One of the most common medical concern in the contemporary time is back pain, also known as Dorsalgia.
This medical complaint is very common among young people between the age group of 25 to 45. This problem occurs due to the biochemical imbalance in the human spinal chord. Acute pain in lower back is gradually becoming a serious concern for an increasing number of people. Though nothing specific has been detected as the cause of back pain, there are multiple reasons behind this problem. Back pain is not a disease rather a symptom which may occur from various different diseases or issues. From a tore ligament or a slip disc or a damaged muscles, back pain can happen from such problems. Overuse or under-use of back is also a major reason behind back problem. Facet joints, a spinal tumor or an infection can also be the cause of back pain. Even wrong sitting posture can also lead to acute pain in the lower back. People are seeking medical treatment to cure this pain. But, the most effective way to treat back pain is yoga.
This severe problem can be reduced and even cured with the help of yoga. It is considered as a blessing for those people who are suffering from back pain. In this case, yoga is much more effective than homeopath or allopathy. However, not all forms of yoga is an antidote to the back pain. Rather, yoga forms like Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga yoga or Bikram yoga, are not a good choice for those who are suffering from back pain. Regular practicing of proper yoga forms helps to stretch the muscles as well as straighten the spinal cord which reduce the back pain.
To make the yoga exercise much more enjoyable, add some soothing yoga music which will also helps you to concentrate by relaxing the mind and body.Before starting yoga for solving this back pain issue, one must consult the doctor and make it sure that the poses he/she is going to practice are right. Otherwise, the wrong poses will only worsen the condition. Here are some poses which can help one to fight back pain. Pawanamuktasana, Trikonasana, Cobra Pose, Fish Pose or Matsyasana, Triangle Pose or Trikonasana, Marichyasana, Balasana, Bidalasana, the Locust or Shalabhasana, Virasana, half spinal twist and finally the Corpse Pose or Savasana.
It is better to avoid the complex poses and asanas of Kundalini yoga or Ashtanga yoga poses as they are stressful for the back. These asanas will stretch the muscles which will help to expand the pelvic motion and reduce the stress in lower back. Regular practicing of these yoga poses also increase the blood circulation in the whole body, thus provide nourishment to the soft tissues and muscles of the lower back. Not only yoga, practicing various breathing exercises like meditation or pranayama also help to soothe the back pain with their healing effect on human body. Meditation practiced with serene meditation music acts as a natural stress-reliever.Practice yoga in proper yoga clothes. A proper yoga wear should be made in natural fibers that will allow you to flex and stretch your body parts freely.
Spirit Voyage offers a variety of yoga clothes which are devoted specifically for practicing the various yoga forms. There are Kundalini clothes for men and women. Men' and Women's Yoga Pants, Yoga Tops and more. White in color, these apparels are made of cent percent cotton that does not cling to the practitioner's body.
These clothes feature stylish cuts and the comfortable natural fibers are good for the psyche, energy levels and for the nervous system of the practitioner.The yoga mats and the yoga rugs are of great use in a yoga session. These accessories cushion the practitioner against the hard flooring. A body of the human being is the store house of energy and practicing yoga creates a positive energy within the body.
With the yoga mats, the body of the practitioner remains warm. The yoga mats prevent the positive energy of the body getting neutralized by reaching the floor and thus retaining it within the body of the practitioner. The yoga rugs are also the perfect accessories for absorbing perspiration and avoid slipping on hardwood floors.If you are in search of some good yoga music or meditation music for practicing yoga or meditation, then Spirit Voyage has something to offer you. Spirit Voyage is an online record label music company.
A huge collection of serene spiritual music including A Hundred Blessings, Into Grace, Yoga Revolution, Buddha Lounge 7, etc. will fill the air with the soothing tones and induce a tranquil ambiance around. This company also takes pride in offering its collection of yoga DVD which can guide the yoga practitioner to do the right poses and postures.
Choose a suitable yoga DVD from the various available ones at the site and experience a different way of living with a healthy blissful life. You can also incorporate helpful accessories like Tree of Life Yoga Mat, Beige Quadruple Luxury Sheepskin, Cosmic Cushion, Zafu Buchwheat Cushion in your yoga session to make the practicing much more comfortable. Practice yoga to enjoy a healthy state of mind and body.