To Have & To Hold

To Have & To Hold

A Story by Sarah E. Pearson

Might continue (?) Needs [partial] editing.


A haunted black mist took shape around me and started circling me. I saw him standing outside the circle. The one with no face, no name. The one who was a watcher. The one who had followed me and guided me. The one who had tainted my soul and mind. The one who had claimed me as his.
    Behind him stood the shadows of myself. My life most literally was flashing before my eyes. I could see me when my mother was struck for the first time in front of me. I saw my bruised and battered face after leaving my abusive ex-boyfriend.
    I saw everything.
    And I was scared. Scared beyond my own comprehension. I knew this was a battle I would never win. No matter how hard I tried, the Dark would consume me.
    Then what happened every time, happened. The ground rumbled and I felt it in my veins. My powers were being dragged painfully out of me. The strength I had always relied on, the bravery, the magic, it was all leaving me.
    Then she emerged from the shadows. Her ankle length red hair lifted, ghost-like, around her as if she was in water. Her red and gold medieval dress whipped around her. She was gorgeous, yet at the same time, deathly frightening.
    She unsheathed the long sword from its place on her hip. Then, looking all the more powerfully feminine each second, she walked towards me. And as I knelt there on my knees, weak and drained of my powers, she lifted the sword above her head with two hands. And I heard his screams as, with one powerful blow, the sword pierced my heart.

    I sat up like a rod in my bed. Ethan lay besides me in bed, sound asleep. I breathed hard, still filled with adrenaline from the dream and covered in a cold sweat. I knew I was safe but could not stop my racing heart. My blond hair was plastered to my forehead.
    My powers hadn’t been drained. I was a Goddess. I was the most powerful female on the planet. And as far as we knew, all the other planets also. All but one, that is. And that was the planet that the paralyzers came from. They were a sort of vampire that when they bit their subject, it paralyzed that part of the body. But if they bit the neck, their whole body would paralyze. 
    I crept out of bed dazedly, stretched, and walked into the kitchen, thinking of my powers and very much enjoying it. I could fly-but so couldn’t anyone in our little town.
    Speaking of our town, we weren’t a normal one. We were more of an advanced civilization. We, our collective circle, were the only"not humans, that’s not what we are"things, that knew we existed. Every human on the planet, for the most part, still thought that Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Witches, and Genies weren’t real. But for this little town of only forty people, they were very much real.
    There was me, and I was an ‘Annual Goddess’. There was also and ‘Annual God’, which was my best friend Kylliy’s brother Cameron. The way that all works out is that The two, since they first walked the Earth and other planets, have had to reproduce to have a boy and a girl, and in modern times the babies are given to adoption agencies to be separated. Then when they are both between fourteen and eighteen, they both are ‘summoned’ to our little town, where they meet and the process repeats. I am only fifteen, and Cameron sixteen. Though we are so far from being in love it’s like the difference between a cat and dog, which in fact is just what we are.
    I could turn into a cat, I could fly, and I was part Werewolf and Vampire, though I embraced the Vampire more. A lot of us had visions of the future, including me.
    There was Katia and her three daughters, Erica, Jezebel, and Manny. Erica was part Vampire, Werewolf, and Genie. Jezz and Manny were both only part Genie and Werewolf. I think. Gosh, you could never tell with Katia’s romantic history.
    There was the Werewolf clan, Vampire clan, etc. But everyone got along in harmony. Well, for the most part anyway. Lola normally caused fights between everyone. Lola was often called the largest s**t in town; plus she was the Werewolf leader--head of the pack. All the paralyzers hated her, and so did half the rest of the town. But she was my friend, and our little circle of people held quite close.
    “Mommy?” My oldest angel Rosie walked up to me and reached up with one arm, holding her ‘blankey’"really one of Ethan’s old shirts"tightly to her chest.
    “What’s the matter, sugar drop?” I said, picking her up and balancing her on my hip. I kissed the tip of her nose.
    “I had a bad dreamed again.” She replied sleepily.
    “Oh, honey.” I cradled her and pet her dark red hair. She turned her deep brown eyes up to me. “Do you want to talk about it?”
    “You had a bad dreamed too.” She stated, looking into my crystal blue eyes and reading them like a book.
    “Yes, mommy did. But do you want to talk about your dream?” I asked again, balancing her easily as I jumped backwards lightly to sit on the counter. It wasn’t very easy to forget that she could read minds.
    “I…I burned something again.” Tears brimmed over her eyes and down her cheeks. I brushed them away and cradled her to my breast. Her tears started to soak through my shirt a bit.
    “Oh, baby, you won’t burn anything. You’ve got good control over that now. You don’t do anything wrong as long as you don’t stare at anything too long.” I could tell her eyes were open now because I felt the area around where her face was starting to get warm. I pulled her back a bit to look in her eyes. “It’s okay, hon. I promise.”
    “Mommy, Maddy’s gonna start crying in a minutes.” She said. I smiled. She had a connection with her sister like no other.
    “Thank you, baby doll.” I said, and kissed her nose. She wrinkled it then smiled at me, sleep still in her eyes. “Go climb in bed with daddy quietly and I’ll be there after feeding Maddy.”
    “Can Maddy sleep with us too?” She said, fear starting to fill her eyes. “I don’t want her to sleep alone.”
    “Sure, hon.” I lifted her off my lap and stood, whirling her effortlessly around in a circle, her giggling quietly. “As soon as I feed her.”

    About twenty minutes later I was lying in bed with Rosie between Ethan and myself, and Maddy in her rolling crib a few feet from the bed, next to the wall beside me. Ethan’s arm laid gently over Rosie’s small, sleeping body, and I had done the same, his thumb rubbing my arm gently.
    You may have been wondering why I was only sixteen with two daughters. Don't go assuming I'm some kind of s**t--I'm definitely not. Rosie is only a year and a half old, and Maddy is two months. That's the thing with out town--our people. We age faster, and stop aging at eighteen years. That's part of the reason we keep to ourselves. I mean, a mere human would think Rosie is about five years old. When she's twelve and looks like she's fifteen, then surely someone would catch on.

    I slowly drifted back into sleep, and slept until near noon. When I woke up I was alone in bed and the smells of bacon and steak"an odd mixture, I know, but my favorite"drifted in through the open door. I could hear Rosie helping her daddy cook, and Maddy giggling. Without reading anyone’s mind I could tell that Kylliy had already went off. Her aura was heated and it always left a kind of stamp on anyone who had encountered her during that period.  
    I tumbled out of bed and walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of Ethan’s old boxers and his shirt. I glanced down and with a thrill of excitement once again saw the small diamond rock that was placed on my left ring finger.
    “Good morning, babe. What do you want to eat?” Ethan said, greeting me with a sweet kiss, tainted with bacon.
    I wrapped my arms around him and stood on my tiptoes, kissing him lightly. “Mm…you.” I tugged his bottom lip playfully with my teeth.
    “Oh, now, not in front of the kids…” he said, rubbing his nose against mine, not truly caring if the kids saw. Lola was entertaining Rosie and Ez (Ezmeralda is Kylliy’s oldest daughter) and Erica (Katia’s oldest) was playing with Maddy.
    “Mm…kiss me.” I whispered against his lips. His lips met mine lightly and I leaned back, still with my arms tightly around his neck. He kissed the soft skin under my ear and at that very moment Erica decided to scream, ‘Get a room’ to us, and everyone within earshot began laughing.  I turned and went to the oven, where the bacon was cooking.
    I snatched up a piece of the bacon from the skillet and popped it into my mouth, half of it sticking out as I tried to bite off the end. Ethan of course backed me into the counter and snatched the other half out from between my lips. I swallowed. “Hey,” I said floating up a bit to his height and pouting. “Mine.”
    He pushed down lightly on my shoulders but just enough where my feet were planted back on the floor. His lips claimed mine forcefully for an instant. “Mine.” He said, and kissed me again.
    “Kiana and Ethan, sitting in a tree.” Kylliy rang as she entered the room, Amy, her youngest daughter, on her hip. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage--”
    “Then comes Rosie and Maddy in the baby carriage!” Lola finished off, making Rosie squirm and laugh, as if she were repulsed by the idea.
    I laughed and rolled my eyes. Sometimes I thought we’d never grow up. And most of the times, that was true.
    I loaded a plate with bacon and, yes, mashed potatoes, and went over to the living room to sit next to Erica and Maddy. Our house was more or less like one huge room that made up the kitchen, living room, and dining hall with smaller but still fairly large rooms branching off as bedrooms. The whole town was only three or four large buildings like ours and five or so smaller ones, being the kitchen and stuff, The town was so small, with only forty people, that it was more like a giant house. We all shared about two or three bathrooms, a kitchen, a few small stores, an airport and a small lake where a big party boat was always docked. 

There was always something dark going on here--In Camelot. Rivalries were always heated and hot, and fights often broke out. We had more than our fair share of crime, to be governed--literally--by the people. If you were widely-hated (take Lola, for example) and committed a crime, you would probably be deemed guilty and sent to the Judicial Committee of Elders (our kind's court). From there, the "spirits" of the elders would decide upon your faith.

I had been there once, when I first arrived. I was still a shy, innocent girl, raised to believe god is great, raised to pray my prayers every night before bed, raised with manners and respect.

Please. If they could only see me now.

Speaking of faith, our religions here are well, almost non-existent. After being taught (in some cases; like mine) that God is God and he made us all, then being brought here, discovering new abilities, and learning that there are several Gods and Goddesses ruling our Earth but not creating it...most of us tended to drop our religious beliefs. There is a small church, where people do go to church on Sundays, but few actually go.

There is always new knowledge coming into our town, new rules. Everything's always changing. And honestly, you get used to it.

My name is Kiana Rogers. Welcome to my life.

© 2012 Sarah E. Pearson

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hello!? you just welcomed me to your life, well duh you should continue it! i loved it, so you know, start waiting

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow! that was really interesting! i was hooked from word one! and i definitely think you should continue;)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on November 2, 2011
Last Updated on October 14, 2012


Sarah E. Pearson
Sarah E. Pearson

Burrillville, RI

My name is Sarah and I'm 16 years old. I was like, born to write books. Books. Books. And more books. I don't think I was born to ever FINISH one though, since I've yet to stumble across that. .. more..
