![]() Oil ConservationA Chapter by Priya Seht![]() We're excessively using oil without thinking about ill effects. Conserve it..![]() he Almighty has bestowed the humans with a wonderful bounty, which is the earth but the humans have misused, overused and exploited this gift to the optimum just to fulfill their selfish needs without even realizing about the detrimental and lethal consequences of their impish acts. Humans were given suffice resources in abundance not only for their subsistence but also for the upliftment of their life. Man had not to even lurk in search of anything. All was ready in the environment. If we go back to the early stages of human life, we will find that all the activities were eco-friendly and there weren’t things like pollution and diseases. The day is not far when we will face oil paucity. Till now we have heard of water or electricity paucity but our mistakes will bring out bitter results and why not say bitter ‘fruits’. We will be facing innumerable problems, our environment will be badly damaged and we will then repent. We will then have to switch on to alternatives and perhaps the present world will not be able to adjust with that world because they are just so rigid. Furthermore, we ought to make oil conservation, which not only means judicious use of oil but also using alternatives, a part of our lifestyle. It should be a part of our routine and habit. There are several ways to conserve oil such as switching off the vehicle engine if it has to stop for more than 15 seconds, walking short distances, using CNGs, travelling by public vehicles, joining Oil Conservation communities and the list ensues. The pendulum-like life of people especially students continues when they are given a long lecture to save oil, water, etc but we must understand that mere lectures and sermons wont do. What we need is a pragmatic approach to reach the apex of success, the success being a better place. The Government must also make stringent laws, which encourage the public to conserve oil. We have to take the serious matter of Conservation of the precious Oil as our moral and ethical duty because the Earth has given us the birth not so that we degrade it but give a fruitful result to it. Earth is many-a-times referred to as Mother Earth but the present trend seems to pay disrespect to it’s own mother. A query also arises that do we treat our mother as we treat the Earth? Clearly not. It is an imperative need that we mend our ways and start taking small measures from our side because every little drop will make a big ocean. We also need to wake up from our slumber otherwise it would be too late. By saving oil, we will save everyone around and God will surely be exultant if we do such good deeds or ‘karmas’ as they are called. Conservation of Oil at the individual level will be a small step by human but a huge step for the entire mankind and by saving oil we will keep up the spirit of live and let live. The actual message that the nature always yells out in despair and which we always fail to listen to and understand due to our negligence ignorance is “What you are is my gift to you and what you return is your gift to me.” © 2010 Priya SehtAuthor's Note