![]() My life out in diaries-VIA Story by Mac
There are many institutions which have unlimited resources for their students to use. There are some with a limited usage.....but there’s just one with ‘no resource’ usage, and that’s where we were sucking energy out of the sun(our only life source). Sometime, I even thought they would take that away too. As you may have read, all the complaints were directly overlooked. If we went to complain once, we get tons of ours in response. It was of no use. Everyone stopped complaining long ago. Due to the lack of that, no one came to check our bathrooms. If you sat for a whole minute, the rest of your whole day would pass out while you kept itching at your feet and a*s, where the ‘invisible’ mosquitoes bit you. You wouldn’t know when huge black ants would climb up your pants and wait for the right moment to ‘strike’.(Note:-The contrast from the previous mentioned 3 minutes to 1 minute was not so long to undergo)
I used to get lots of taunts from caretakers. After complaining at home, the ‘spiritual leaders’ got the message.... but none of them ever got the time to listen to me. I still always got taunted upon... but what was the use. I just waited for the day I would leave the institution, then I would never go back there, ever. Not even my child or my grandchild will get admissions there, I’ll take care of that. A new pastime I had found was cutting photographs out of newspapers. They didn’t leave me alone at that too. One of them saw me picking up a bunch of newspapers out from one of the shoe-racks. The next day, everything disappeared. Nothing was left...they took everything!!! They really loved taking away everything we had got. Due to the tight schedule we never got a chance to call home. Our parents called back to remind us to call home(there were phone booths built for that purpose). The ‘caretakers’ scolded us, and when we called back home, we get scolded further. It was just a chain of scoldings. Our parents urged us to keep a phone to call back home. Why not talk ‘directly’ to ‘them’? There may be some effect if they talked to the leaders. I had always seen the rector get scolded by parents. Why?? Because, he took suggestions, but never followed them. He loved giving long, hopeless, dull and boring speeches. He loved to fool people and watch the results of his foolery in action. These are his sayings-‘When a person eats or drinks something hot with something cold, it may cause problems’. Everyone knows that. What’s funny is what comes next. Eight to ten of his ‘doctor‘ friends told him that this causes ‘cancer’. Whoa.....why doesn’t even a single person die every year due to that? If that would have really been the case, the population of this earth would have long gone extinct. One of his major problems was that he never believed ‘anybody’, not even his bosses. He thought if he would order his bosses to follow him, they would follow him. He tried it once and failed at it. If I say it’s MY mobile which got caught, he would blame my roommate for bringing the mobile to hostel. I mean...WTF? He got a culprit, why would he want another one? For publicity reasons, I guess. That’s how his brain works. For the smallest task that you needed to get done with the authorities help...you would need a few signatures to make it work. To get out of there you needed three signatures on an authoritical sheet of paper. Sorry, but this is the state my English has reached since I’ve been there. My designing career too seemed to be diminishing as my days passed there. I was confused as to what I’ll do when I grow up and try earning. I doubted whether I would be able to earn something because of the maniacs and rascals hovering over me.
If you had something deficient in your uniform, you got two options. Either buy it then and there or don’t go to school. If you chose the former you were at loss, all due to the f***ing laundry problems. If you chose the latter, you were still at loss because you missed school, the only fun thing left to do around there. Four hours later the authorities would come searching for you to scold you for not going to school. That was how it worked there. I don’t understand how I had lived there for the past five years. The most important of things, that’s ‘manners’ is what had disappeared in the conduct of this institution. Parents couldn’t greet their children, even if they were on campus. Why did he always want the students to stay hidden and not meet their own parents whenever they wanted to? If a family came around at say 2:30 or 3:00 pm in the afternoon, they were literally ordered to come back with two options. If they wanted to meet the rector, come at 4:30 in the evening. If they wanted to meet their children, come at 5:30 pm in the evening again. Why was that so? How would you feel if you came to meet your child and were ordered to wait another two hours just to meet him? ‘He’ herded all parents around as if they were sheep. He stood at the gates of entry and shouts at everyone to get out of there as the meeting time got over. A child had to go to meet his parents right at the main gate, whenever his mood felt like it. Even when each and every teacher would get an invitation(written) to some pious gathering on campus, he would come by and order everyone to pass out five or six of them to the principal and other ‘chiefs of staff’. The students had to stand and speak out loudly to all the teachers, to invite them for dinner? Is that the way someone is invited to a function? The students went and said that all teachers could come with their family members. When ‘he’ came to know of it, he ordered the students to go back and tell all the teachers not to bring their family members. That was the courtesy left in him. He expected us to do all his dirty work. He ‘frankly’ tells us that we eat like dogs. What he doesn’t know is that if you give people, food suitable for dogs, you make them eat like dogs. He gave us all that dirty food and thought we would eat it in silence and in a military manner. I thought he f***ing loved the discipline in the military. He thought he could make us all live in his robotic style. You can make robots out of steel, not out of humans. ‘Experimenting’ was his hobby. He loved to change things and see how they looked from different angles. All his angles were bullshit. We asked for a favour, he said he was busy. Then why the f**k was ‘he’ our rector, if he never ever had time for us? We were forced to meditate in the auditorium, with the core temperature of the sun shooting upon us. He said he searched for videos which could help us in life. You tell me, can a video which prohibits the eating of onion and garlic, help us in our lives? There are many more videos out there which show us the good values and benefits of onion and garlic. Why didn’t he show us those? Now, we were not allowed to watch ‘Helen of Troy’ or ‘Macbeth’ in our own auditorium. It’s just old English literature, but he titles it as ‘adult’ films. We got speeches that the auditorium was just for pious purposes. No one was pious there though, not even the ‘caretakers’. They just wanted us to be spiritual robots. Perhaps that’s the reason why one of the spiritual leaders who used to frequent the hostel at all times, was rarely seen in those days(The best leader ever). One of us found a 1-inch bent sharp nail in a cutlet during breakfast. When they went to the rector, he just made them throw the nail away. That was it, case over!!! That’s how his administration worked. Beetles fell from nowhere in our food. It was yucky!! Black ants came out from ‘dal’(curry) and dead moths came out from a bowl of salt. He wasted all afternoon searching for video clips and in the evening showed us videos with candle flames only, WTF?? We don’t meditate if we are forced to. This institution had two characters. One for the parents and one for us. The parents saw good food and good of everything which the rector wanted to show them. The leftovers was what we got to eat. We paid money for ourselves, not just for charity. All the good food was just for show. Old grandparents waited for five hours to meet the rector and in the end they were just tossed around like trash. The rector never had time for anyone. The administration was such that even if money came into our accounts(hostel ones,for our use), we had to wait for fifteen days just for a s****y card, which took two seconds to print and a few more to register into the database. Any work takes a lot of time. The swimming pool had big black leeches. How the hell do they hide it? Even if a child got struck with ‘chicken-pox’, the rector just ‘requested’ him to stay back by trying to ‘hypnotize’ him. He called one such guy back halfway from the road out of there. If a person was sick or ill, he never allowed him to go home. He called us his family and fined us for everything we broke or said to him. The fruits that came for the sick patients, were eaten by the caretakers. That was the level they cared. The only time we got entertained in our lives there was when we sat in groups and sweared at the rector. That’s how we entertained ourselves for six years. The IT lab there had been equipped with headphones which we are not allowed to touch. The speed of the net is touche’ because the head administrator just kept downloading movies from torrent websites. The rector said that he saves 1.5-2 lakh rupees every year for the laundry people. Every year we paid Rs.10,000/- for it, and he gave them 2 lakh rupees every year. He said that he had to look out for everyone, to care for everyone. But he never saw that we paid a lot and got a f*****g bad laundry system. The cricket ground was the only one which got maintained. The rest was just for nothing, because there was no money or business in it, as they figured. Even after students got injured, no one cared a damn. The gym and sauna bath hadn’t been equipped since like forever. Sauna bath and geyser didn’t work. It took a month to turn it on for just another month. The amusement park was filled with condom packets in those days. The park was the best thing on the campus years ago. Labourers there were under-14 years of age. They were bought from another nearby state. Illiterate innocent workers work there in the international school. The workers are just forced to do all sorts of rubbish. One particular security guard there should have been studying in the 12th Std. The clothes from the laundry were smelly and worse than ever. They went in in a good state and came out in a torn state, or didn’t come out at all. Students had to beg for their own clothes, because they always got lost. The bathroom never got cleaned for 8-10 days continuously. Cockroaches came out from food in the dining hall. The snacks we brought from home got caught. They took it away, fined us for it, then ate all of it themselves. They gave us ‘home-made’ biscuits to eat which suck BIG!! The caretakers took away our iron, said that we were not allowed to iron our clothes. We needed permissions for that too, but never got so. If the barber didn’t cut our hair properly, we used to complain and he would then come to scold us as if he was our master. Most of the papers of importance there just disappear from the radar. The rector said that the teacher’s families should not come for functions, but then he said that he was the boss there, so he would bring his family along with the principal’s and accountants families too. What about the rest? Does he look like he was the boss around there? He was out to make that hostel a carefree place, in his words....”A place of spirituality without any illegality”(*modified); no mobiles kept illegally, not even an illegal ‘spice’(spices). He thought he could shout and we would obey him like his stuffy robots kept hypnotized and brainwashed there. Oh man!! I so itch for the day when he would boast about his latest ‘catches’ in front of us. I itch to give him all the swears that I’ve kept booked under his name in this ‘bloody’ brain of mine. He drove us mad. I’ve seldom faced nervous breakdowns. When I listen to songs(not spiritual) I feel like crying because I get so emotional due to the lack of hearing them for long months in a row. How would you feel
if you were forced to follow a ‘Hitler’ leader for six years? He bent all the
rules for himself. No one knows what happens to all the electronic equipments
he catches ‘illegally/legally’(I got mine back, after fighting for it). I think
he sells them in the black market just to earn more for himself. Perhaps that’s
how he bought a car for his family. I would highly recommend everyone reading this to stay away from a life like this, because it sucks out all of your energy and most of your soul. It leaves just a little back to rot in no man's land.
© 2013 Mac |
Added on September 4, 2013 Last Updated on September 4, 2013 Author