![]() Monstrous Plastic BagsA Chapter by Priya Seht![]() Plastic Bags are non biodegradable and their use must be minimized or better still, completely banned.![]()
The monotonous student’s life ensues, long lectures to save environment, conserve resources, control pollution, etc. These lectures (wise sayings) even inspire the future of tomorrow-the children, to conserve our fragile Earth. We’ve been taught since time immemorial to save Earth, not to use polythene bags, etc but how many of us actually listen and act to such things? These are just the waste sayings, which are heard from one ear and passed off from the other. What we need is pragmatic approach to reach to the apex of success.
Plastic bag is one of the things, which is extremely hazardous to every person’s life. A person uses tons of such bags; from colorful packets of clothes to the bags of bread, curd, cakes, milk and innumerable things. Not only they choke the drains, they also imbalance the ecosystem. When these bags are thrown on land, the percolation (i.e. penetration of water) stops; plants do not grow and many useful insects also die. When thrown in water, they do not let oxygen to enter beneath them and aquatic life is disrupted which affects the life of fishermen also. So, the whole mankind is dependant on environment, something that has given us birth. We have grown from this land and will die in this land only! Just like states of Himachal Pradesh and Delhi have adopted very eco-friendly methods in the same way, the need of the hour is to work on such projects. The possible solutions that ought to be taken by the Government are: ban on polythene bags just like out capital has done and using jute/cotton/nylon/cloth bags. Although the shopkeepers in Delhi are very plaintive because they said that other bags would really cost a lot for them because the prices were not affordable. The normal poly-bad just costs them about Rs.10 and other bags (such as jute bags) would cost them around Rs.50. So, the shopkeepers felt that they would be in debt and there would be more loss than the profits they earn. Even though prices are a bit high in this world of recession and inflation, the authorities must ponder over such mind-boggling issues and issue such bags on very subsidized rates to the shopkeepers. We call the Earth ‘Mother Earth’ but a very simple question arises that do we treat our mother’s as we to this Mother Earth? All the people of the world must consider the earth as their own and try to reduce the Carbon footprint as well. We all must join hands together as we did in case of terrorism to fight against those non-environment people and burn the mid night oil to make this ‘mother’ more green and clean. Other states must also ban polythene bags and make this wonderful creation of Lord a better place to live in so that the saying “Live and Let Live” remains in the hearts of the people. © 2010 Priya Seht |
Added on December 14, 2010 Last Updated on December 14, 2010 Author