Watching the Grains
A Poem by Jamie Brooks
i wrote this and sent it to a poetry contest and they said i won a bunch of things but i had to pay money to get it. so i never bothered with it again
Lying in bed wondering why life is so hard
yearing for the days when i can look back and laugh
wishing I knew now what I will know in time
thinking about the rest of my life
college, a job, a family, a home
trying to decidein which direction I should go
I feel as if I'm living in a place where time has stood still
or maybe I'm not keeping in pace
Or have i been disqualified from this race
time is of the essence in this hourglass of life
you dont know when it will end
But while you wait and watches as it passes
you'll realize why i compare....
Life to hourglasses
© 2008 Jamie Brooks
Added on March 7, 2008
Jamie Brookscolumbus, IN
i am 19 i live in a small town and i hate it here i want to leave it so badly but i dont want to be to far from my family. i love animals especialy cats. i am wiccan and i a proud to be so. i want man.. more..