?
Why do the stars twinkle in the sky, like actors in a play?
The night is their stage.
The dark their curtain.
The moon their spotlight.
All incapable of lying.

Why does a heart beat within me?
Blood course through my veins?
Why do i feel exalting joy and sincere sadness?
Why am I here like this?
Whose fingers touch the piano keys of my soul?
Pluck the strings of my serenity?
Why does she make my knees go weak?
Some things have no explanations.
There are no whys and hows in love ...
... simply because ...

© 2017 Pete

My Review

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I think we are driven to question, to seek the answers; and in the seeking, so often confuse and overcomplicate things. Indwelled with free will, we can only make decisions when we have all the facts. Isaiah says that our peace would become like a flowing river if we but followed God's commandments. As man is wont to do, however, he questions everything; and even when he knows the answer, he is apt to deny. We infinitely struggle within ourselves, too smart for our own good at times.

I think there is beauty in the questioning, which is magnified when we receive the answer.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

great thoughts, thank you L.M.V.T. i agree. sometimes too smart for our own good or too big for ou.. read more


I think we are driven to question, to seek the answers; and in the seeking, so often confuse and overcomplicate things. Indwelled with free will, we can only make decisions when we have all the facts. Isaiah says that our peace would become like a flowing river if we but followed God's commandments. As man is wont to do, however, he questions everything; and even when he knows the answer, he is apt to deny. We infinitely struggle within ourselves, too smart for our own good at times.

I think there is beauty in the questioning, which is magnified when we receive the answer.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

great thoughts, thank you L.M.V.T. i agree. sometimes too smart for our own good or too big for ou.. read more
You move me with your words! I've always said it; you're an amazing writer, Pete! I hope I can read your book one day :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

thank you Gullia. you move me with the light of your bright, beautiful soul, always able to make me.. read more
Pete, you reveal a bit of the philosopher that dwells within in this piece of your heart penned to page ... Now, please know that though, over the course of many years of intensely dedicated in depth personal study, I have come to reject and stand opposed to the teachings of Organized Religion, I do, always have, and always will, attest the, absolute necessity and existence, of a "Creator of all that is and will ever be--An Ultimate Source Point Of Origin Of All Existences" (quoting myself here from one of may many articles on this topic, such as Guess God's Gone Golfing ... Therefore, I believe there must be a Creator of some kind, some type, out there, "Or else we find ourselves proclaiming that the Universe has pulled itself out of its own arse." ... An unlikely event, at best ... LOL! ... Whatever the answer is, an answer of countless answers we shall never own much less comprehend, we are here ... We do exist, and love is truly the best characteristic attribute exhibited by creatures living within this existence, man being our most relate-able example of love, in all its mysteriousness, at work--as it leaves us scratching our heads as to how it affects us in such a overwhelmingly baffling way that leads us to accept what is without answer of the why of why, as you so eloquently pen, "simply because ..."

Beautiful thoughts penned to page ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

thanks Marv. there is a concrete foundation to your thoughts on the matter. well appreciated.
Ah, how beautifully done Pete...sometimes the answer lies in the question and sometimes there is only because it just is...I have found this over the years...never simple and even the simple has complexity...lovely piece...the whys aren't always meant to be figured...

Posted 7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

as well they shouldn't be. ty P.R.S.
Turn around Pete I think Cupid has shot you with his arrow, probably a double dose, it will wear off! Seriously a lovely write Pete, one could deliver this poem with gusto on stage, its that good with a fine message, :-)

Posted 7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

thanks for the kindness Andrew. hopefully, Cupid didn't dip the arrow in curare. always appreciate.. read more
Love is what it is, whether physical, whether spiritual, whether whatever. It sweeps mind and heart into a Bliss of absolute wonder.. can't be explained.. can only be wondered at.. and protected with every part of one's spirit.

Your poem's intention, certainly my emotions as i read it. A fragile piece of writing, treat it gently .. guard it.. beautiful.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

we do tend to overcomplicate things now don't we? agreed em, to be wondered at and protected for su.. read more
Simply because indeed....some questions can not be adequately answered. They are felt by the heart. Lydi*

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

thanks Lydi. love in its many forms not easily explained as well it shouldn't be ...
Hi Pete... questions that drive us all nuts! Reading your poem took all the stress out of the question... it was like meandering down a long lane in quiet contemplation... lovely in every way!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

we do tend to over complicate things now don't we? thanks for sharing thoughts Hebe, dear friend.
Extraordinary piece you've penned here, Pete. Your inquisitive nature truly shines!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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7 Years Ago

thanks Kelly. that inquisitive nature has been a double edged sword in my life but the light is beg.. read more
You have touched on some of life's most crucial questions, in just a few words.

And in the end, nothing else matters, but love.

Great poetry.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

thank you dearest SleeplessVolcano. took me a long time to reach that conclusion and believe it as .. read more

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10 Reviews
Added on May 16, 2017
Last Updated on June 8, 2017



Boston, MA

I love reading, writing, music, nature, God and feeling emotion, not necessarily in that order. To me, these things go hand in hand. My favorite writer is Henry David Thoreau. I think he was a geni.. more..

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