Open your eyes to the shining sun,
Im sorry love, but I had to run.
I couldn't say, I had to leave.
You can't feel the pain I feel,
All the burning pain is real.
You can't see the things I see,
I can't be what you want me to be.
You cant fix this, it's a mess I've made,
Can't cover it up with a shiny bandaid,
Can't change it now, the pain won't fade.
You can't fix it with another bandaid.
I went to far with the jagged blade,
Can't cover this pain with a bandaid.
I cry to God, help me please,
The blade is such a terrible tease.
Begging for mercy, down on my knees,
I pray now that my thoughts will freeze.
Free me from the pain I feel,
Please, oh, please-- lets make a deal.
Free me from the mistakes I've made,
Cover it up with another bandaid.
Let the pain slowly fade,
Until I no longer need a bandaid.