'What Happened?'
This was a great poem to remind us all to not let go of being brave and not giving up in this world. We all get tired sometimes and may wonder what is important eneough to stand up for when we feel like we are shot down. Lovely inspiring writing!
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
thank you Kathy! a great reflection you share - a good, hopeful way to start my day ... :)
6 Years Ago
I'm so glad! I hope you find good in it and more beside!
'What Happened?'
This was a great poem to remind us all to not let go of being brave and not giving up in this world. We all get tired sometimes and may wonder what is important eneough to stand up for when we feel like we are shot down. Lovely inspiring writing!
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
thank you Kathy! a great reflection you share - a good, hopeful way to start my day ... :)
6 Years Ago
I'm so glad! I hope you find good in it and more beside!
Unfortunately, the bullet came along and changed everything I mean if you're up against a five dan black belt, your best chances of survival and its quick , fire the pistol. They were brave men in those times because dying wasn't done in a nice fashion, rather cruelly! As always Pete, You are a fine writer.
woh, that is so true! And what would be considered a modern day hero? Great poem!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Another reviewer, below, said a modern day hero is anyone "battling on through life's obstacles, tho.. read moreAnother reviewer, below, said a modern day hero is anyone "battling on through life's obstacles, though one may be dressed in a minimum wage job uniform and wielding no weapon". I was thinking more like anyone who refuses to "go along to get along" - people who aren't afraid to stand up to injustice and things that aren't right.
and we still had at least one ear in the sixties and fought for things...called out, protested and tried to get change...we tried peacefully to move mountains...not with fires and rage...but unease with how things were...we had logic to our cries and we cried loud...
we cared...now there is so much apathy...and when there is movement...it is just rioting for the sake of violence...so it seems...
there was interaction and reaction...and purpose...
different now...and when people spoke out after the election, or on wall street...people scoffed and said just accept...we can't do that.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
thank you for reviewing jacob. You just wrote another poem here with your commentary.
This minded me of a song by Meredith Baxter - "Where have all the cowboys gone" - which is a microcosm of your ideas here.
Heroism begins at home just as charity does. If we teach our children to be unyielding - without teaching them to be stubborn and intolerant of others views - then the world and the calibre of men in it - will improve generation upon generation.
Stirring writing Pete.
I would like to hold on to my belief that there are heroes left, no matter if their voices are drowned out by modern chaos, or silenced by the villains at the top; and if battling on through life's obstacles, though one may be dressed in a minimum wage job uniform and wielding no weapon, isn't heroic today, then I don't know what is. Really enjoyed reading this, makes me long for a simpler time, or has the line between right and wrong always been blurry?
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
I don't think it started out blurry. Man, in his arrogance blurred it & seems to keep getting worse.. read moreI don't think it started out blurry. Man, in his arrogance blurred it & seems to keep getting worse. Yes, things were a lot simpler weren't they - seems like the more advanced we become, the more complicated things get. Kind of ironic. You are very wise - there are many "unsung" heroes everyday that we never hear about because it's not glamorous.
Prose poetry always intrigued me. I imagine it was created on accident, by someone who wanted to tell a story, but make their audience think as well. This prose poem could be applied to many things in our lives, and I love those who can reach that in writing. There is never one interpretation. The exigency for me is a critique on men. Yes, I am young, but I have noticed a wave of men who act entitled to whatever it is they want. Whether that be a job, money, women, anything. Ambition has seemed to drift away and entitlement has smashed an otherwise good work ethic.
This can also relate to the US current political times in any way someone would choose. I loved it and I love that there are prose poetry writers out there.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
You are wise beyond your years. Yes, this is a critique of men and philosophical in nature and can .. read moreYou are wise beyond your years. Yes, this is a critique of men and philosophical in nature and can be applied to many things as well. Thank you so much.
8 Years Ago
I appreciate the compliment. Thank you and keep writing!
Hello, Pete! :)
My guess is they found less painful jobs. Haha
No, I think the heroes are still there, just not in the spotlight, and not always on our side.
You've really given something for us to think about, a contrast to the life of comforts. It's inspiring.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you mattavelli. You made me laugh. A sad reality as you point out. Regards.
I love reading, writing, music, nature, God and feeling emotion, not necessarily in that order. To me, these things go hand in hand. My favorite writer is Henry David Thoreau. I think he was a geni.. more..