![]() [untitled]A Chapter by pshhkim
“When dawn breaks to day, nothing gold can stay.”
I woke up to the soft pitter patting of rain on the window. I looked over to find Ashlynne and Shane still fast asleep, it was still dark out, but the sun was just rising over the buildings across the street. I got dressed and woke them up. Right after a few cups of coffee and a trip to the bathroom we were on the road again. Inside the car it was silent like the day before. So I decided to say something to ease the tension. “Uhh… So Shane what are you planning on doing when you drop us off in Nevada? Well if you don’t mind my asking” Yes I know, it was a sad attempt of a conversation starter but at least it was better than complete silence. “Well I might stick to the first plan, Austin”-he cringed at the name-“and I were going to Las Vegas and spend like a couple weeks there, but I don’t think it’ll be much fun going on my own, so I really don’t know. I’m still going to take you guys all the way to Nevada like I said I would, and I guess I’ll figure something out when I get there…” his voice began to trail into a whisper, and then he was silent. “Well if you would like you could stay with Domino and I…” Yes now I knew for sure Ashlynne had a thing for Shane. Staying with him for a while could be weird, but I guess if it made him and Ashlynne happy, I couldn’t object. “Yeah, yeah, umm I’d like that”-like the lady at the motel desk he let go a beautiful smile made of pure happiness-“but umm I think Domino should have a say, you know? I don’t want her to be uncomfortable”-he looked at me with a look half hope and probably half curiosity of how I would answer-“Domino?” I looked down and took a big breath before I could answer. “Yeah. I think it would be fun if all three of us hung out and figured out where to live Ya know?” The thought of him staying with us kind of made me feel weird but I figured the more I got to know him the better I would feel about the idea of him staying with us. Ashlynne and Shane both gave silent smiles to one another, while I shifted in my seat and quietly looked out the window. We were just passing a sign that read “New Mexico 30 miles”. Oh thank god, only two more states until Nevada, well I guess if Shane stays with us it’ll be three more states to go. Excitement began to grow inside of me. Along with a sudden exhaustion so I laid down on Ashlynne’s lap and fell asleep, I’ve been sleeping a lot lately. “Domino..”-I felt someone shaking my shoulder softly, I guessed it was probably Ashlynne-“Domino, we’re half way through New Mexico, and we decided to stop to get something to eat. When I sat up the sun was high above our heads, it was beautiful against the pale blue sky, which at the time was decorated with wispy clouds. I got out and wrapped my arms around myself; it wasn’t so much as cold but windy, really windy. I looked at what was surrounding me; a few gas stations here and there, some fast food restaurants, and a lovely park, filled with about 15 kids with their parents. They all looked so happy. I wasn’t really feeling hungry until the smell of French fries sizzling in their fryers; my stomach unleashed a monstrous growl causing a chain reaction of giggles from Ashlynne, Shane, and myself. “So where you guys want to go to eat?” Shane stretched, grabbed Ashlynne’s hand, and inhaled the air, which smelled fantastic. She smiled and began playing with his fingers. Yep they liked each other, it sort of made me feel awkward seeing as how I was like the third wheel in this situation but I’m glad Ash is happy. We walked into a random fast food place, hawt dogs. We ordered some French fries, and a couple burgers and sat down. Ate quickly, and got back on the road. I talked Shane into letting me drive, for a while; he looked tired. So I sat behind the wheel, trying to not think about the seat next to me. It wasn’t long until they both fell asleep in the back together, and I was pretty much alone. So I decided to turn on some music. I spaced out for a while, something not hard to do when there’s about 2 people on the road with you. I didn’t snap back into reality when I passed another sign reading “Arizona 5 miles”. “Yeah! We’re almost there!” I was so excited I completely forgot about the sleeping passengers in the back. “Wait what? What are you talking about?” Ashlynne lifted her head off of Shane’s shoulder, and woke him up gently while rubbing her eyes. “In five miles we’ll be in Arizona! We’re almost there Ash! We’re almost there! Oh umm wait Shane are you going to stay with us or you still want to go to Las Vegas?” I also forgot about the thing we talked about with Shane, stay with us or drop us off. “Hmm well if I leave you guys you’ll have to hitch again and I’m not really comfortable with that”-oh so now he was getting protective huh? That made me laugh- “so I guess I’ll drive you guys all the way there, if you don’t mind of course.” He blushed at the last part. “Of course we don’t mind!” and for the first time, well first time that I’ve seen, they kissed. I guess it wasn’t their first time doing that because they didn’t seem to hesitate before doing it. I guess I didn’t mind, I just pretended like I didn’t notice. As we got farther down the road it started to rain; like in my dream, thick and hard. The roads became a tad bit crowded and if it weren’t for people having their lights on I swear I would have crashed. “Hey umm Domino? You want me to drive if it gets to hard?” Shane sounded like he thought I was going to kill us all or something, and it kind of made me mad, so I told him I could handle it because it wasn’t that hard, I lied. Towards the exit, there was a car coming the wrong way, fast. I tightened my grip on the wheel and held my breath. It was about to pass us, when it swerved straight for us; it smashed into the front of our car spinning us off the road and flipping us over four times. I could hear Ashlynne screaming, and then the car settled, upside down. I tried to unbuckle my seat belt when a sharp pain crawled its way up my side, my ribs. I tried again only to get the sharp pain jab up me once again. “Domino? Sh-Shane? Are you okay? Is anyone hurt?” Ashlynne, who’s usually calm in big situations, was hysterical. “Umm, I’m not hurt but the side I’m on is kind of smashed over the seat belt, so I can’t get out. What about you guys?” Shane didn’t sound to worked up; maybe he really was calm, or just forcing himself to stay calm so he wouldn’t freak Ashlynne out. I was the first to talk; it sounded like Ashlynne was struggling to get out. “Well umm I would be able to get out.. But every time I try to move my right side just the tiniest bit a sharp pain shoots through my ribs and arm.” I was sort of afraid of what Ashlynne would think but she seemed really concentrated on getting out of her seat belt; finally there was a click and a thud, and she was out and right side up. “Okay you guys, its okay. You hear that?”-She paused to point out the window that was cracked-“it’s sirens, one of them has to be an ambulance, they can help us, don’t worry.” She was stroking my hair as soft as possible, while holding on to Shane’s hand. She started to search through her pockets and pulled out a small pocketknife. “Now are you sure your not hurt in any way Shane? Because I can probably cut you out, Domino I would cut you out but I’m afraid I’ll hurt you, it sounds like you broke one of your ribs so just sit still.” She quickly got to work, and the last thing I heard was a tearing sound, and then everything went black. © 2009 pshhkim |
Added on March 24, 2009 Author