ME: why m i being
dragged off
where are you taking me
set me free, let me go
my love is waiting for me
SOUND: stop your breath, close your eyes
noone is
there waiting for you
wake up from the dream, watch yourself
and find out who are you..!!
ME: oh! who i'am
and where i am??
my sound crackd out loud
SOUND: set
yourself inside the little grave,
you are not allowd to move out
ME: hey! where did you bring me????
why is it so stifling here??
SOUND: you are
nomore a part of living world..
just lie down..close your eyes
you can rest in peace over here
ME: no!! just let me go
my love wouldn't sleep without my night rhyms
SOUND: huh! she
has learned to sleep, learned to smile alone
it's been long time
ME: hey! how much time has passed by,and why have i been
sleeping for so long?
SOUND: it's
been several decades from dusk to dawn
you are at peace,at rest after a long imprisonment of being used upon.
ME: HUH! you old perilous man
watch my love walking towards me.. ♥♥
SOUND: you are
a life away from her,it happens each day to me!!
look at the tears rolling down,the shivering steps moving slow.
who says inside the grave you live happily..i know how hard it is to see your
love falling low.
ME to my LOVE: heY!! y are
you so down,y did you cry???
there was nothing i could hear else then my love screaming out in tears.... Y
it was A SILENT